Our Little Fairy Tale

Misleading Trust

"Ness, you're soaked." Rosalie squealed as I opened the door to the main house. Wow, she was observant. You didn't need to be a genius to figure that one out.

I rolled my eye's and headed for the wide staircase. "I am going for a shower." I whispered, dragging my feet onto each step. I knew they would hear me.

I pulled off my shoes before entering my bedroom. The last thing I wanted was to ruin Gran's lovely brown carpet.

I switched on the shower, letting the water run before I got in. Why anyone needed both a bath and a shower in an unsuite always baffled me but that was Gran. The cream tiles were decorated with a spec of gold and continued the whole way unto the shower floor. The wall tiles were pretty much the same.

My nose wrinkled from the smell of the rain that stuck to my clothes which were sticking to me like wet paint. I practically had to peal them off.

I turned up the temperature in the shower to as much as I could handle. A hot shower was exactly what I needed. I sighed as the hot water cascaded down my body, relaxing every tense muscle I had. The room filled with smell of coconut as I massaged the shampoo into my scalp.

I spent a little bit longer than usual in the shower. I needed something to relax me. I wrapped a towel around my body and smiled as walked into my room. Alice had an outfit laid out on the bed. God, I loved her. It was a black sweat pants and a blue t-shirt. Wow, that must have been hard for her to choose. I'd say she was disappointed she couldn't have me wearing an evening gown. "Thanks Alice." I said aloud. I could hear her giggle down stairs.

I dried my hair quickly letting it flow down my back and over my shoulder's. I was glad my hair was naturally straight I don't think I could have handled my mother's waves.

"Hey baby." My mother greeted me as I sat beside her on the couch.

"Hey Mom." Conversations did not really appeal to me lately. I pulled my knees closer to my chest. I liked sitting that way. It made me feel together, like I wasn't going to fall apart.

"Ness, did you spend the whole day looking around the forest on your own?" My father questioned, taking a seat next to me. I could tell he was trying to hide the anger.

"No Dad, Caius was with me." From the loud grunt he let out I was sure he would have preferred if I was on my own.

"Dad, can I ask you something?" I snuggled into his chest as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Of course."

"What happened with Caius? You know with the woman he loved?" He positioned himself so that I was sitting up and looking at him.

"Why?" He asked, sceptically.

"I was just wondering. It came up in conversation." I knew by how his body tensed up that he did not even like the idea of me being anywhere near to Caius never mind having a conversation with the man. But it felt like not even he knew the full story to what happened his mate. He seemed unsure.

"Well, that is a bit of a difficult situation."

"Is that all you are going to give me? You know I am going to continue nagging until you tell me. I can see it in your eye's that you know something." I stared at him for a moment before he sighed loudly. He had given in.

"It is said that she did in battle along with Marcus mate." My eye's narrowed. I didn't even know Marcus had a mate. I stayed silent letting him continue. "The thing is that Marcus mate did not die in battle." I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me. "Aro killed his mate because he thought she was no good for the Volturi Guard." I felt my stomach tie in knots. How could anyone be so cruel and to their own brother?

"And what about Caius?" I asked, now truly interested.

"Well, that is were it gets difficult. Whose to say Aro did not kill her too?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"But why do they stick together if they know he is so evil?" The Volturi were turning out to be even sicker than I had first thought.

"They are all evil, Ness." I knew there was a warning in that: Stay away, they are no good but I wasn't doing anything I wasn't suppose to. They were helping me. "Marcus does not know that Aro killed his mate. Both Caius and Marcus believe that their mate's died in battle."

I stayed quiet for a long moment trying to digest what my father had just told me.

"How are you holding up?" He asked, placing his hand in mine.

"I'm doing ok. Hanging in there." I responded firmly. In truth, I wanted to curl up in a ball and come out when everything was over. I was done with trying to convince myself that this was a nightmare and eventually I would wake up. The pain was too real for it to be a nightmare.

