Our Little Fairy Tale

Have Some Hope

Jacob's P.O.V.

I was in big trouble, I never came back last night. I couldn't face it.

The hurt, the pain. It was too much. Instead, I ran and ran until there was no more air in my lungs and they burned for oxygen. I kept on running hoping the pain in my chest would become a distant memory, if only for a minute. But I had no such luck. It was still there. I couldn't get rid of it. And I couldn't close my eye's because her face flashed in my head like a constant reminder that she wasn't here anymore and that was all I had - was a memory.

Crying wasn't an option, I physically couldn't do it. It was like there was something inside of me telling me she was going to turn up or walk through the door and tell everyone she was alright and they were worrying for nothing at all.

But something else inside of me was telling me that was a wish that would never come true.

I hadn't admitted to myself yet and I wouldn't if it meant all of the hope in me would burn out. I wouldn't let it. Not for Nessie.

As I passed the trees the all too familiar site of the cottage came into view. I phased back into human form and untied my sweat pants from around my ankle and put them on.

I felt my hands shake at my sides, but it wasn't because I wanted to phase, it was the nerves. How was I going to face this family?

Just like me they had lost so much. But I couldn't look at their face knowing if it wasn't for me, Ness would be still here today.

I could have saved her. I should have been by her side.

The cottage door was slightly open but I knocked anyway.

No answer so I pushed it open lightly.

"Bella. Edward." I called out but I got no reply.

I took a few steps towards the living room, the fire was lighting bright.

And there she was, curled up in a ball on the couch. Her knees towards her chest.

"Bells?" I rushed to her side. But she didn't say anything. She didn't even move. Her eye's were locked on the bright flames of the fire and I knew exactly what she was thinking. It was the way Nessie went, the fire continued to remind her.

"Bella what are you doing?" I asked softly. The expression on her face almost killed me. She looked so distraught.

"She loved the heat." She said out of nowhere. "She loved having the fire on during the winter." She half smiled. "When she was small she used to dance around it like a princess trapped in a tower. She used to say that the fire was the fire from the dragon and she was waiting for her prince to come rescue her. She used to stay there like that until you came along and you would pick her up and swirl her around. You were her prince." She smiled, turning her head to look at me and I couldn't stop the lump forming in my throat.

I remembered exactly what she was talking about.

The sparkle in Bella's eyes was gone. She looked like an empty shell of what she used to be just hours ago.

Now she had an eternity to live with nothing to live for. Obviously she had Edward but her little miracle was gone.

"I can still see her when she was like that, in her ballet costume. She never took ballet classes but she was more graceful than any ballerina out there. Her bright smile. Then she grew up and became more beautiful than anyone I have ever known. And she had you." She smiled gently, her quiet sobs catching in her throat.

She rubbed my cheek gently with her fingers. "You were her everything. And she was yours. Jacob how are we going to get through this without her?" She cried tearless sobs.

"Oh Bells." I whispered, hugging her close to me. I could feel my tears slide down my face and I let them.

I wish I had an answer for her but it was a question that had been swimming around my head ever since I lost her. And I still didn't have an answer, I didn't think I ever would.

I could feel her body shake against mine.

"Edward doesn't think she is dead." She said quietly against my chest after a few minutes silence.


"Emmet put the idea into his head. He has been working himself up so much and I'm worried about him. Jasper believes him, along with Alice. I don't think anyone else has the strength for it. I just don't want him to get his hopes up to be disappointed. It would ruin him Jake."

I sat there for a moment and thought what if Emmett was right yesterday. It still annoyed me that I couldn't remember a thing.

"What if he is right?" I said, sitting her up to face me.

"As much as I would love to believe that Jake, you were there yesterday. You're not blind, you saw the fire. Edward has a feeling it is the Volturi but even he said there was nothing in their minds about it. He can't bring the Volturi on top of us for just a feeling. I already lost one person, I couldn't handle losing more." Her expression was full of sorrow and regret.

"But Bella we won't know until we try. We don't have to bring the Volturi here. Come on the Cullens are a smart family, they will think of something. And Edward isn't going to do anything that would risk the safety of the people he loves, you know that Bells."

"Of course I know that but I can't do it Jacob. I'm not as strong as the rest of you. Looking at the way Edward is hurting right now kills me, I can't imagine what he would be like if it turned out he was wrong. It's his little girl, Jake and I get that he wants her back, so do I, I would do anything for it but I if he is wrong I don't want to lose him too."

"I understand that but that is exactly my point. She is his little girl, he won't stop fighting no matter what anybody does to stop him. You know he would do anything for her. Just think about it Bella. Think about it the way he is thinking about it. No vampire is going to kill another unless it was a real threat. And it was Renemsee for Christ sake, you go weak at the knees from the sight of her. And she would have screamed and we would have heard her. But there was nothing. Besides, Nessie is as strong as any of the rest of us she would have put up one hell of a fight. And that alone would have left traces, something would have been left behind but like I said there was nothing." It was only then I realized fully how much I was convincing myself rather than Bella. "It sounds to me that all of this was planned out all too neat and tidy."

