Our Little Fairy Tale


Renesmee's P.O.V

"Renesmee." I heard a quiet voice in the distance. "Renesmee." The voice continued to repeat until I finally opened my eye's but I kept my gaze to the ground. My mouth watered and I had to swallow hard to get rid of the nausea.

I was sitting on a chair in what looked like a waiting room.

I wasn't asleep but I wished I was. I hoped that everything would just go away and leave me be.

My whole body hurt and I just wanted it to go away for a minute. So I could be somewhat normal again. But it didn't. It never would.

To live for eternity always made me happy but that was because I had Jacob and my family. Now, what did I have?

I had nothing and eternity was going to be slow and painful. I was better off dead.

I could feel the moisture on my face. My endless tears streamed down my cheeks and lulled at the end of my chin until they splattered onto my jeans in tiny explosions.

I opened my mouth to speak but it felt like my voice got stuck in my throat somewhere.

"Renemsee." He repeated. "Look at me."

"What Demetri?" I snapped finally finding my voice, feeling the anger boil inside of me. I knew I was suppose to trust him right now but he felt just as bad as the rest of them. "You are following me everywhere, can I not have two moments without you? I hate being here, can't you see that?"

"Of course I can see that. You would want to be blind not to. You ran out of that room as if your whole life depended on it." He answered, with just as much annoyance. "I hate to break it to you Renesmee but if you continue feeling sorry for yourself none of this is going to get easier. You have to snap out of it." He lowered his voice.

"Snap out of it?" I laughed without any humor. "Seriously, you want me to snap out of it? Well how inconsiderate of me? I never meant to make your life harder than what it was. Excuse my ignorance." I glared at him.

"I didn't mean it like that." He breathed, guilt written on his face. But I couldn't see it, I wouldn't allow myself to see the softer side to him.

"Yes you did." I said through gritted teeth. "That is exactly what you meant. You are just as bad as the rest of them." I finally found the strength to stand up. I glared down at him with so much hate in my eye's, trying my best to get the images out of my head but they wouldn't. The swarmed around and around without any consideration. I bit down on my lip to stop it from trembling.

Then, I focused my eye's straight ahead, down the long hallway and started to walking swiftly to get away from him. But I didn't get very far, he caught my arm in a firm grip and pulled me back so that I was staring straight into his black eye's.

"Renesmee, I'm sorry. But please calm down you can hardly breathe." He begged.

"Would you be able to calm down Demetri? If you were me? I thought I was walking into a room to be introduced to members of the Volturi. Well, yes that part was right and I did get introduced to them but I never expected to have front seats to how you survive. You all tortured a beautiful young couple to demonstrate how you feed. They were screaming for their dear lives in there and none of you even blinked an eyelid." I could feel the tears sting my eye's again. "Demetri, I don't live like you do, I never did and you all know that. You all know of the Cullens' diet. I feed on animals not humans. To me that just looked like a nightmare. And I ran because none of you were listening to my sobbing pleas to let them go. I couldn't sit there and watch you that. So don't you tell me to calm down. You have no right." I spat, tugging my arm away from his grip.

His black eye's were wide. He almost looked pained.

"Please Demetri, leave me alone. Just until I find someway to get my head around this." I pleaded, watching him back away a little bit.

"I have to show you to your room." He whispered, his eye's to the ground.

"I'm sure I can find someone to show me."

"You have blood running through those veins, Renesmee, not everyone around here can resist that." He reminded me, lifting his head to look at me.

I sighed heavily. "Ok." I gave in.

He guided me down the long hallways. It felt like this place went on forever.

Then, we came to two large doors, he pushed them open to uncover a massive beautiful room.

It looked like something in history. A large bed took its place in the center of the room. Layers red and gold blankets and cushions were draped over. The dark wooden floor had some covered with a large red rug and mahogany wardrobes and bedsides lockers stood at either ends of the room. Different pictures from various artists graced the walls. The only thing it didn't have was a window but that was because I was under ground. It truly was beautiful but I wasn't about to tell anybody that.

"This is your room. The girls filled the wardrobes with clothes and whatever else you girls need." He smiled gently. "We didn't exactly give you time to get your own things together."

I took a few steps deeper into the room. I could smell fresh paint.

