Our Little Fairy Tale


"They won't believe any of this." I cried, staring into the violet eye's of the striking brunette. Her contacts were making her once crimson eye's a purple color. I could tell by the way she was staring at me that she wanted her powers to work on me. I remembered from a previous conversation I had with my father that this beauty, Heidi I think they called her, had the power to create illusions of someone's desires, making them think they wanted something when they didn't. Thankfully, I had my mothers power to block things out. She was trying to make me think I wanted to go with these insane cruel people.

"But you believed everything that Caius, Marcus and Aro told you when they were staying. Stupid, pitiful girl." As if I needed a reminder at how unbelievably selfish and stupid I had been. Leaving everything I loved behind me was unbearable but thinking of what it would do to my family and Jacob made me want to curl up on the floor and die. Seeing them spark up the flames to a fire made me sick. Then, I realized they would never get away with having a fire with nothing in it. My family weren't stupid, they would know there was nobody in the fire. But they had that figured out too.

"Newborns are dangerous, they need to be destroyed." Aro's words replayed in my head. They had put a person in that fire because of me. I had to swallow hard to get rid of the lump in my throat.

They made me run around the forest to leave a trail of my scent. When I got to the fire Alicia was there to bring me to Demetri and Heidi so my scent would have stopped at the fire. That way, her scent would over-power mine past the fire and in typical Forks style, it rained, draining whatever hope I had of them picking up my scent.

Heidi and Demetri had taken me to the airport, leaving Alicia behind to work her magic with her power. Now, we were waiting in the cue to the board the plane. I was leaving. I was actually leaving everything behind. Everything I loved. I was leaving myself behind with them. But it was worth it. The last thing I wanted was anything happening to my family and if the whole Volturi Guard showed up unexpectedly because I didn't go with them, everyone would have died and they still would have had me. What was the point in fighting?

Demetri had a tight hold around my waist so there was no way I was going to be able to run.

"Sorry, Miss are you ok?" I raised my head at the sound of a deep voice in front of me. Then, I realized it was the security guard. I should have known something like this was going to happen. My face must have been swollen and blotchy from crying.

"She was on holidays. Had a holiday romance and now she has to leave." Heidi explained, sympathetically. My jaw almost hit the ground. They really did have every little detail planned out. The security guard looked to me again and smiled gently.

"Plenty more fish in the sea, Miss." He winked, allowing me to move forward and hand the lady at the desk my passport - which was fake. I don't even know what the name on it was, not that I cared.

"Have a nice flight." She smiled and nodded her head, handing me the passport. What was wrong with these people? I was relying on them to see there was something wrong and take me into some office were I could call home. Then I remembered, the evil beauty standing next to me, acting like a good Samaritan as she rubbed my back and told me everything was going to be ok. She could make the lady at the desk think she wanted to let me on the plane. God, this day was going deeper into hell as the seconds ticked by.

We found three empty seats on the plane where they sat me in the middle of them both. Great, this was going to so much fun. I sighed as the cheery voice of the flight attendant boomed over the speaker rambling on about crap. I heard none of it, instead I closed my eye's and thought of home. Ok, that was not a good idea. Fresh tears spilled down my cheeks making the air catch in my throat. All the way here I had expected something to stop me from going. First off, I had convinced myself that it was all a bad nightmare and that I would wake up any minute in Jake's arms, to feel his soft kisses but the pain was too real for it to be a nightmare.

None of the things I had hoped would get me out of this mess. Instead, I have to suck it up and get on with it and just be thankful that everyone else was safe.

"You do know Caius hates werewolfs, right?" Heidi started. She was speaking so low, only I could hear her. She was seriously annoying. Demetri hadn't said anything since he introduced himself and I was grateful for that much. Other than the fact that they had just kidnapped me, Demetri was pretty polite, opening doors for me and things like that. Heidi, on the other hand was a talkaholic with a nail file.

"Really." I said lazily. I really didn't care what Caius hated or liked. I never wished anyone dead in my life but if a bomb exploded under everyone of the Volturi members right now, I don't think I would complain.

"He never really wanted to help." She raised her eyebrows.

"You don't say." I said sarcastically and she glared at me for a long moment. "Stare much?" I spat.

She grunted and continued. "Well, he was nearly killed a by one a long time ago and after that he had hunted them to near extinction."

"They should have finished him off when they had the chance." I hissed.

"Have some respect." She almost shouted. The Volturi leaders really were treated like royalty. Well, they will have a very long wait if they think I am going to treat them like royalty. I will give them as much respect as they have given me. Ugh, I really hated those people.

"Want something to eat?" Demetri asked, quietly, brushing his hand through his dark hair. He was wearing dark grey jeans and a black button down shirt. We had just taken off and already the flight attendants were trying to sell us stuff.

