Our Little Fairy Tale

Needing him

I woke with a start, I heard the phone ring and then I heard my mother's voice. "No, sorry, Jake, she is sleeping. She was exhausted. I think the excitment of everything wore her out. Ok, see you in the morning." She was talking to, Jake. I couldn't remember the dream I had, I could just remember that he was in it, but whatever it was, I felt a sudden urge to be with him. I wanted him, I wanted all of him. I jumped out of the bed and changed back into the clothes I was wearing that day. I opened the door and saw my mother and father tucked into each others arms on the sofa. "Ness, I thought you were sleeping. Jake just called I told him call in the morning because you were in bed."

"Yeah I heard. Look, mom, dad, would you mind if I went to see him?" I asked as nicely as I knew possible. I was surprised I hadn't started batting my eyelids.

"Is there something wrong?" My father's tone sounded worried.

"Oh no nothing is wrong."

"But the heavens have opened out there, Nessie, you can't drive in that."

"I'll run," I told him.

"And what get soaked?" My mother questioned.

"Guys, you know I'll go anyway." It was true, I would have left through the window.

"Ok, ok. But be careful." She insisted giving in as she stood up and got my jacket from the hanger.

I ran to, Jacob's house, the rain was refreshing on my face. I knocked on the door lightly, I didn't want to wake, Billy. But then I remembered, Billy was staying with, Rachel for a few days. I banged harder on the door. "Come on, Jake." I murmured. This urge was becoming too much for me to handle. I couldn't breathe another second without seeing him - over dramatic, maybe, but that is how it felt. He opened the door slowly. His eye's widened as he saw me. His broad muscular chest was bare. I found myself needing to take in a lung full of breath as I looked at him. I had no idea how he did that to me but I loved it.

"Ness, what's wrong?" Seeing him made me want him even more. I felt my eyes begin to fill with tears and I had no idea why. It felt like my heart was about to explode. "Ness come in, you're soaked."

"I love you, Jacob." I blurted.

"I love you too, Ness." He stuttered, he had no idea where this was going.

"No let me finish, Jake." The rain pelted off of my skin. "I want you and only you. I want all of you. I have thought about this. I've never been so ready for anything, Jake. I had no question in my mind if we were doing the right thing last night and I don't now. We're meant for each other. I'm yours. All of me, tonight and forever. So please, Jacob, don't try and stop this for my benefit."

He stared at me a moment, his eyes wide. They had the same need in them as mine did. He walked out so the rain was hitting off of his bare chest. The moon glistened on the raindrops that fell onto his body.

"You know I can never say no to you, sweetheart." He smiled as he took my face in my hands and kissed me. He took me in his arms so my legs were wrapped around his waist. His sweet breath swimming over my mouth.

"Forever." I whispered. Then, he led me into the house and we continued were we left off the night before.