Our Little Fairy Tale


I stood there in silence, listening to the shallow drops of water as they exploded in the fountain. It was the same fountain my mother ran through to save my father. It helped me to picture their faces, to picture her running through it when she was still a human.

Lord. And it hurt like hell.

Demetri took me out here all of the time. The rest of them were told it was a romantic thing we did together. Seeing as we were a “couple” now. But tonight the air was foggy and the square looked amazing as the hallow lights reflected around it. It let me escape, if only for a little while.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the moist of the splashing water on my skin. Somehow, every time I came out here, it felt as if it cleansed me. The sound of water always soothed me. Maybe it just reminded me of the one place I would never return to.

“Do you think I will ever get to see them again?” I asked, my voice sounding strained.

I could hear him take a deep breath. Not that he needed it.

“I don’t know. Maybe. Eternity is a long time, Ness. Would it be impossible to never see them again? I don’t know.” He answered honestly.

I couldn’t help the rage swirling in my head as he said that. I had to ask him the one question that had been floating around my head for weeks.

“You said that you want to protect me?” I turned to look at him as he sat on the edge of the fountain. The moist was soaking through his black shirt, revealing his muscular arms. He was sitting a bit away from me but I knew he could hear me. He always seemed to walk away when we came here. It was like he wanted to give me space.

For a moment he just looked at me. The look in his eyes telling me he hadn’t a clue what I was talking about.

“I do want to protect you.” He half smiled, shaking his head.

“So why don’t you just let me go?”

“What?” He questioned.

“We are standing here in the middle of the square with nobody around us. Leave me run. Tell them I suddenly ran off and you couldn’t find me. I’m fast.” I blurted feeling the adrenaline shoot through me.

“I’m not going to leave you run off. Do you honestly think they would believe that?” He was almost amused by what I had asked of him.

“So what if I really ran off?” I could feel my chest rise and fall frantically as my blood pounded furiously behind my ears.

I watched as he slowly stood up. His eyes widening with fear as to my next move.

“Ness? Stay right where you are!” He called me, his voice soft.

I may not have been a full vampire but I got my speed from my father.

With that I backed away a few steps and sprinted as fast as my two legs would take me. I could feel the blood pump through my veins and the images of my family kept me going. Their faces brought new life to my body and all I wanted was to get away. I had no idea where I was going but I just needed to get away. I knew Demetri was following me. I could hear his speedy steps. He wasn’t as fast as I was though and he knew it.

Running through the streets of Volterra, I had no idea where I was going. The small alleyways were black as the buildings blocked out the light of the moon.

“NO!!!” I screamed as a strong firm arms wrapped around my waist and knocked me to the ground. As I lifted my head from the ground I could feel my breath escaping my lungs in loud gasps. “Let me go!” I bawled.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Demetri turned me over so that I was staring straight up into his dark eyes. I could see the sparkle of topaz shining through them. He was still on the “vegetarian” diet.

“It would be easier than living like this.” I spat back at him.

“No it wouldn’t. What were you going to do if you did run and you got back to your family? They would have found you and killed not just you but the rest of your family. And as far as I can remember that is exactly why you are here.”

I couldn’t fight back to that. He was right and I knew it.

Before I knew it his tall frame was hovering over me and he pulled me up and pinned me against the concrete wall. I winced as the pain shot through my body.

“Look at me!” He demanded but I couldn’t. I was so angry at him. “Look at me!” He snapped placing his fingers under my chin until I finally gave in. “For too long I waited for you to trust me. Now I told you I would protect you and I mean it. You have nothing to fear, Renesmee.”

“Oh like never seeing my family is nothing to fear. Of course not.” I could feel the tears sting my eyes.

“Like I said you have nothing to fear.” He repeated, emphasizing his words.

His gaze narrowed below him. “What are you talking about, Demetri?” I breathed, unsure of what he meant.

“Just don’t run off again Ness. You are going to give me a heart failure.”

“That’s impossible.” I grunted, pushing him off of me. He was worse than my father for vague messages that made no sense what so ever.

“Women.” He breathed, following me close behind as I stormed off. He soon caught up with me though. “I’m sorry I am always repeating the same thing but please believe me. I’m not all that bad. You’ll see.” He banged into me playfully, making me sway from side to side.

“Now dry those big eyes of yours.” He winked, wiping the tears away with his thumb. I was too tired to even push him away. My heart was still racing.

Quickly, we walked back through the square and came out through a large alleyway and down into a dark hole where the Volturi lived. They seriously were the demons of the underworld. I felt like I was in an episode of Charmed.

As we walked through the Victorian styled corridors Demetri suddenly gripped my hand and intertwined his fingers between mine. This wasn’t new to me and even though I used to flinch away from him because it didn’t feel right for him to be holding my hand. But I had to deal with it. It was part of who we were now.

And when he grabbed my hand it was a sign that he caught a scent of someone. He was a tracker after all. His senses were more sensitive than the rest of ours.

“Demetri, Renesmee.” A familiar voice called. Jane’s small frame popped out from behind the door in front of us. Her yellow hair was down for once and it fell loosely, smothering her small features.