"Am, no thank you." I swallowed. His eye's were black and as far as I could tell he wasn't wearing contacts.

"You sure? Maybe it is better if you eat something. You might be in shock or something. You have been through a lot." Wow, was that concern I heard in his voice? He actually sounded like my father. With that, a bang of longing slapped me in the face. I swallowed hard in my best attempts to get rid of the lump that was threatening to choke me.

"No, honestly I'm not hungry."

"I wouldn't blame you." He nodded, like he was thinking to himself.

"Wake me when we get there?" I heard Heidi demand in the seat next to mine. Both mine and Demetri's gaze narrowed as we looked at each other, then turned to look at Heidi who had her head leaned back on the chair with her headphones placed in her ears.

I glanced back at Demetri who looked just as confused as I did. "Likes to keep up the act." He explained hesitantly, still not sure himself. "She was never fully there, anyway." He smiled.

"I heard that." She breathed.

"Yep, I know. You hear everything." He rolled his eye's and smiled at me again.

We both stayed silent for awhile.

Then, I asked. "Demetri?"

He turned to look at me. His broad shoulders and lean body turning slightly. "Am...Ah." I didn't know if asking him was such a good idea, maybe it would make my worries worst than what they already were.

I bit down on my lip. "What is it, Renesmee?" He asked softly, his violet eye's pleading.

"What's it going to be like?" His gaze dropped to the floor then met my eye's again.

"You are going to be fine. Everybody will treat you well just like they do with all of us. They definitely have seen something in you. And when they told me they had planned to get you in the Volturi, I questioned why because the last time I saw you, you were so small and fragile.." Then he leaned closer to my ear, making sure nobody else could hear him. "Now, you are a beautiful strong young woman who done everything in her power to protect the people she loved the most. And now I can see why they wanted you so much, who wouldn't?" I would have blushed if I wasn't riddled in so much pain. I knew his words weren't some sick chat up line, though, it was like he was just saying exactly what he thought. There was no lies under his words. That made my embarrassment rise to new heights. "They may have used evil ways to get you here and I never said I agreed with it but the evil wears off. I promise."

"I heard that one before." I muttered under my breath.

"We're not all Caius." He whispered in my ear, so low only I could hear him. I turned my head and stared at him through wide eye's. "You will be fine." He persisted.

I laughed under my breath watching two rows of girls, probably friends, giggling and pointing in his direction. Now that I concentrated I could hear their whispers.

"Oh my God, if I have ever seen perfection, it has just been handed up on a plate." A small blonde exclaimed, accelerating into even more laughter.

"Give me a piece of him anytime."

"Oh, what I wouldn't do."

I rolled my eye's and bit down on my lip to suppress my laughter.

"Hey, whats up with you?" Demetri, nudged me in the arm.

"As if you haven't noticed." I grunted, staring at him. A genuine mystified look baffled his face. "Looks like you have picked up some groupies on your visit." I threw my eye's in the direction of the girls. They looked about seventeen, maybe a bit older.

He turned his head to look at them and instinctively, they all huddled together and giggled in unison. He gave a one finger salute in their direction then turned back to me and rolled his eye's.

"What did you do that for, they are practically hyperventilating?"

"Just some fun." He responded, with a wide smirk.

"Bitch, I bet she is his girlfriend. Ugh I hate her." I heard a the tall brunette whisper to the blonde in the seat next to her.

Demetri looked at me and smiled, obviously hearing what was just said.

"I am feeling very strong vibes on that side of the plane." He joked.

"Don't get too friendly." Heidi interrupted, raising her head from the seat. "She still has to find out the rest of the plan." She stated evilly, then rested her head back down.

"Back off Heidi!" Demetri warned.

The rest of the plan? What plan? Christ, were they not done playing games with me? I could feel my breathing becoming frantic in my chest as the tears watered my eye's. I wanted to go home. I was never going to survive eternity without them. I could hardly last a few hours. God, I think I am going to be sick. My hand rose over my mouth, fighting back the nausea suddenly erupting in the pit of my stomach.

"Look at me!" Demetri demanded, whispering in my ear. I just about had the energy to turn my head. "You will be ok." He repeated, looking over my head to make sure Heidi could not hear. "Everything is going to be ok."

But I couldn't stop the tears nor could I stop the longing to go home, to be in Jacob's arms. Because looking at Demetri's dark hair, broad shoulders and lean body just brought back so many memories of what Jacob was.

I took three deep breaths and closed my eye's, praying that from now on every time I looked at Demetri I wouldn't see Jacob because Jacob was always the one person I couldn't resist.