Our Little Fairy Tale

Hard to hate you

Renessme's P.O.V

His face was not how I expected to be. It was regretful, and looked like it had a thousand words to speak. Why was it so easy for me to look him in the eye, even after everything he told me? If he told me he did not want to be with me, I would deal with. I would have to, if it's what makes him happy. I would give my life to make sure he was happy and if that included me not being with him, I was risking to sacrifice it.

He was about to speak but I got there first. I wanted to let him know that he didn't have to love me: "It's ok." I whispered. "I understand." My voice broke twice as I said the words. I was speaking lies. His face looked confused. Anything would have been better than the silence he was giving me. "What I'm trying to say," I continued, "is that you don't have to love, I mean, why would you? You could have any girl you wanted." He was walking towards me now but I went on." You don't have -" He cut me off. His lips softly pressing against my mouth. I stood there frozen for a moment until it felt like his warm lips had melted into mine. His kiss became urgent and passionate, his fingers tangled in my hair as I wrapped my arms around his neck. What was it I was mad at him for? Everything he had said disappeared from my mind. We both stopped for air. His head was pressed against mine and I could feel his warm breath on my face as he gazed at me.

"And what I am trying to say, Renesmee Cullen," I sucked in a breath and held it, preparing myself for what he would say next. A slight smile was edging at the corner of his mouth, "is that I love every inch of you. I want you and only you. And I'm sorry about what I said up on the cliff, I didn't know it was you until after you left. Please say you'll forgive me?" He pleaded.

I stretched my neck and locked my lips with his, "I think that should be a good enough of an answer." I smiled.

"I'll take your answers in kisses anytime." He laughed gently. "I love you, Ness. Always have, always will." He whispered as he kissed the nape of my neck.

"Forever." I promised.

"So who were you meant to have been so cruel to up on the cliff?" I questioned. His kisses had distracted me long enough, but I needed to know.

He sighed, "It doesn't really matter."

My eye's narrowed and he knew he wasn't getting off that lightly."OK!" He gave in, "it was meant for, Leah." He hesitated as he said her name.

"Leah?" I gasped. Why was he telling, Leah that he could never love her? Then I realised why she had been so difficult around me. She really loved him, that was weird. But it caught me by surprise that all I felt for her was sympathy. Wasn't I suppose to want to kill her? "Poor Leah." I exclaimed.

"Poor Leah?" That confused look had returned to his face. "It can hardly be easy for her watching the two of us."

"You are too nice to her."

"I'm a nice person." I teased. We both laughed in unison.

"Can we not talk about her, please?" He asked, almost pleaded.

"Fine." I was more than happy to drop the subject.

He kissed my neck as I sat between his legs on the couch. We had drove back to my house in my mom's truck and when Jacob phoned Seth, he had promised he would pick up his truck for him. His hand feathered against my thigh. I turned to reach his mouth. Just like before his kiss was passionate. I positioned my body so it was totally facing his, pressing against his hard chest. The kiss became more urgent as he pulled me to him. I lost whatever control I had. He could have me. I felt his hand rub against the small of my back and then tug lightly on my t-shirt. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything in my whole life. My hand's busily caressed his face and moved slowly down his torse. He lifted me so we were both kneeling on the couch. I felt his hands begin to lift my top as far as my bra, I raised my arms so he could remove it from my body, I didn't mind. The urge and passion I felt for him was so strong I couldn't think of anything else. He crushed himself tighter against me, so, my back fell onto the cold leather of the sofa, I giggled shyly. His tongue danced over my lips and down my neck. It felt like nothing I could have ever imagined, I whimpered slightly and I heard his breathing heighten. His hand gripped on my hips and pulled me towards him so my legs were placed gently around his toned torso. My fingers searched for the buttons of his black shirt, successfully I began to unbutton them. "Whoa!" he backed away slightly. His breathing was heavy. "This is too fast for you, sweetheart. I don't want to rush you into things."

"You're not." I said, the disappointment shining through my voice.

"I love you, you know that, Ness. But I want you to be able to think about this. I don't want you to regret it." I knew by his voice that he meant every word. Maybe he was right, but in that moment he didn't sound right. I wanted him, I loved him.

"Do you not want to?" I asked.

He grinned widely, "Darling, I have no doubts in my mind. I love you. But I still want you to be ready. I don't want you to feel forced into this."

"Ok, maybe you're right." I admitted. If it made him happy for me to think about it, then I would wait. I lifted my chin to look at him. "Thanks." I whispered. I knew he only wanted what was best for.

He rested me on his body as he laid back down. The last thing I heard was the steady rhythm of his heart.

I woke up in my bed wrapped in his arms. "Morning, Princess." He whispered as he kissed the top of my head. "I carried you in here last night. The couch was getting cramped." He probably noticed the confused look on my face as to how I got to my bed.

"Sorry, I should have known it was too small for you." I apologized. Jake's large muscular frame would have never survived on our sofa.

"Not to worry." He reassured me. "Oh, Bella phoned. She said they will be home at about three and Emmett said you better be waiting for him over at your grand-parents house." I smiled thinking of my uncle Emmett. It was only then I realised how much I missed everyone.

"Do you want to tell Bella and Edward about us today?" He asked, his face cringed as he said my father's name. "Or should I leave before he has enough time to read my mind." My father's ability to read my mind had faded throughout the years. Like I said before, I was becoming more and more like my mother. He could only read my mind if I let him, which I was extremely grateful for. Especially, now that Jake and I were together. The last thing a girl wants is her father knowing every intimate detail of her relationship with her boyfriend, and I didn't want Jake to be ripped to shreds in five seconds flat.

"I think we should tell them today, I want them to know."