“You are wanted in the hall.” She said, sounding very formal. I was convinced Jane had a personality disorder. One second she was bubbly and laughing (which was completely unexpected, I know.) And then, she just snapped into a torrent and overload of teenage hormones. They funny thing was she didn’t even have hormones in that frozen body of hers. She amazed me whatever she was.

I came up with the theory that she was from space and was dropped out of the sky suddenly.

“You alright?” I turned to Demetri who was giggling like a little girl.

“I’m holding your hand.” He pointed out. I could feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I didn’t mean to send my thoughts to him. I must have let my guard down.

“What are we wanted for?” I whispered, changing the subject.

“I have no idea.” He shrugged.

As we walked into the great hall many of members of the Volturi were gathered around in a circle. The leaders’ chairs took their powerful places, looking over everybody.

“You made it.” Aro smiled as we both squeezed into the circle.

I looked up to Demetri who moved his hand from mine to securely around my waist, keeping me close to his side. My eyes moved from him to the painful moans moving closer and closer to me. I fixed my eyes on a young man lying in the centre, he was curled and it looked like he was going in and out of consciousness.

“Renesmee.” I jumped hearing Aro’s cold voice call my name. “I think it is about time that you face up to the way we live.”

I could feel my stomach turn inside me and the nausea hit me like a bucket of ice water. I turned to Demetri for some kind of help but his eyes read helplessness.

“Lean into me and don’t look.” He whispered in my ear and I knew I was actually going to have to face this. I have never seen a vampire harm a human before. “I’m sorry.” Were his final words before my watered eyes turned to meet the terrified face of the man lying in front of me.

For a brief moment his eyes opened and he gazed straight at me. It was like he could see right through my soul.

“Alex. Would you like to demonstrate?” Aro gestured.

Alex smiled gratefully and crept up to the helpless body lying there with no way to defend himself. My heart was beating mad and I knew everyone could hear it. If I screamed I would just make things worse like last time.

I turned to meet Jane’s eyes as she smiled at her brother with jealousy in written all over her face. It was times like this that I wished I had her power. She could have stopped him. She could have used her gift to save the man but she wouldn’t.

Alex’s mouth grew nearer and nearer to his neck and he hissed with pleasure as the venom soaked his tongue.

I wanted to send electric currents through his body like Jane could. I wanted to cripple him for being so evil. I could feel my frantic breathing; my head was beginning to spin. But I just wanted to stop him and the intensity of my eyes on him was hurting me, I couldn’t look away.

Stop! I screamed to myself.


“Stop!” I finally screamed and the whole place gasped as he fell to the floor and screamed in agonizing pain. My eyes were wide and strong but my body felt weak and I couldn’t stop looking at him.

“Jane!” I heard someone in the distance shout. “Stop hurting him!”

“He is my brother why would I hurt him?” She defended herself.

Their voices were becoming more and more distance as watching him role over in pain gave me more satisfaction than it should.

“Stop it now, Jane!”

“Ness!” I heard someone call. “Renesmee.”

I inhaled sharply and looked away into the eyes of Demetri who was glaring at me suspiciously.

I watched as his eyes darted from me to Alex. I looked over and he was just getting up but he looked weak.

“She stopped.” I murmured to myself but everyone was silent. When I looked around it seemed that they were all looking at me.

“Everyone out!” Aro screamed, filling the large hall.

“What about him, leader?” Alex questioned pointing at the man on the floor.

“Do what you like with him?” Aro waved. They were going to kill him anyway. I wasn’t going to be able to stop them.

“Come on!” Demetri tugged at my waist and led me back down the grand hallways towards my room. When we stepped inside he shut the door behind and leaned against it.

“That was a bit manic. Why would Jane do something like that to her brother?” I stuttered, avoiding my own queries.

“I was touching you, Ness. I could hear your thoughts.” He walked towards me.

“So that doesn’t mean anything.” I fumbled over the mat on the floor, catching myself just in time. I was nervous and I had no idea why.

“I wasn’t the only one who could see the look in your eyes. You were wishing for Jane’s power to stop Alex and you did.” He said, sounding as if he hardly understood himself.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Demetri. I didn’t do that.”

“I think you did.” He breathed. “The pain stopped when you stopped looking at him. Ness what if you have some other gift?” His eyes were wide.

“What do you mean?”

“What if you can take in other peoples’ powers? It makes sense when you think about it.” He was pacing up and down which wasn’t exactly helping my nerves. “Your mother outputs her shield, you output your thoughts. Your father takes in thoughts, what if you are able to take in things? What if you can use the gifts of people around you?”

I sat on the edge of the bed and thought about it for a moment. “That is stupid.” I whispered. He made sense and I hated it. Was it just a coincidence that pain was inflicted on him because I wanted it or that it stopped when I stopped concentrating on it?

“What if it is not stupid? What if you could do that? You wouldn’t have noticed it at home because you would have grown up with those things but what if you can really do it. And Aro noticed it in your eyes.”

“But what would it be to Aro?” I asked.

“It would mean that you are the most powerful member of the Volturi.”