"Planned?" She questioned, her eye's widening with some hope.

"Yes planned." I said, excitement rising in my throat. "We all know that Nessie's gift is special, one of a kind. And we also know that she might not have even discovered the full strength of her gift or if that is the only gift she has. Now tell me, who would be the people who would want to figure out what her gifts were first, before anybody else and then put them to full use?"

"The Volturi." She whispered, sounding both hopeful and horrified. "Oh my God what if she is with them?" Fear was written all over her face.

"My guess is that if they worked this hard to get her, they are not going to harm her. They would have done that here. But they worked really hard to get her over there, they won't damage that. She is an asset to them." With that the tension in her shoulders eased a little bit.

"My baby could be still out there." She smiled.

"Yeah, I believe she is. I don't feel like she is gone, Bella. If anyone should know it would be me. I have had this feeling before, if she was gone away on hunting trip without me and I would worry in case she got hurt or if she was in danger. I have felt like this before but only in times like that. I think I would know if she was dead. Well, at least I hope I would. Because it feels like I am still together. If she was dead it would feel like half of me was gone because after all, she is my imprint.."

"Oh Jake." Bella exclaimed throwing her arms around my neck and holding me tight.

"I think we should go to the Main House and talk to Edward, what do you think?"

"Yeah, come on." She smiled. I could see the guilt in her eye's right then, for doubting Edward. It must have been a hard thing for her to do because according to her he was always right.

I stayed in my human form as I ran, it was easier that way. Bella was already traumatized enough without having to see me naked today.

We walked down the bright hallway towards the living room. The house felt different without Nessie in it.

There was no arguments between her and Alice about how she was well able to dress herself. Or how she would give out to Emmett for joking about her parents sex life. She had to live with them, hearing jokes about it was too much for her.

"Bella." I heard Edward's surprised voice as we entered the living room.

"Edward, I am so sorry." Bella began but he wouldn't allow her say anymore. He was at her side in an instant, kissing her and hugging her close to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, love." I heard him tell her.

"Jacob Black. Where was your furry ass all night?" Rose stormed towards me, her hand's in the air. I stepped back a few feet in fear she was going to ram right into me. "I may hate you most of the time but it doesn't mean I don't worry about you."

Did Rose just say she was worried about me? That was pretty touching.

"Sorry Blondie, I didn't mean to worry you. Just needed to get away." I apologized honestly.

She exhaled deeply and walked towards me. What happened next surprised not only me but the whole house. She wrapped her arms around my neck tightly and hugged me.

"It's ok furry ass, just don't do it again. We all have to stick together, so don't be running off." She warned, before letting go.

I hugged her back but I couldn't speak, I was in too much shock.

Then, her nose wrinkled in disgust. "Eww, jeez Jacob I forgot how much you smelled." She grunted before walking over to the sofa to sit down.

After regaining her ability to speak after the initial shock, Bella opened her mouth to say something.

"Am Jake came to see me and we need to speak to all of you." She addressed the family. "Maybe we should all sit down."

We all sat down on the white sofa and Bella and I began to tell them of what we came up with back at the cottage.

"Your theory is much the same as mine." Edward smiled.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Well, the fact that you do not feel she is dead makes me a lot more hopeful. But I think we need to plan this out at carefully as they have planned theirs. You were right about Nessie putting up a good fight which is why I think it is all too clean cut for a spur of the moment thing. We have a lot of planning to do but basically we all have been talking for the past few hours and we will have to act as normal as possible toward Marcus, Aro and Caius. When I mean normal, I mean grieving for Nessie. My guess is that they are going to stay around for a couple of days, it would look too suspicious if they left right away. We also have to be careful of Aro, remember he can read anyones every thought by just touching them. So Bella, you will have to make extra use of your guard when they are around."

She nodded in agreement.

"Somehow they found a way to block Alice's visions when they first got here, that isn't just a mistake on Alice's part, she never misses something as big as that and we all know it. And their thoughts seem... I don't know, too straight forward or something. They are just too clean cut and they never seem to wonder off on other thoughts, it just doesn't seem right. So I was thinking, when they do leave, we should plan it out exactly. We will get everyone together just like we did when she was a baby, including the werewolf's Jake."

"Of course but then what?" I asked.

"We will go to the Volturi ourselves. Unfortunately she will have to hang in there on her own for a another bit. But if I know Ness she will do exactly that, wile making there lives a living hell. Even if she is not there, somebody is bound to know something. Because it is not just coincidence that when the Volturi come to "check up on her", my little girl ends up dead."

"But wouldn't Nessie have put up some sort of fight with them too? She wouldn't have went with them willingly. So why did she go?" Esme questioned, so much pain in her eye's.

The answer to her question hit everyone of use like a tonne of bricks. And it was the first time any of us realized it.

"What does Ness fight with all her strength to protect and keep safe?" I asked.

We all knew her so well, we already knew the answer.

"The people she loves." We all whispered in unison.