"Renesmee?" Demetri called from behind me. I turned around. "I truly am sorry for what you had to see. I didn't think and I should of. I didn't mean to scare you. I thought with you being a vampire some of it would have seemed remotely normal to you."

"None of this is normal to me, Demetri. My parents have done everything they can to give me a normal life and that includes no human blood. I can survive off of human food. Yes the temptation used to be there when I was around a human but I can ignore it. I don't feel it anymore." I explained. "Just tell me the next time you decide to scare the crap out of me again. At least I can prepare myself."

"Renesmee, I promise nothing like that will ever happen again. I will make sure of it." He promised me, his facial expression was drenched in pain and I could help but believe him even though I had told myself I would hate him for as long as I was here. "Am I forgiven?"

"Not yet." I pointed. "But I will make you a deal." I smiled smugly.

"Ok anything." He smiled widely but he still had no clue what I was going to ask of him.

"You want my forgiveness. Even though I live on human food, I don't like it all that much so I still feed on animals all the time. I will have to hunt soon enough and you will be bringing me because I know they will not let me out on my own. So when they do, you have to try and survive on my diet for a month."

His jaw dropped and I smiled widely. "But hey, if you don't want me to forgive you." I said playfully.

"You are evil, you know that? Ugh, fine." He grunted, giving in. "You are a tough woman." He nodded.

"Thank you." I chimed.

"When do we start?" He asked, sounding depressed.

"I am really tired now so if I feel ok tomorrow we can go then." I really didn't feel like feeding but any excuse to get out of this house would have done. I had a feeling I would be feeding non-stop while I was here just to get out of this place.

"Ok. Tomorrow it is then." He nodded.

"Demetri." I heard a high pitched voice scream and it seemed to be getting closer to the room. Then, a petite blonde stormed into the room, her red eye's scanning him. "There you are." She breathed. "Hi Renesmee." She looked at me. I had never seen this one before.

"I didn't get a chance to introduce myself awhile ago, I wasn't there when these mongrels scared the living daylights out of you. I told them about how the Cullens' only feed on animals and it wasn't normal for you to see things like that but they wouldn't listen. They never listen to me. The only time they listen to me is when I am sending electric shocks through their body." She rambled on not once taking a breath. She only looked like a child. "I'm Jane by the way. Welcome to the family." She extended her hand a wide smile gracing her pleasant face. I looked at it for a moment then I took it and shook it weakly.

If this was the Jane my father told me about, which it must have been because the description fit, her personality was nothing like I expected. Maybe she is only evil when you cause a threat. And I was far from being a threat. It would have been me against the whole Volturi. Not a good idea.

I looked over her shoulder to see Demetri making face behind her back. "She never shuts up. For such a small person she had a big mouth." That reminded a bit of my aunt Alice.

"Put a sock in it Demetri." She spat. "He is a pain sometimes but I love him. You can rely on him." She told me.

"I'm Renesmee. Nice to meet you." I didn't mean any of it but it was better to get on this ones good side. I didn't want electric shocks trembling through my body. I wonder does it even work on me or am I like my mother with her too? I wasn't about to ask though. I would prefer not to know.

"I am guessing you met my brother Alec. He can be a bit if an idiot sometimes but you will learn to look past it." She smiled. "Oh and I made a list of everything I thought you would need and I gave it to our human girl so she went and bought them. If you need anything else just let me know."

"Ok, thanks." I stuttered, still shocked at how she was.

"You have your mothers eyes'." She pointed out and I had to swallow hard to get rid of the lump at the mention of my mother. "Good thing too. Your father has that weird topaz thing going on." She laughed.

This girl was getting more strange by the second.

"Anyway I am going to leave and let you get some rest." She stated, turning around and gliding out of the room. "Come on Demetri. We don't want those hands to wonder." She shouted from down the hallway.

My eye's narrowed as I stared at him.

"Not what you expect, huh?" His eyebrows raised.

"No. Not at all." I shook my head.

"I should get going then." He smiled. "See you tomorrow so can start of the path of forgiveness."

"Yeah, lets see how long you will last."

"I will be just fine." He said taking a few steps back. "Good night, Renesmee." He whispered, as he shut the large doors.

"Good night." I responded just as quiet.

Then, everything was silent. I turned around to look at my new room and sat at the edge of the bed.

I felt so small in it.

I knew there was so many people surrounding me outside these walls but for the first time in my life I felt alone.