Our Little Fairy Tale


Renesmee's P.O.V

I needed to get out of that house. What did they think I was, deaf? I could hear every single word of their conversation. Not once did anyone say, 'Let's ask Renesmee what she wants.' No! Typical of my family, they think I can't make decisions of my own. I should have probably asked them first if I could leave though, but they would have just said no. They had probably already noticed I was gone, but I was running as if my life depended on it, all I wanted was a few minutes alone, of peace and quiet. Jacob! Kind of forgot about him for a second, he was the last person I wanted to upset or worry. I inhaled deeply letting the thoughts of what my family would do to me when I returned home seep through my body.

I slowed my run to a fast walk until I finally stopped. I had gone far enough, it would take them at least another fifteen minutes to find me. I threw myself on the ground hearing the crunch of the autumn leaves. I leaned my back up against the tree truck and closed my eye's. I could hear the birds and the animals around me. I may have been a vampire but if a rat came within sights distance of me I would be gone like a flash. I heard foot steps, I knew that scent, it was very familiar.

I opened my eye's and saw Leah emerge from behind the dark trees. Great! And I thought it was impossible to have another awkward moment today. Seriously, I think people can smell when I want time alone and just find me to annoy me.

"Hey Nessie." She whispered, her eye's to the ground. Did Leah Clearwater just call me, Nessie? It was usually Renesmee the bloodsucker or something onto those lines, but never Nessie.

"Hey...Leah." I replied, the confusion obvious in my voice. She motioned towards me.

"Mind if I sit down? I have something I need to say to you." Oh, so I wasn't getting off that easy, she had something to say after all.

"Yeah sure, knock yourself out." I smiled slightly.

She sat down across from me, crossing her legs under herself. She picked up a leaf and started breaking it. She was nervous. "Nessie, I owe you the biggest apology ever." My eye's widened in surprise. This day was turning out to be, I don't know....Weird. I thought I going to wake up soon. She continued not giving me a chance to say anything. "It's about the whole Jacob thing." Her cheeks turned a light red as embarrassment took grip of her face. She obviously regretted everything she said to Jacob. "I know he told you about that night at the bonfire. He didn't tell me exactly but considering I can read his mind and all. So anyway, I only realize now what he was talking about. He loves you more than anything, actually I don't think I have ever seen anyone more in love, it's scary." She let out a small laugh through her breath. "I know Seth told you about my imprinting, and now I understand, because there is no-one else in the world I would rather be with. I thought I loved Jacob-" I flinched as she talked about my Jacob, even though the words were not true, I still felt that pang of jealously. "-but I don't. So you don't have to accept it but I am so sorry Ness. I didn't mean to treat you like that." I saw tears swim in her eye's and I took her hand and gripped it tightly. She gasped in surprise but smiled.

"Well, we have to start somewhere. Don't be so stupid, you have nothing to be sorry for. I would have fought for him too." Then I moved closer and hugged her lightly. I heard her muffled laugh against my shoulder.

"Sorry, it's just, who would have said you and I would be.....Friends." Her brow raised when she said 'friends'. She was looking for me to confirm that we actually were.

"Yeah I know right. So let's do what friends do."

"Ok." she agreed.... "What is that exactly?"

"Come on Leah, I need some details. Age? Name? Is he hot? Where did you meet?" I had to force myself to sound enthusiastic, details were never my thing. Plain facts would have been fine but I didn't want her to think I was being rude and I was truly interested to hear who she imprinted on.

She inhaled deeply as she prepared herself to go on her rant. "Well. After the night at the bonfire I just felt I needed to get away." I know how you feel, I thought. "I went to visit my cousins down south. My cousin is Alpha of a pack down there. They were having a party and the rest of the pack came. Then I saw him, you know how it is, Ness." She obviously feeling uncomfortable about the details thing, too.

"I never knew two werewolf's could imprint on each other?"

"Well, they can now!" She laughed. "Anyway his name is Jachin and he is twenty. That enough details for you?" Her face told me she hoped it was.

"Plenty." I sighed with relief. "So when do we get to meet the famous Jachin?" I was intrigued to meet a werewolf from another pack.

"He is joining Sam's pack and moving here, so pretty soon." She smiled. Her wide grin reached her eye's. She was in love, I could tell. I had never seen Leah so happy.

"Wow! If that doesn't say he loves you nothing will." I didn't think it could but her smile became bigger. She stared at me a moment and then it seemed to disappear. I knew what she was thinking, it was written all over face.

"Nessie?" She said raising her eye's.

"Uh huh?" I breathed, guilt plastered all over me.

"What are you doing in the forest on your own, sitting on the ground, looking like the world is on your shoulders? I'm guessing you left without saying anything to Jacob, would I be right?" She asked.

"You would be half right." She looked at me confused. "I left a note." I exclaimed.

"Oh, you are sooo dead. Why did you leave anyway?"

"Long story." The last thing I wanted to do was tell Leah that members of the Volturi were going to be wandering around the forest. That would only make the situation worse. I saw her face lift in the air as the wind brushed past us. I could smell it too. Every single one of them. Great. There was no point of me running now.

"Smell what I smell?" She asked, an amused grin spreading across her cheeks as she turned her head to me.

" Yeah." I breathed. "The smell of me in a whole lot of trouble."