Our Little Fairy Tale

Message In A Dream

It was dark when we stepped out of the airport. The warm night air made my skin tingle. It wasn't what I was used to. No, it was totally different. There was no rain in this city. No clouds to block out the sunlight or darken the daytime.

It wasn't home.

We walked straight through the terminals without any bother from anyone. We had no luggage. They didn't exactly give me a chance to pack.

"This way." Heidi directed us towards the car park.

I walked quickly with my hands folded over my chest. Demetri never dropped his hand from the small of my back, guiding me the whole way since we had stepped off the plane. It wasn't like I was going to run anywhere. I hardly knew my way around Forks, how was I going to get out of Vulterra? I think we were in Vulterra. Was I?

I am not going to run. I told him through my thoughts. He stopped for a minute, his jaw dropping as he starred at me.

"Sorry." He shook his head. "I forgot you could do that. Crap, that was scary." He breathed.

I just nodded my head, rolled my eye's and continued to walk. I noticed his hand stayed by his side though. Should try and use my gift on him more often. He could do with a good scare.

Heidi pulled a set of car keys from her handbag and pressed down on the button. A large, black Range Rover flashed open. Well, at least I was going to be comfortable. As I got closer I noticed the windows were tinted black.

Heidi threw the keys to Demetri, who caught them without even having to look at her. She glided her slim figure into the passenger seat while Demetri opened the door in the back for me to sit in. I obeyed, I wasn't going to get away now. I hadn't a hope of it.

"We have another while to travel, so relax and rest." He advised, shutting the door.

Great! How was I suppose to rest and relax. I was going to live with the Volturi and he wanted me to relax.

Ugh! Men.

"Oh the doors are child locked, so you can't open the door and we can only open the windows from up front. Just in case you got any ideas." Heidi smiled evilly, nodded her head like one of those bobble dolls you put in the front of your cars. Oh I so wanted to smack her right now. My hand was stinging with the urge. But with three big breaths I had it under control.

I was going to need anger management if I was going to live with her.

"Well, I was hardly going to jump from a moving car." I snarled.

She just grunted and flicked her hair.

"Bimbo." I breathed and rolled my eye's.

"Excuse me?" She questioned. The jeep was already moving.

I turned my head to look at her but caught Demetri staring at me in the rear view mirror. A smirk that could only be called "proud" plastered on his face.

"Nothing." I answered, gazing back at my answer.

Obviously she didn't believe me but she turned around anyway.

Heidi was beautiful, almost as beautiful as Aunt Rose but she was a living nightmare. Why do all the beautiful vampires have attitudes. Although, I could tolerate Rosalie, where as with Heidi, I wasn't going to promise not to snap her neck in half.

As he turned onto the motorway I started to ask myself what it was going to be like. Where they going to be all evil?

It was going to odd not waking up to Jacob or going to the Main House and listen to the sound of Uncle Emmett's complaining because Jasper had beat him fighting during the night. I was going to miss every bit of it but they were all safe and free to move on.

I wonder if Jacob would move on and find someone he loved. I hoped he would. As much I hate thinking about things like that so soon, I couldn't help it. I wanted him to be happy and to have children. It was something, that even though we never tried for, it would have been difficult for me to give him. He would make an amazing Dad.

I could feel the tears brim in my eye's but I could not fight them anymore. My body wouldn't let me. I was physically drained and I didn't have the strength to fight anymore. It was no use, they had already won.

I leaned my head back in the chair and focused on the stars. I probably and a wish on everyone of them.

The sobs caught in my throat but I let them. I knew they could hear me up front but they left me be.

Then, my eye's grew heavier and heavier until my sobs guided me to the darkness. The pitch black of my sleep.


The sound of the trickling water brought me home. It glided over the smooth rocks and flowed carelessly down, winding in and out.

I was at my stream, sitting in front of the clear glistening water.

The red and gold Autumn leaves decorated and smothered the grass beneath me. The trees made a canopy over my head and I could feel his warmth.

The warmth of his body was heating me. My back was leaned against his muscular chest and I could feel his sweet breath on my neck. His hands were wrapped securely around my waist and his fingers lock with mine. He was holding me so tight I couldn't move an inch.

"Come back." He whispered in my ear, his voice trembling.

I bit down on my lip, feeling the blood pulse beneath the skin.

"I love you but I can't." I explained. Rubbing his palm with my thumb. I couldn't bare to look at him, to see the pain in his eye's, the pain I had caused him.

"You have to get out of there, Ness." He pleaded.

"I know but I can't. Not if I want all of you alive. They would never leave me go anyway."

"Then, find a way. You already know what you have to do, you just have to admit it to yourself." He rubbed his warm finger tips along my cheek.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, his touch making my voice quiver.

"You have help, you just have to see it."

But the image of the stream was becoming blurry and his touch was becoming more faint by the second. It was like I was being dragged away.

"Jacob!" I yelled, trying my best to hold on to him. To bring him with me but it was no use.

I could hear my blood pound furiously in my ears. My pulse was beating frantically.

"Trust him!" He shouted loudly. "You have to trust him."

What the hell was he talking about?

I was shaking, something was dragging me away.

I needed to know what he was talking about.

My body ached, like it was gasping for air.

"Renesmee." Somebody called, frantically.

No, I needed to see Jacob, he needed to tell me what he was talking about. He told me to trust him but who?

Then, my eye's flew open. My lungs were aching for oxygen and my chest was raising up and down frantically as each intake of breath calmed my pulse.

His face. Those dark eye's. His hand's were placed firmly on my arms.

"You're ok." He whispered.

"Demetri." I breathed. I finally knew exactly what Jacob was trying to tell me.