Our Little Fairy Tale

Keep Your Enemies Closer

Renesmee P.O.V.

I couldn't stop myself, I just couldn't. I knew Jacob would hate seeing me turning to members of the Volturi for help but I had to. Jacob had disappeared and I was going to do anything to get him back. I was on a mission and nothing was going to stop me until I could see him in front of me with my own very eye's.

I jumped with a sharp intake of breath as my phone rang in my pocket. I slowed slightly but continued running. I knew it was going to be one of my parents, I did not even bother to look at the caller ID. But I knew it was better to answer them, get it over and done with. If anything, I wanted to spare them hurt and worry.

"Hello." I answered, my voice sounding weak and out of breath - not because of the running but because the numb feeling of the shock was quickly wearing off leaving me exposed to the constant dig of pain in my body. The pain of knowing a part of you had gone.

"Ness, sweetheart?" I heard my mother's calm voice on the other end. "Where are you?" So much for saving them the worry, she sounded like she was ready to collapse with it. I stayed silent for a moment trying to think of something to say. I couldn't tell her where I was really going, that was definitely a no go area.

"Just out mom." I tried to sound firm but I didn't. I sounded like an emotional wreck.

"We know about Jake, honey." I swallowed hard. "Sam phoned. Stop looking for him on your own Ness, it's not safe. Please." I felt the tears sting my eye's.

"Nessie, baby." It was my father, sounding like he did when I thought I could fly and tried to jump off of a tree when I was two even though I looked and had the mind of a six year old. "I'm not stupid. I may not be able to read your mind and Alice may not be able to see your future but I know you know how talented Caius is at tracking people." I stayed silent, not capable of putting at coherent sentence together. "I don't trust them Ness."

"But what if they can find him?" My voice broke as a single tear shed from my eye.

"What if they is the reason he can't be found?" I stopped, my breathing becoming heavier as the realization of what my father had just said hit me. I had never even thought of that.

"Can Alice not see their future?" I asked. I knew if Alice could not see their future that a werewolf was involved somewhere and that werewolf was obviously Jacob.

He sighed deeply. "She can see their future, nothing they are doing is coming across as a threat, just doing as they said. But I still do not trust them. Somehow they found a way around her visions before." He stayed silent for a moment. "Ness, stay exactly where you are ok. I am coming to get you, love. Don't move! We can all look for him together."

"Ok." I agreed, my voice hardly a whisper.

I stood there in the one stop, not moving an inch. I couldn't. It felt like my legs had turned to solid rock. The rain had lightened off, now all I could feel was the light mist brush at my cheeks. I could see it dance on the fallen leaves. I did not want to admit it but I knew if it was the Volturi who had Jake, they were not going to let him go with ease. Would he even get out alive? Then I had to remind myself that it might not have been the Volturi. Wouldn't the pack have caught his scent in that direction if it was them? And Alice could see their future, I knew that was impossible if Jacob was involved.

I raised my head slowly hearing foot steps. My father's face looked deeply pained as he stared at me. He was as still as a statue. "He's gone dad." I whispered, my voice breaking as my sobs began. In two quick strides he had me wrapped in a tight hug.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." He rocked my back and forth in his arms. We stayed like that for a long while - until my sobs stopped. He wiped away my tears with his thumb and kissed my forehead. "Come on lets get you home. Everyone is already out looking for him."

I nodded and smiled weakly. "Hop up!" He turned his back to me. I looked at him, confused. Was he serious? I hadn't done that in years, mainly because I was almost as fast as him now.

"I can run, dad."

"I know but you are upset. Come on, for old times sake." I hesitated for a moment but finally gave in. We got back to the main house within five minutes. He put me down just at the edge of the forest. I could see the lights from the house from there. I think I wished on every star I could see that Jacob was alright.

My father smiled at me as we walked towards the house. I had such an amazing family. My mom and dad may have looked more like my brother and sister but that did not stop them from being fantastic parents. It was times like this that showed me how sometimes I took them for granted. On instinct I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him so tight I was sure my arms were going to explode. He hugged me back but I could almost feel how confused he was.

"Hey." He laughed lightly. "Ness-" He began.

"I love you, dad." I cut him off.

"I love you, too, sweetheart." He said, sounding serious as he kissed the top of my head. I finally let go of him after what could have been forever. We continued to walk towards the house until my father came to a sudden halt pushing me behind him. I jumped hearing a loud his escape hiss throat.

"Dad?" I called looking around him. My mouth dropped open, seeing the people I was running to just minutes before. Caius, Aro and Marcus stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to the house. They walked towards us. My father hissed again, louder this time.

"Please Edward, calm down, we are not here for trouble." Aro spoke.

I stared at my father, he looked like he was searching their mind for something. He seemed to be satisfied because he stood up straight and I returned to his side.

"Renesmee are you ok?" My gaze shot to Caius. My father probably would have hissed again if he wasn't in a state of shock that Caius actually had compassion in his voice.

"I'm fine." I nodded.

"Edward, we are not meant to be enemies and I know it must be hard for you to forgive us for what we did to you and your family eight years ago." I watched my father flinch under the memories of the events that occurred when I was a baby. "But we should not be enemies. We are here to help." My eye's widened in shock. I was too confused to look at my father to see his reaction.

"It was actually Caius' idea to come and help her. He knows what it feels like to lose someone he loves." Marcus said. It was my first time hearing his voice. It sounded smooth - a voice that matched his beauty. My father stared at him and laughed without any humor. "Is there something funny Edward?" He asked, but it sounded like a secret warning towards my father, like my father knew something.

"Not at all." My father responded coldly.

"Anyway-" Aro interrupted. "We want to help you, Renesmee." He said to me a slight smile curved on his lips. A smile that was asking me to trust him. I turned my gaze to Caius who had not stopped staring at me throughout the whole conversation.

"Please." He mouthed to me. His face was begging me to accept their offer. He looked like he genuinely wanted to help. For some reason I trusted him and I had no idea why but even at the stream I trusted him.

Did you find anything in their mind? I asked my father through my thought's. He sighed and shook his head.

I looked at Caius and nodded in agreement, it was the only thing I could do. I needed them on my side, especially Caius. He exhaled a sigh of relief. "Thank you." He whispered. It was then I knew that they had nothing got to do with it.
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Hey guys, thank you so much for reading my story. Please start commenting though, I really want to know what you think of the story. I know you may be a bit confused with the Volturi right now and I wouldn't blame you but there is an explanation for that. It will all come out eventually just be patient. Thanks again.