"Ok, whatever makes you happy." He responded while lowering his head to kiss my forehead.

"They're going to be real happy for us, Jake." He didn't look so convinced but I knew I was right. My parents had come to terms with the possibility of Jake and I having a relationship past the 'just friends' part a long time ago. They only wanted me to be happy and they realised it was, Jacob that did that job. It was my uncle's I was worried about. 'Over-protective' was putting it lightly when it came to Jasper and Emmett. It could be guaranteed that they would find, Jacob, pin him to a tree somewhere and frighten the living daylights out of him. It wouldn't have surprised me if my aunt Rosalie tagged along. My aunt Alice would just hug me, tell me how happy she was for me and continue skipping around the house singing a song two octaves higher than the original key. Then she would come back to me an hour later with the whole wedding planned out and tell me my dress is being shipped from Paris or Milan. I laughed under my breath.

"What's so funny?" He urged.

"Oh nothing!" I shrilled, my shoulders shook as I laughed.

"Renesmee Cullen, what are you laughing about?" I stretched my neck to kiss his lips.

I was still laughing as I kissed him, "Just so you can't say I never warned you, Emmett and Jasper are fast, so be prepared."

His face looked worried for a moment, then he began to laugh along with me, "Oh perfect, thanks babe, that's a great way of calming my nerves'."

"Oh I'm so happy for you both." My mother's joy was obvious, not only for me but for, Jacob, too. She had always wanted him to find the happiness he deserved.

"Yeah, that is great, hon." My father said as he took me into his embrace. "Take good care of her." He warned, Jacob.

"I'm not going anywhere, dad." I reminded him.

"Yeah, but you're my little girl." My face flushed with embarrassment and I had no idea why. I was never ashamed to admit that I was a 'daddy's girl'. I felt the vibrations of his laughter against my body.

"Now what is he laughing at?" Jacob demanded almost annoyed.

"I have no idea. What are you laughing at, dad." I asked as I sat down next to, Jacob.

"Guess who has the pleasure of telling her two uncle's and the maniac auntie." I saw my mother nudge him in the ribs which soon shut him up.

"Seriously, dad, did you really need to remind me? See, if you really loved me you would do it for me." It almost sounded as if I were begging, almost. It was strange how all of sudden I feared telling the rest of my family but I loved Jacob and I knew there was nothing for me to worry about.

"Oh no, Missy," I heard my mother order, "you made your bed, now your going to lay in it."

"You'd swear I was telling them I was pregnant."

I saw my mother's eyes gaze at me and my father's eyes dart towards, Jacob. But I soon corrected myself, "Before you do or say anything, I'm not pregnant." I heard them release a sigh of relief. "For teenage parents, you sure are bossy." I said, defeated. They both chuckled.

After we left my grand-parents house, I felt so relieved that everyone now knew. I was right there was nothing for me to be worried about, they were all really happy for me, well that is if you take away the "if you try any funny business, I'll snap your neck in half," type of looks that, Jake got from Jasper, Emmett and I could have sworn I saw Carlisle do it. But even they expressed their happiness for us both. I was still counting the minutes for a phone call from Alice about was colour bridesmaids dresses I wanted.

We walked through the forest towards my house, when, Jake looked at his watch. "Oh, shit." He wailed. "Sorry Ness, I have to go, it's my turn to do the look around."

"It's fine, go."

"Love you." He shouted at he ran off. I could see him phase through the trees.

"Love you, too." I whispered.

I walked into the kitchen of my house, where my mother sat reading a book. I noticed the cover, I had read it before. "Wow, mom, you're getting brave, Macbeth. Very interesting." She laughed as she lowered the book from her face.

"So come on, tell me everything." She said enthusiastically

"You don't have to do that, mom."

"Do what?" "Pretend like you want to know every detail." I knew what my mother was like, I was too much like her. She had never been the total girlie-girl that wanted every peace of information, I could understand her because I was the same. I pressed my hand to her cheek, reliving the past two days. Of course, leaving out the part where her daughter nearly lost her virginity on her living room sofa.

"What are you going to do about, Leah?" She asked.

"I don't know. We could just give her space, she might get over it. But I feel really bad for her, mom. I don't know what to do."

"You will in a minute. Seth is on his way with some news." My father informed me with a grin on his face.

I waited at the door to greet him. He appeared from the trees. "Hey, Bella, hey Edward." He waved at them as he passed me out to go inside.

"Ok then." I muttered. I walked behind him. We reached the kitchen and he sat down and took the book my mother was reading and pretended to read it. "Earth to Seth. C'mon you're killing me here."

"Oh, sorry, Nessie, forgot you were there." He joked. "Well I come with news. Jake says to say sorry for not being able to come himself but he is super busy, doing this and doing that...."

"Spit it out, Seth!" I was beginning to get annoyed.

He ranted on and on. "Oh and did I mention, Leah has imprinted on somebody." His words flowed from his mouth as if it were something like forgetting to get milk at the shop.

"She what?" I gasped.

"You know about the whole imprinting business...." I couldn't hear anymore, I heard something about a cousins friend but the rest was blank. I was so happy, me and Jake could finally be together without any complications. It seemed too good to be true, that it happened so soon after me and Jake got together, but it was real. I wrapped my arms around, Seth and began to cry, but they were tears of sheer happiness.

"It's all working out." I bawled.

"You deserve it." He said as he hugged me. Then, I saw my parents enter the kitchen and they too hugged me. "I better get back. Jacob said he would call later, he won't get back until late tonight, they had to go up North."

"Ok thanks, Seth. You're the best." I smiled wiping away the tears from my face.

"You don't need to tell me twice." He laughed as he ran back into the darkness of the trees.