Our Little Fairy Tale


I could feel my heart beat madly in my chest and my breath was catching in my throat. I knew the possibility of what I had done but when it is said back to you reality hits and it was too much for me.

“Calm down, Ness. Your pulse is going mad.” Demetri confirmed that he could hear the pounding in my chest.

“I can’t calm down. I saw the way everyone was looking at me. Especially Aro. Demetri what are they going to do?” I panicked.

“Nothing is going to happen.” He promised, but I could tell by the weak look in his eyes that not even he was sure.

I could feel my breath get stuck in my throat as a light tap on the door resonated throughout the room.

“Calm down. I’ll get it.” He told me as he stood up from the bed and made his way towards the door.

“Marcus?” He questioned. “Or master.” He shook his head excusing himself.

“May I speak to Renesmee?”

Ok, I was about to die. Why didn’t he send someone for me? Why did he come to my room himself? Yeah, they were going to kill me or something but this wasn’t good.

“Don’t try to make and excuse Demetri. I know she is in there, I can hear her heart.” Marcus warned.

Damn my beating heart. Could I not be a normal vampire for once? Ugh, why did my parents have to go and have me? Stupid people. They should have gone to sex Ed class.

I watched as Demetri turned to face me, his helpless eyes speaking volumes. I knew he wanted to say something to make me feel better or to be there to protect me but he couldn’t. And I didn’t blame him. I didn’t expect him to watch my every move. It wasn’t up to him to make sure I lived through another day. And the last thing I wanted was for him to get in trouble with the Volturi.

I smiled at him gently and winked to let him know it was ok. I was going to have to find the strength to get through this, no matter what they had in store for me.

I approached the door slowly, my heart beating stronger with each step I took.

“Renesmee.” Marcus said as I looked into his red eyes. “I would like for you to come take a walk with me.”

“What kind of walk?” Demetri interrupted, his voice was agitated.

“Shut up.” I whispered to him. Like I said, I didn’t want him getting involved in something he had nothing to do with.

“Just a walk.” Marcus simply replied.

“I’ll see you later,” I promised, smiling up at him.

“Wait.” He pulled me back, leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

What the hell are you thinking? I sent my thoughts to him as our lips were in contact. But as I did that he placed his hand on my lower back and pulled me closer to him.

I am going to hurt you.

As he backed away, my eyes narrowed in question. Then I remembered, we were supposed to be a couple.

“See you soon.” He repeated my words. “And be careful.” He whispered in my ear just as Marcus turned around.

I laced my hand on his chest, I’ll be fine.

“Where are we going, Marcus?” I finally asked as we walked through the long hallways.

“We need to talk.” Marcus said, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

“About what?” I pressed.

“Patience is a virtue my dear Renesmee.”

“Ugh.” I grunted. “Patience was never my strong point.”

“You are a brave one aren’t you?” He smiled to himself, his marble looking skin not moving an inch. “You are the only one that I have ever known that is not scared to speak up to us. You must have gotten your braveness from your mother.”

I winced with pain as he said those words. He was right, my mother was brave but I didn’t need the memories. They hurt too much.

“This way Renesmee.” Marcus gestured down another large hallway.

“Why are we going outside?” I asked, recognizing the hallway as the way Demetri brought me to the fountain.

“I understand there is somewhere around here that you love. I thought you would be more comfortable talking to me out there. We can take a walk around the square. And please calm down Renesmee, I promise, it is only a talk.” He smiled gently, finally turning his head to look at me.

“What is it with you people? You pretend to be all nice then you stab people in the back. I believe Caius is a master of doing that.” I spat. “You may just be cruel and cold towards me instead of acting nice. I can take it and to be honest I would prefer it.”

“It is true. Caius is a professional at those things. But I am not. They sent me to talk to you for a reason.” He said, guiding me out into the warm night air. As we made our way out onto the dim lights I could see the fountain. I could hear the water flowing into it and I felt at ease. If only a little bit but it helped me forget that a vicious murderer was standing very close to me.

“So what is it you brought me out here for?”

“I think you already know the answer to that.” He was right, I did. But I didn’t want to admit it to myself. “I don’t think Alec fell to the ground in pain all by himself.”

“But it was Jane’s powers.” I quickly interjected.

“Alec is Jane’s brother, Renesmee. She didn’t do it. And we know the look on Jane’s face when she uses her power. It was the very same look that was on your face.” He stated.

“I didn’t do that.” I could feel my heart pounding again and my palms were getting clammy.

“We think you did. You come from a very powerful family and you have parents with very interesting powers. Your gift in itself is amazing but now you have a new one. We think that when you want something bad enough you can use somebody else’s power to get it.”

“It wasn’t me.” I persisted.

“We brought you here to give us a powerful vampire.” He began, ignoring my statement. “We wanted you to conceive a vampire that would be more powerful than anything we have ever seen before. Instead, we found you. This means we don’t need the vampire anymore. And we think that Demetri will only distract you and you won’t be able to fulfil your full potential.”

“What are you saying?” I whispered unable to find my voice. I could feel the fear in my eyes.

“You and Demetri will have to spend some time apart. You need to practice on this new gift of yours.”

