Our Little Fairy Tale

My Nessie

Jacob's P.O.V.

"Hey mom!" I heard Nessie chime down the phone when she flipped it open. I wiped a strand of hair away from her face and placed it behind her ear. She smiled at me and I thought my heart exploded. Her big smile suddenly looked like she had been told someone died. "Now?" She asked and swallowed hard. "Ok. See ya." She flipped back down her phone. "Ok, get up!" She shouted as she jumped up from the bed. I stared at her confused. What the hell was the matter with her?

"Babe? Whats wrong?" I laughed looking at her running around the room trying to find her clothes, which I was sure were laid around the house somewhere.

"You will know what's wrong when the print of your head is in the wall. My mom and dad are on their way." She panicked and I noticed how she emphasized dad.

"Oh. Oh shit." I blurted finally realizing they would be here any second. I pulled back the covers and ran around at an inhuman pace trying to find my clothes. I had them on before she did. When I came back into the room she was pulling her legs into her jeans. She laughed as she stumbled. "For a vampire you sure have terrible balance." I smiled trying to suppress a laugh.

She glared at me and I knew to shut up. "Got it from my mom." She commented. "Shit, shit, shit." She stumbled back as one of her legs got stuck in the jeans. I caught her just before she fell. "Thanks." She whispered and we both accelerated into laughter. "Will you keep those thoughts to yourself when my father gets here?" She asked, dressing her bed.

Damn his mind reading. "I can try. It might be hard though."

"Just try babe." She said nodding her head.I left the room to go sit in the living room. I switched on the t.v. and sat down.

"We're back." I heard Bella say as the door opened. I shifted in my seat. "Hey Jake." She greeted me with a hug and eyed me suspiciously.

"Hey mom, hey dad." I heard Nessie's sweet voice behind me. Then, I saw Edward with his eyebrows narrowed.

"Seriously, Jacob. If the look on both of your faces did not give away what you were up to then your thought's would have but I did not even need that. Since when do you watch Dora the Explorer?" He questioned, his tone told me we were both practically dead. My heart stopped, I could have swore it did. I turned my head slowly to see an animated Dora dancing and singing. Shit! God, I was stupid.

"Yes you are." He commented. "Remember that chat with your aunt's?" He turned to Nessie who had her angry eye's on me. I shrugged and smiled apologetically.

"What talk dad?" She asked still looking at me.

"The one they gave you the other day. Well, remember it." He told her.

She glared at him and shivered. "Ew, dad, please!"

"I am going to be here when you two are in this cottage on your own."

"Dad!" Renesmee shouted in protest.

"You can't be trusted on your own Renesmee." It was funny looking at him. He tried to be angry with her but he couldn't. Even Bella was ready to laugh but she knew it was better if she didn't and stuck by Edward. Him and his stupid rules.

"Dad, you can't stop us. We already did it. Its not like you have to protect by virtue, that went out the window a few weeks ago." She blurted, then held her hand to her mouth. I could tell she did not mean to be that blunt about it. There goes daddy's little girl. He glared at me again. He was surely going to kill me now, I took his little girl's innocence. I swallowed hard. She touched her palm to his cheek and told him something. Whatever it was he seemed to calm down a little. Bella was biting down on her lip. I think she was ready to burst out laughing. She was usually strict with Nessie but when it came to something she could not stop she usually forgot about it. Especially when she was the same when she first started dating Edward. He just had rules, I didn't. It was different for me though, I did not want Nessie as a meal. I got another death glare from him which soon shut my thought's.

"Sorry." I whispered, defeated.

Bella looked at me and laughed but when Edward stared at her she pretended it was a cough. "Sorry, something caught in my throat." She said running her neck. Wow, she was a terrible liar.

"Bella, you don't eat, what could possibly be stuck in your throat." He questioned. She has been a vampire eight years and she still does not remember that she does not eat. She smiled innocently and he smirked. He could never be mad at her either. There was something wrong with him when it came to those two women.

"I better go." I said standing up. "I have to go and check on things with the pack. I won't be long, I promise." I said looking at Nessie. Edward nodded but I had a feeling he was still not finished with me and the smirk on his face only confirmed it. Nessie walked me to the door. She wrapped her hands around my neck and locked her tender lips with mine.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, sweetheart. See you later." I told her as I ran towards the trees. I ran in human form, letting the wind whip past me. I smiled thinking of Nessie's face after she got off of the phone. God, I loved that girl so much. Love did not even seem like the right word. I have never felt anything so strong in my whole life. I was going to give her my mother's ring. I had to. I just felt the need to do it. It was not an option. I wanted to know she was mine for eternity. Now, I just had to figure out the right place to do it and ask Edward's permission. Shit, I hated that part. Alice was the answer. She would help me plan things. I think Alice was everyone's answer.

I stopped hearing something odd. When I turned I screamed in agony as something large hit me, sending flying into a tree. I heard a bones crack around my shoulder and back. Everything went blurry. The forest seemed to be spinning. Three very familiar voices surrounded me. I opened my eye's to the people I hated the most and the one I wanted to kill there and then with my bare hands. The one who had been too close to my Nessie just a few hours before. I could feel and smell my blood trickle down the side of my face. I knew they would never bite me, my blood was horrible to them.

"Well hello, Jacob. How lovely to meet you again." I heard the voice of Aro float through my ears but the agony was too much. My vision was becoming worse. My hands were beginning to shake but I was too weak to phase.

"How is Renesmee?" I think that was Marcus voice. My eye's shot open when I heard her name. My Nessie. I jumped up ready to launch for him but I was knocked back down by another agonizing blow.

"This is going to kill her." I heard Caius. His voice actually sounded like he was in pain and did not want to be here. I heard a growl erupt in my chest but my vision was too blurry.

"Caius!" I heard Aro shout. "Stop it with the girl. You of all people are not allowed get soft. Besides we have a dog here who loves her, for now." I growled again, as the blue clouds above me became darker. "We have great plans for her." I heard him whisper in my ear. No, they can't. My Nessie. They can't hurt her.

"My Nessie." I managed, then everything went black.