Our Little Fairy Tale

To Want To Hold You

Jacob's P.O.V.

"I've found him." I heard a voice shout in the distance.

I tried to open my eye's but they wouldn't oblige to my demands. Whoa, my head hurt. It felt like someone was pounding against it with a hammer. All I wanted was to slip back into oblivion but something was telling me that would not be such a good idea.

I bent my fingers, trying my best to grip onto something solid but they slipped through something wet and slimy. I could smell moss, leaves and rain. I was in the forest. I shivered as the coldness of the air slid over my body. What was I doing on the ground in the forest?

I could hear distant voices - a lot of them but I couldn't make out who they were. They were talking about finding him. Who was him?

"Jacob!" I heard a familiar voice exclaim. I was Jacob. They were looking for me? It was Bella. It sounded like relief had flushed through her whole body.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't. It felt dry and sore. I forced my eye's open waiting for the light to hit them but it didn't. The sky was black with stars scattered throughout. The moonlight shone in the distance.

"Oh Jake." I flinched as Bella's cold hands wrapped around my neck, forcing me to sit upright. I pulled myself up leaning my back against a tree. I could hear her tearless sobs against my shoulder.

"Hey." I forced. "Quit crying you baby." My voice sounded strained.

"Shut up." She slapped me on the shoulder and hugged me again. "We thought you were dead."

They thought I was dead? How long had I been gone?

When I looked up it felt like the world was looking down at me. Well, my world at least. The pack stood in a line giving me it's good to have you back stare. They all looked like they could have slept forever.

My eye's narrowed wondering why exactly Marcus, Caius and Aro were standing in front of me. Wide smiles plastered on their faces. That freaked me out.

"Caius found you." Edward interrupted, obviously reading my mind. That explained that much.

When I looked to my right the whole Cullen family were standing there. Even Rosalie looked relieved.

"Jacob." Carlisle began. "Are you well enough to stand?" He asked.

I took three deep breaths and lifted myself from the cold wet ground. Bella helped, she still had not left my side.

I closed my eye's trying to fight off the dizziness and the nausea that had hit me all at once. That seemed to help.

But when I opened my eye's something wasn't right. Something was missing. It was weird, I felt ok but I still felt odd like I knew there was something wrong.

"Come on." Bella tugged at my arm. "Ness will be ecstatic when she sees you. You had my little girl so worried."

"Ness?" I questioned. Who was Ness? She looked at me through narrow eye's. Ok maybe I had lost the plot. Her name repeated over and over again.


Shit my Nessie. "Where is she?" I blurted. Panic written all over my face. I needed to see her. To be with her.

"She went out not so long ago. She will be back at the house when we get there." Edward reassured me.

"Ok, come on then." Before they could say anymore I was running as fast as my two legs could take me.

I needed her. I needed to kiss her, to touch her, just to breathe her in.

Edward soon caught up with me. I hadn't phased, I didn't have the strength yet.

"What happened?" He asked, staring at me.

"Where are we?" I questioned ignoring him. I had been running for twenty minutes and we were still nowhere near the house.

"We found you near Canada." He said.

"Canada?" What the hell was I doing near Canada?

"What happened, Jake?" He repeated.

I tried to focus. I stayed silent trying to keep my breathing even but nothing came. I couldn't remember anything that happened.

"I don't know." Was that right? I should be able to remember. "What do you think happened?" I was hoping he had some answers.

"We are almost sure that you followed the unknown scent. Maybe got attacked by newborns. They probably thought you were dead. Then again it could have been something else."

I just nodded, not really taking in everything he was telling me.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Edward put on his doctor voice. Obviously, a very easy thing for him to do, he had been through medical school, what, three times? "Four." He corrected me.

I focused again to the last thing I could remember. Well, that was easy. I smiled as her beautiful face flashed in my head. Her hair flowing freely down her back. Her big brown eye's and full lips. Those were the lips I just wanted to kiss. I could feel my legs speed up just thinking about her.

Lights. A sigh of relief escaped my lungs as the lights from the main house came into sight. The fact that she was just steps away made me want to jump in the air. I ran up the steps to the house and took a deep breath before turning the handle.

"Ness." I called as I stepped inside to the large bright hallway. "Renesmee." I repeated after a few seconds. I breathed in but her scent wasn't there. I ran upstairs checking all the bedrooms while Edward checked downstairs but there was no sign of her.

"She's not here." I said as the rest of them followed into the house.

"And she isn't at the cottage, I checked on the way." Bella informed us.

"How long has been gone?" I asked.

"I told her be back in an hour, that was two hours ago." I knew as well as the rest of them did that it was very unlike Nessie to go against anyone, especially her father.

"Maybe we should just take a seat and wait a few more minutes. She will come back. She has had a lot to go through this past week, maybe she just lost track of time." Carlisle said.

So we did. We waited, trusting she would come back. Hoping she would walk through the door so that I could wrap my arms around her and tell exactly how much I loved her. But when those few minutes started to turn longer and longer I began pacing the room. I couldn't stand there and do nothing anymore. Something was wrong.

Then, I stopped dead in my tracks right in front of the full length window. I folded my arms and my eye's narrowed trying to figure out what the bright orange light was in the distance. Realization soon slapped me in the face as panic and dread made my whole body shake. It wasn't a light, it was a flame and the smoke traveling from it was dark and thick.

"Ness." I whispered, then ran to open the door. It seemed by then the rest of them had figured out why I was shaking.

"Renesmee." I heard Bella scream but I was already running.

We ran to the edge of the forest where the smell of burn erupted through my senses.