“No.” I shook my head frantically. “I can’t. I have to be with him.”

“You will survive without him. Renesmee I know this is hard but you will still see him, just not as much. I have been in love before.” His eyes were full of sorrow and for a moment the look on his face reminded me of the expression I had when I thought of Jacob and never seeing him again. “I know what it looks like. I haven’t told the others and I won’t but you are not in love with Demetri.”

“You don’t know what you are talking about.” I shouted.

“Yes I do. There is only one person you will ever love. Jacob...” He hesitated as he said his name. “Is that it?”

My silence gave him my answer.

“You don’t look at Demetri the way you used to look at him. Demetri only reminds of what it used to be like to have that kind of presence around you.”

“You’re wrong.” I stated bitterly. I needed to convince him that I needed Demetri in my life. They couldn’t just take him away from me.

“So look at me and tell me that you love him.” His red eyes were boring through me, as if he could see right into my soul.

“I love him.”

“I see.” He wondered. “Now look at me and tell me you love him in a way that is more than just friends. Tell me that he is the one you think of every day. Tell me that when you think about him it drives you almost insane. Tell me that he is the one you cannot live without because that, Renesmee, is what love is.”

I stared at him for a long moment and thought of everything he said and the only person that popped into my head was Jake. Jake did all those things to me.

“I...” I tried to get out but I couldn’t say it. I needed to but I couldn’t. My heart wouldn’t let me. I couldn’t betray Jake like that. I loved him and even though he thought I was dead, I would never stop loving him. I closed my mouth, knowing the words wouldn’t come out.

“See.” He tilted his head and looked at me sympathetically. I can remember my mother saying that Marcus seemed the kinder out of the three. Well, if you would call a Volturi leader kind.

“Demetri is a great man. He was always very loyal to us and we have seen the way he has taken care of you. He has relaxed you somewhat. But we need to focus on these new powers of yours.”

“There is no point. I’m not going to use them for anything. Well, not to hurt people for you lot.” I snapped.

“We never asked you too.” He said calmly. “We are just curious. And I know that you would like to know if you really have a new power.”

He was right, I did. It was strange finding out that I could do more than just project my thoughts to people.

“But it obviously doesn’t work with every power so how will you know?” I questioned.

“We are not going to put you through any experiments. Believe it or not we are going to leave that up to you. When you are near someone that has a gift, do exactly what you did with Jane and see if it works. That way you can define the differences between what you can do and what you can’t do.” He answered. It was a relief to know that they were letting me do this in my own time. Of course I wanted to know if this gift was real as soon as possible but I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it if they put me under pressure.


“Yes Renesmee?”

“Can I see Demetri when we go back inside? I need to thank him for everything he has done.” I bit down on my lip, doubtful that he would give me permission.

“It would be the least I could do.” He nodded his head, almost like a bow. “We want you to become a part of this family. We want you to join us and feel comfortable around us. We know you will never convert to our way of life or our diet but it would be a lot easier on you if you just participated with us. Don’t you think?”

“Probably. But this is as nice as you are going to get me. You took me from my family and the person that I am struggling everyday to live without. I’m not going to live happily ever after with people who did that to me. It’s just too much to ask.” I told him, biting down on my lip.

“Yes, I know how it feels to struggle because you no longer have someone on your life.” He said, gesturing for me to walk back towards the Volturi. As I did a conversation I had had with my father a few months previous flashed in my head. He had told me that Marcus’s mate was Aro sister and that she had died in battle.

But something didn’t seem right as I replayed the conversation in my mind. It felt like I was missing something.

“We have to go and see the Aro and Caius now.” Marcus informed me, knocking me out of my daydream.

“Ok.” I nodded robotically. I didn’t care that I had to face them anymore. I was missing a piece to a puzzle and it was bugging me.

As we walked into the circular shaped hall once again my head was flying through every word he had said.

“Renesmee.” I cold voice called me.

My head popped up and my eyes locked with Aro.

He was my missing piece. It was him.

He had killed his own sister and Marcus’s only love.

Didyme. That was her name.

“Are you ok?” Marcus turned to look at me. My heart was pounding again.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I assured him before he walked away to take his seat beside Caius and Aro.

“I want to see Demetri.” I spoke, my pulse racing out of control.

“Sorry no can do.” Aro told me.

I was about to become braver than what I thought I was.

The name Didyme ring a bell Aro? I sent my thoughts to him.

Instantly, I saw his crimson eyes widen.

You’re sick. You killed your own sister for making Marcus happy. But if he knew I don’t think he would be very happy with you. Do you? I smiled cunningly as his jaw dropped and his eyes widened even more.

“I want to see Demetri.” I repeated, sounding a lot more confident than last time.

“Take her.” He ordered one of the guards who was standing against the wall but he never took his eyes off of me. “Take her to see him now!” He shouted.

My smile got even wider as I watched the fear in his eyes grow. He wasn’t going to kill me. After all I could have been the most powerful vampire the Volturi had ever seen. And Marcus and Caius wanted my power. They wouldn’t let him kill me.

Moral of the story Aro, I sent my thoughts once more, don’t under estimate a Cullen.