Our Little Fairy Tale

Next Step to a Plan

"Ness." I heard Demetri call before he strolled into my room. The double doors were open to let in some air.

"Uh huh?" I turned to look at him and laughed when my eyes' met his.

"I came to see if you wanted to hunt? And what are you laughing at?" He questioned, looking confused.

"Your eyes'." I confessed. "They're changing colour."

It was a month today that I made that deal with Demetri and a month since I had left my family. It didn't get any easier but I learned how to hold it when I wanted to cry or scream. It didn't do anyone good if I broke down.

"That's your fault." He chuckled, knocking me out of me trance.

"So you going to stay a "vegetarian"?" I mocked, nudging him playfully.

"I think this eye colour suits me, what do you think?" He teased, posing to himself.

"You are so full of it." I grunted. "But yes, it is very sophisticated looking."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. And yes, I am going to try and live with it another while longer."

"Really?" I questioned, my eyes' narrowing. "Even though the bet ends today?"

"I know, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. And I like my new eye colour."

He laughed as I started singing "You're So Vein", at the top of my lungs.

"You need to hunt, or what?" He chuckled, watching me make funny dance moves around him.

"No, I don't." I smiled as I stopped dancing around him. "I don't need blood as often as you do. Although, I still maintain that you are a blood alcoholic. It's not healthy you know - over indulging like that." I smirked. I trusted Demetri, even though I told myself I wouldn't. But he had done verything in his power to make sure I was ok. Trusting him wasn't an option after that.

"I see you two are having fun." Heidi interrupted us. Her body leaned against the door frame like a seductive statue. Her long legs were bare and a black skirt covered her thighs. Her long brown hair was tied back in a loose ponytail adn her eyes' were violet again due to the contacts. I knew exactly where she was going. Out to attract people to her. That is why they brought me here but I refused point blank to anything like it. They could have forced me but I put up enough of a fight. I think they just got sick of my whining.

"Aro wants to meet with you, Renesmee. Not now, he said he will send Jane to get you."

Oh yes, Aro, Caius and Marcus had returned last night. I had not seen them since I left home and I was sleeping when they came back.

My heart felt like it was going to explode, it was hammering that hard against my chest.

"Geez, calm down." Heidi huffed, obviously hearing my heart beat uncontrollably. "Do something to calm her freakin' down, will you Demetri?" She rolled her eyes' before she turned to leave.

He spun me around, taking grip of my shoulders. "Get a hold of yourself woman." He ordered, nodding his head. "I will go in with you so you won't be as bad." He assured me and sat me down at the edge of the bed where by pulse gradually went back to its natural beat.

Before any time could pass Jane came floating into the room, her long black cloak covering her small shoulders.

"Renesmee, Aro needs to see you now." She told me, then she left again.

"Come on you ball of nerves, stand up." Demetri laughed.

"Seriously, Demetri, this isn't funny." I glared at him. Did he not realize I was here because of these men. I could have been at hime living a happy life with Jacob and my family but instead I was stuck here.

I couldn't stop my heart from beating like it was about to shatter. Two guards opened the doors as we approached them. Inside was a large table and three faces that I despised sat at the other side. My mouth felt like sandpaper and the urge to run in the opposite direction was overpowering. But that wouldn't get me anywhere I wanted to be. It would just get me in more trouble and right now I couldn't afford that.

"Sit down, Renesmee." They gestured and I could still feel Demetri's presense stading behind me when the doors shut, the loud bang echoing around the room. A surge of adreniline shot through me with the fright.

"If you don't mind I am going to stay." Demetri told them.

"Not at all." Aro smiled coldly. "I understand you have been guiding her around this past month." He said as we both sat down. "I want it to stay that way. I am speaking on behave of three of us when I say you are a trusted member of the Volturi and you have always been very loyal."

A sigh of relief escaped through me when they said that. The last thing I wanted was them to tell Demetri to stay the hell away from me. But they didn't and that was a good thing - for me anyway.

"Thank you, leader."

I had to bite down on my lip to stop myself from exploding into laughter.

"Something funny, Renesmee?" Marcus questioned, eyeing me suspisciously.

"Oh nothing." I responding. What the hell was I doing? I was sitting in front of the Volturi leaders, who could snap me in half in a split second and I almost laughed my ass off at something stupid.

"I think you should share it." Caius agreed, his cold and evil features sending shivers through me. I would never forgive that man.

"It's the leader thing. Before we even start, do not expect me to call you that because you haven't a hope." I warned them. I may have been only one person against the whole Volturi Guard but I would rather die before I would call them that and hearing Demetri say it just made me want to burst into hysterics.

"If you don't want to call us that you don't have to." Aro agreed. "So how are you settling in Renesmee?" He changed the subject.

"As well as I can." I responded, trying to keep my answers short. "How are my family?" I asked, hoping he would tel lme they were doing ok.

"They are doing great. Of course they were shattered without you for a few days but they got over it." I had to fight the lump forming in my throat. I knew he was lying. I wasn't stupid, I knew my family wouldn't react like that. "And your dog seems to be doing marvelous."

I hissed loudly, "Meaning?" I spat.

"Lets just say he knows how to move on. he doesn't waist time, does he?" He winked at me.

I felt as though my heart had sunk to the lowest part of my stomach. I just wanted to vomit right there, the nausea had my head spinning.

"What was it you brought her here for, Aro?" Demetri asked, sounding firm. He probably noticed me getting paler by the second.

"Well, we have a plan for you Renesmee."