He opened his mouth to say something but I waved my hand to stop him.

"If you are about to ask me to consider he may never be coming back, I will personally see to it that you are strangled. Caius is lucky his head is still connected to his body."

His eye's narrowed as if he was trying to make sense what Caius had said to me.

"He is out there, though, I know he is. I don't know what it is but something is telling me to keep on going, not to give up hope. If he wasn't and if something had happened to him, I would feel like giving up. I would just know. I don't know what it is but something inside me is telling me that I would be stupid to give up."

His eye's connected with mine and I knew he understood what I was talking about.

Although, it scared me that I could still see the doubt engraved in his topaz eye's.

"I think I should go back out." I told him as I raised my body from the chair. He hesitated for a moment but I cut in. "I won't go far." The rain had eased off which would make it easier for me to look without being soaked to the bone. The full moon radiated in the sky, filtering through every branch in the forest. Too bad werewolf's didn't really howl at full moons. If they did I may have been able ti find him

He looked to my mother and back to me again. "Ok but I want you back here in an hour. And be careful."

My father had limited my time alone and out of his sight to one hour. If I was a minute late there was a search party out looking for me and I was sure if his heart had a beat it would have failed if I was late. Only for my uncles and the pack were already out he probably would have cut it down.

I kissed his cheek softly and gave my mother a tight hug before leaving. The cold air made my cheeks tingle but it felt refreshing. I ran as fast as I could for about fifteen minutes. I caught Seth and Embry's scent on the way which meant the had come this way shortly before me but it faded off to my left as I continued to run. I didn't follow it though. The last thing I wanted was the pack telling me how it was not healthy for me not be sleeping and blah blah blah. I appreciated their concern but it got on my nerves.

I stopped letting my lungs breathe in some badly needed fresh air. I knew I was getting nowhere, we had search here a thousand times and still nothing but I needed to know I was doing something.

My body shook as a cold shiver slid down my spine like a snake. Something didn't feel right.

I jumped and a sharp intake of air scraped through my throat as a cold hand held a firm grip around my mouth. "Scream and it will be the biggest mistake of your life." I heard Aro's calm but still bitter voice. My body began to shake as my lungs burned, fighting against my body for oxygen. What the hell was he doing?

I squirmed against him trying to free myself but he wrapped a solid grip around my waist. His stone fingers digging into my hip. He pulled me closer to him. "If you want your dog to see the light of day, you will be very very quiet." He ordered. They had Jacob, how was I so stupid? I had to obey everything he said now. I wanted my Jacob to be safe and I was going to do anything to make sure he was.

He released his grip from around my mouth and spun me around so that I was turned towards him. His black hair feel onto his pale white face making his eye's look like golden jewels. "I am not going to hurt you but if you try anything funny I am not sure if I will be able to keep that promise."

A promise.
That made the sirens in my head almost explode.
"....Promise me, you will never be scared. There will never be any need for you to be scared." Caius's words replayed over and over again. I should have known not to trust him. Jake might still be hear if I hadn't. Shut up Renesmee, I told myself, I had to focus on getting out of this mess.

All I wanted was the space between us to distance itself but as I would find out, that was not about to happen any time soon. He lowered one of his arms under my legs and the other around my back so that he could scoop me up, holding me even closer to him. I could feel his ice cold breath on my face. I should have been fighting or screaming but Jake's life depended on me and if that meant I would get hurt or even die to safe him, I was more than willing to oblige.

The cold wind along with nerves and fear made my teeth shatter and my body shook as each shiver exploded under my skin.

"Who you trying to be - Prince Charming? You are not doing a very good!" I almost shouted.

"Oh and she still has the sense of humor. How refreshing." He smiled sarcastically. "Now, your last chance. Shut up or else wolf boy is dead!" He stated coldly. "Marcus and Caius can't wait to see you. You are just going to love what we have planned for you."