Our Little Fairy Tale


Jacob P.O.V.





All the things that surrounded the very place I stood.

I could feel my chest burn, I was sure it was the smoke but the other pain - the pain that was so strong it felt like every inch of my body was being twisted in knots, that wasn't the smoke.

I could still hear the screams, though, they sounded distant. We had put out the fire, now, all was left was ash and a few orange dots decorating the ground.

I forced myself to look around, to face the anger that waited for me but I didn't see it. The only look I got was pain.


Oh poor Bella. In all the years I had known her, not once had I seen her look so distraught. Her face looked blank but yet I could almost feel how much pain was coming from her. She had curled herself up next to a tree, not caring about anything else.

"My baby." She repeated, through her tearless sobs.

Edward tried to comfort her in the best way he thought he could but she wouldn't even let him touch her.

The rest took comfort in their partners.

The Volturi had left not so long ago, giving the excuse that we needed time alone. They still freaked me out.

It was all my fault. She came looking for me but instead she... I swallowed hard. I couldn't even say it.

Her scent had stopped right at the fire. It made me sick even thinking about it. All other scents had been washed away by the rain.

"Jacob." I turned my head. Leah stood there, staring at me. "I'm so sorry." She cried, tears streaming down her sallow skin.

I opened my mouth to say something but no words followed. All I felt was the moisture of my tears.

She was gone. Nessie was gone. My everything. The girl that any man would die for. The most beautiful young woman ever to walk the planet. She had the biggest smile - a smile that could brighten up anyones day.

I will never get to touch her, to see her, to kiss her.

I looked around again, this time the whole pack were surrounding me. It was their way of telling me they were here for me.

"I am gonna go to Bella." I murmured.

Somehow my feet obeyed and carried to me to the large tree. Her hands were clamped into fists, her nails digging into the dirt. It made me want to scream seeing her like this. The last time I saw her like this was in Sam's head. When he found her on the forest floor when Edward left.

I bent down, removing the strands of hair from her face.

"Bella." I whispered. "I'm sorry. I should have been there."

"Shut up, Jake." She cut me off.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Shut up!" She screamed, sitting up. I could almost feel everybody's stares. "My baby is gone and you are talking about yourself. It is not your fault so just shut up." She spat.

I nodded and took her hand in mine. "Ok." I whispered and hugged her close.

We stayed like that for a while, until her sobs became quiet whimpers against my chest. Then Edward tipped me on the shoulder. I have never seen so much pain in his eye's.

"Let me." He gestured quietly. "Come on love." He whispered in her ear, then he very gently lifted her into his arms and carried her home.

I stood up, feeling the blood rush through me like acid.

"Something isn't right." I heard Emmett boom as he stalked around small mountain of ashes.

"Now isn't the time, Emmett." Rosalie warned, her voice breaking. I couldn't pay attention to him, the pain made me want to curl up and die myself.

"No he is right." Jasper agreed. He was holding Alice close to his side. Her head rose from being buried in his chest.

"What are you talking about?" Esme questioned.

"I don't know." Emmett shrugged, looking annoyed with himself. "Just something. I can feel the grief, but it feels like it should be worse." Well if the pain was going to get worse than this, someone better come and kill me now. "I just mean that it doesn't feel like she is gone. Jacob!" He pointed to me. "You of all people should know what it feels like. Does it feel right?"

Was he seriously asking me that? "Of course it doesn't feel right." I shouted. "Nessie is dead. How could that be right?"

He nodded his head frantically. "Not like that." He breathed. "Does it feel like she is gone?"

It had never felt like she was gone. Even back at the house. I was expecting her to walk to through the door. Even now, I expect her to come out of hiding somewhere and tell everyone she is sorry for worrying them but that was me in a state of denial.

"No." I muttered.

"This is devastating for everyone." Carlisle cut in. "But we can't fight the obvious. Her scent stops right here."

I could feel the anger boil inside of me. Someone did this to my Ness. I had to swallow hard to get rid of the lump that had formed in my throat but it was no use, tears streamed down my face.

I couldn't handle the hundreds of questions in my head. It was driving me insane.

But what was I going to do without her? What does anyone do when their everything isn't there anymore?

I could feel my hands shake uncontrollably. I needed to calm down. I needed to think.

I turned around and started running without saying a word to anybody.

Emmett was right, something wasn't right. But what was it?

But Carlisle was also right, her scent lead right to the fire, there was no denying that.

I slowed down. I needed to remember who I was following before I went "missing". I inhaled deeply. God, I couldn't remember anything.

I stopped running and let the pain in my chest get the better of me. The sobs broke through the air like ice.

I walked slowly to a tree and leaned my back against it.

"Shit." I cursed. I banged at it a lot harder than I had expected. Physical pain ripped through my side. What the hell was that? I lifted my shirt to uncover a massive purple bruise at the side of my torso.

"Shit." I repeated as I pressed two fingers onto the large cut sheering through the bruise. How did that get there?

Something definitely wasn't right.

And I knew right then that I needed to remember. Maybe I was in denial but if my denial left hope running through my veins I would tell myself she wasn't dead everyday of my damn life.

I bit down on my lip and closed my eye's for a moment. "Remember Jacob!" I muttered to myself.

But when I closed my eye's her beautiful face flashed in my head. Her long slowing hair and her big brown chocolate eye's. The nausea suddenly hit me like a slap in the face. Images of someone leading her to that fire made me want to throw up.

I had a feeling about this. I couldn't understand why this seemed all too familiar to me.