Our Little Fairy Tale

What to do?

Jacob's P.O.V

I stood there, silent, looking at her petrified face. Oh, I just wanted to phase right there and kill them but Nessie needed me. How dare they do that to my Ness. She was sitting on the couch staring at the t.v. It was then I realized I hadn't even asked her how she was. I motioned towards her, she turned her head towards me and a big smile spread across her face. My eye's narrowed forming a crease at my brow. Why is she smiling?

"Renesmee. Are you ok, sweetheart?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She chimed as her musical voice echoed around the room. She was lying, I could tell. Her voice may have been firm but I could see it in her eye's. To make matters worse, they were staying close by which meant they were going to be keeping a close eye on her. I get that they want to make sure she isn't a threat or anything but they saw her with their own eye's - Perfectly normal, well as normal as a half vampire/half human can get. That made my body shake, remembering how they looked at her, especially the really pale guy - Caius. I took her hand in mine and rubbed it.

"You are not fine." Emmett interjected from across the room. He was staring at her, just as confused as I was. "Wait until Jasper moves out of the room, you won't feel so relaxed then."

What was he trying to do? He was scaring the crap out of her. "Then I won't move." Jasper spoke calmly still looking at the t.v. screen as if he was actually interested in what was on - it was a cartoon channel, definitely not the kind of stuff I thought Jasper would be into. "Thanks Uncle Jasper." She said leaning her head on his shoulder. "Any time. You know where I am." He smiled and looked at me over her head. His worried look spoke volumes. I knew what he was saying, the minute she leaves this place she is going to either break down or go into a state of shock. I gripped her hand even tighter and leaned over to kiss her cheek. She shivered slightly as my warm face met hers.

"I'm gonna go talk to Edward and Bella." I whispered and stood up walking towards the kitchen. They stopped talking when I reached the door. "So what are we gonna do?" I was relying on them to give me an answer because I had none of my own. We couldn't run away with her because number one, she wouldn't allow it, she hated running away from things she feared, she preferred to face them. And number two, the Volturi were one big ass vampire family and if they ever caught us she would be turned to ashes in seconds. Multiple shivers ran down my back at the thoughts of it.

"You are right Jacob-" I heard Edward say, leaning over the counter. He had obviously read my mind. Bella sat next to him on the stool. Her worried face looked like it had set in stone. "-We can't take her away, they will find us. Caius is a tracker and a very skilled one at that."

I could smell Rosalie's scent - sweet, very very very sweet. It made my nose sting and I thought my eye's would water but they didn't. I had gotten used to her by now. On most occasions we got on. We both came to terms with each other, more for Nessie's sake but she made the effort too. Sometimes she even smiled.

She stood beside me, her back poker straight and her blonde hair flowing down her back. "We could always send her on a holiday. You know she loves Tanya and they are always asking her to come and stay. Or maybe Siobhan in Ireland, she would love to have Ness go stay with her." Is she for real? Ireland! Nessie hadn't a hope of going that far away.

"NO!" Bella nearly shouted the word, her voice breaking. "My daughter is not leaving to go anywhere." She said firmly shaking away her nerves.

"Maybe we could go on a shopping trip?" Alice said excitingly. We all looked at her giving her the Seriously Alice, expression. Her eye's dropped and she skipped back out of the kitchen.

"I think you should all think of how this is effecting Renesmee and not making plans to run away-" Jasper strolled in and stood beside Rosalie, "-It will hit her eventually and when it does she needs your support. Bella you know how it feels to come against the Volturi." He nodded at Bella who raised her head at the sound of her name. Her face, if it was at all possible, had become paler than it naturally was.

"Of course I do. That is what I am thinking of. But she is strong. Nessie is not a girl to let things get to her."

"Just like her mother." Edward added with a faint smile tugging at his lips.

Speaking of Nessie, where the hell was she? "Sleeping. Carlisle carried her to her room upstairs." Edward answered my question.

"Oh. Ok. Now getting back to the point. What are we going to do with Ness?"

"I think we should keep her here-" Bella started, "-go with her when she goes hunting, like we mostly do. Jake, she is always with you know anyway. We know she will be safe with you. I think we should just always be with her."

"She is gonna hate you for it." Rosalie said nodding her head.

"Once she is safe I don't care." Edward barked. "As far as I could tell Aro had no plans to harm her. He was just doing what he said he was doing - checking in. Now he just feels the need to make sure we are telling the truth."

"And Caius?" I asked. I knew there was something strange about him. There was times that I thanked the heavens I didn't have a gift like Edward. I would hate to know what all of the guys were saying in their mind's about Ness. It wasn't even worth thinking about.

"He didn't have any thoughts about harming her either. But I still wouldn't like her around him. Then again, both Caius and Aro know that I can mind read, maybe they just thought of something else."

"But wouldn't that have been obvious?" Surely he would have known they were trying too hard to think of something else.

"You do it all the time." He smiled and I could feel my face get hot. "And they found a loop hole in Alice's thoughts because she only got a vision that they were coming about five minutes before they got here. That worries me a little bit." He said.

"I think Bella's idea is the best we have." I said rubbing the bridge of the nose, I could feel a headache coming on. "You guys mind if I go check on her?"

"No of course not." Bella smiled.

I walked up the cream carpeted stairs and towards her bedroom. Well mini house would be more the word. Esme and Carlisle made a fuss of her because she was the only grandchild. The room had Esme's stamp all over it. The brown wallpaper designed with gold leaves behind her bed blended perfectly with the rich cream walls and her duvet was brown satin with gold pillows on it.

I slowly made my way to the room, gliding my feet quietly across the floor until I reached her door. My body froze, the only thing on her bed was a white sheet of paper. The duvet was pulled back and the window was wide open. I ran over the bed and picked up the sheet with shaky hands.

Hey Guys,

I know it is pointless saying this, but don't worry. I just needed some air. Not gone far and I will be back in a little bit.

Love you,

Shit! No! "Everything ok, Jacob?" I heard Alice's high pitched voice from downstairs.

"It's Nessie. She's gone." I screamed, dropping the note on the floor, already jumping out the window and phasing.