"Haven't you messed me around enough?" I snapped, feeling the anger boil like acid.

"Not quite yet." He replied, still smiling. Ugh, I just wanted to hit him. "Obviously, we don't have to tell you that you are half human."

"Obviously." I spat.

"Not helping yourself." Demetri whispered to me, sqeezing my hand.

"Yes obviously." The smile was knocked right from his face. "Anyway. Just like a human woman you get something every month just to let you know that you are human."

"You mean my period?" I corrected him.

"Yes that."

"What does this have to do with anything?" I asked, feeling extremely confussed.

"We came up with a theory. Put a half female vampire and a full vampire together and what do you get?"

"Am I on some sick quiz show?"

"No but you get one extremely strong vampire." Now I definitely felt sick. "A vampire that could lead this Volturi to new heights."

"What are you trying to say?" I whispered, unable to find my voice.

"We are going to get you pregnant." He answered casually.

It took me a few minutes to digest what he had actually said. My eyes' widened and I felt sick to the bone. It urned to look at Demetri for some help but the fear in my eyes' was in his too.

"Since when has this been planned?" Demetri barked.

"Calm down Demetri!" Marcus ordered. "We planned it while we were away. We may aswel make use of her."

"But you can't." I began. "yo can't do this, not now."

"Renesmee, sweetheart, in case you haven't noticed, we have eternity. Besides think of it this way, we will be parents to a very powerful child. We will be so proud." Caius smiled.

I had to swallow hard to stop myself from getting sick there and then. "What do you mean we?" I trailed off.

"Me of course." Caius said sounding serious. "We got on so well when we first met."

I could feel my heart beat frantically against my chest and the tears overflowed in my eyes'.

"If you don't have any questions you can go back to your room." Aro spoke. I wanted to kill them all but I couldn't even say anything, my voice got stuck in throat with my sobs. My limbs felt weak. "Don't worry, it won't be tonight." Aro assured me.

"Ness he is right, you should go to your room. I am going to stay here, I have a few questions I need to ask." Demetri advised me. I could see the worry and anger in his eyes'.

"Demetri?" I warned, my voice sounding frail. I didn't want him walking to unnessessary trouble because of me.

"Just go!" He demanded.

And so I did. I left, feeling the blood in my legs turn to water. They really wanted to kill me slowly. I couldn't let Caius touch me like that. I wouldn't. The thoughts of his hands on my body made me want to faint. I just couldn't do.

And I couldn't betray Jake like that. I just refused to.

By the time I reached my room, I collasped onto the bed, letting my tears soak through the rich material that covered the pillows. I just wanted to go home.

An hour later a light tap woke me from my sleep-like trance. I jumped feeling the fear radiate throughout my body. My breathing came in heavy pants hoping and praying that it wasn't Caius at the other side.

The door creaked opened and I cried with relief when Demetri popped his head.

"Hey." He whispered but rushed to my side when he saw the distraught look on my face. "It's ok." He cradled me against him. My sobs became muffled against his muscular chest.

"What the hell were you doing?" I sobbed, lifting my head so that I could look at him.

"I sorted it out."

"What? How did you do that?" I hands were trembling and I couldn't stop them so matter how many deep breaths I took.

"Before I tell you, Ness, I promise I knew nothing about this."

"I know." He was telling the truth because when they said it he looked as scared as I did.

"They had this planned for awhile but they didn't tell anyone in case they let it slip and you would run."

"But I can't let him near me, Demetri, I can't."

"You don't have to." He assured me, wiping away my tears. "I spoke with the leaders and explained to them that you would put up one hell of a fight. And that is the last they want. They need you to be relaxed and feel safe for something like this to happen, especially as it's not the easiest thing for you to get pregnant. They don't even know if it will work but they are going to try if you like it or not. And that makes me sick. So I suggested something to them which they were more than happy about, well Aro and Marcus were." He stated bitterly. "They know you trust me and I told them it would be easier for you if it was me you had to go through this with."

I didn't think it could happen but I became weaker within seconds.

"Demetri, I trust you, I do but I can't go through...."

"Hush." He cut me off smiling. "Ness in the past month I have come to love you." He laughed when I had almost pick my mouth up from the floor. "Not like that. I have come to love you as a sister. The Volturi may be my family, but so are you, as of now. And I am not going to let any of those mongrels do something like that to you. And I love you and all and I think you are amazingly beautiful but I couldn't do it either, I don't see you like that."

Ok, now I totally felt lost. He was really confusing me.

"We will have to pretend that we... well you know." He grimaced.

"Oh Demetri." I threw my arms around his neck. "Thank you so much." I cried.

"I wasn't going to let them hurt you Ness. And I just got your trust, I'm not going to jepordize that."

"But what if Aro tried to read your thoughts?" I asked, all my hope draining.

"He won't, believe me. You heard him, they trust me. And I had to do a little pretending of my own when I was on my own with them." He said, sounding guilty. I stayed silent, urging him to carry on. "I tried my best to act like them, show them that I really was the "loyal" type as they put it. I had to show them I wanted this as much as they did. Believe me, they trust me. I might have to kiss you every now and again though, you know keep up the act." He informed me. I knew it pained him to even think about that.

"Am I really that bad." I slapped him playfully.

"No but it's what I said. You are more like a sister to me. I have topaz eyes' for you woman, doesn't that you my devotion?" He laughed.

"I suppose."

He stared at me for a long moment, sitting there in silence. Then he took my face in his hands and kissed my nose. "You better be a good actress Renesmee Cullen, because as of now, we are the Volturi's newest couple."