‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

My Way Home Is Through You

“Dean,” I grabbed his hand that traveled dangerously close to my inner thigh and pushed it back down to my knee. “It’s not really the time for that, babe.”

“Aw,” he murmured looking away from me, but his hand tried once again to move upwards, I slapped it that time though. “Ow.”

“Dean, you know I love having sex with you just as much as you love this damn car but right now were keeping an eye out for your brother, so chill out before we get in trouble and we can’t help him,” I slipped my hand into his and smiled weakly when he pouted. I’m a sucker for his pout, I’ll admit. “I promise when we get to the hotel, I’ll make it up to you.”

“Alright,” he sighed and glanced over at his wrist watch and then to the pretty much abandoned parking lot around us. He looked over at me before looking at the hospital ahead of us. “You ever played nurse, Remy?”

“No but I’m up for learning,” I smiled as he got out of the car chuckling. I followed him inside, talking nonchalantly so we wouldn’t attract any attention from the nurses and doctors around us. Dean found a stock room soon after we walked in; we ducked into the room and quickly changed into the green scrubs and white lab coats. Of course Dean has to make every situation a little sexual so he kept touching my butt and undoing my bra straps when my back was turned. He got slapped a lot for that. “Now where’s the room?”

“Third floor,” Dean told me as we stepped inside the elevator. There was one nurse inside and she glanced up at us as we walked in. Dean pushed the third floor button and she cleared her throat, readying to speak.

“Are you new here?” the nurse asked. I wanted to groan because Dean looked at me for an explanation. “Oh you must be Dr. French.”

“Yes,” Dean said smiling. “Dr. French and nurse Tigo, Tigo Bitties.”

“Tigo Bitties,” I repeated closing my eyes, of course he would turn it into a joke. Big-o-titties, said differently. That’s what I get for renting Norbit.

“It’s nice to meet you, Dr. French,” she smiled at me and turned to Dean. “And it’s nice to meet you, Nurse Tigo.”

I had to really strain to keep from giggling at Dean’s facial expression. He had thought Dr. French would be male, but really Dr. French was female and an OBGYN for the babies, apparently. “It’s nice to meet you,” I waved goodbye to the nurse as she got off on the second floor. When the doors shut I snorted and glanced up at Dean, he was huffing and staring at the door with his arms crossed like a defeated child. “What’s wrong, honey?”

“Be glad I love you,” he told me firmly before the doors opened and he trailed out and headed down the left corridor, one of the hallways. “Here.”

I slipped in through the door before Dean and silently crept around the hospital bed to the side across the room. “Wake up sleepy head,” I whispered softly as I could as I shook Sam’s limp hand gently. “Sammy, wake up babe.”

“Sam,” Dean checked the hallway before coming over to the bed. He shook Sam’s shoulder and grinned at me when Sam woke, like he had won a game. “Sammy, are you feeling good enough to walk?”

“No,” Sam whispered or rather croaked as he looked over at Dean, he sounded like a smoker of fifty years.

“Great,” Dean grumbled looking up at me, he looked extremely disappointed. “You stay with him; I’ll go find a wheelchair to steal.”

“You scared me,” I told Sam when Dean walked out the door. “I thought you were dead.”

“I thought I was too,” he smiled weakly as he looked up at me. “I wouldn’t let it hurt you.”

“You didn’t have to get hurt, Sam. I could have moved, or you could have tackled me,” I told him sternly. “Thank you though I’m glad you’re okay but next time you fall three stories from a building, make sure you land on something soft.

“I’ll try,” he told me before he grabbed my hand and held it loosely in his grip. I ran my hands through his hair until Dean snuck back in.

“There are absolutely no wheelchairs on the third and second floor, I had to hunt this damn thing down,” Dean complained steering the blue and chrome wheelchair over to Sam’s bed. “Remy come help me lift him.”

I hurried to Dean’s side and helped him lift Sam from bed, it hurt him to move even the slightest but he braved it long enough for us to get him moved. “Where are you going?” it left him breathless but Sam managed to ask that to Dean as he rolled him down the hallway, I followed shortly behind them.

“Since your—everything is broken, you’ll be staying with Remy’s father until your better. You’ll still be researching stuff though if you want,” Dean smirked as I reached over and pushed the elevator button. “Indio will probably be coming with us.”

“No, I want to come,” Sam tried to argue but he couldn’t catch his breath long enough to argue with us. “Fine. I’ll stay with Jim.”

We managed to sneak him outside without much difficulty; the hard part was stuffing him in the front seat for two hundred miles. “Are you sure he’ll be alright? I can steal the ambulance if I need too,” I told Dean again, I had mentioned it inside and my answer had been a look of amusement.

“No Remy,” Dean chuckled to himself as he lifted Sam in the car; he strained and grunted but finally had him seated somewhat comfortably. “Are we driving straight to Jim’s or are we stopping to give him a break every now and then?”

“Just drive,” Sam whispered with his eyes closed painfully. I looked at Dean and he looked at me, we both nodded and got in the car in a hurry. I sat in the back and inclined Sam’s chair back the most I could and ran my fingers through his hair soothingly. “Thank you Remy.”

“No problem Sam,” I murmured glancing up at the rearview mirror, I knew Dean was watching and when our eyes met he smiled and looked away towards the road. “Are you okay, Sammy?”

“Fine,” he sounded like he was in excruciating pain, he was I’m sure and we had no medication. I wanted to cry badly but I held it back and continued running my hands through his hair until he was sound asleep.

“Dean,” I whispered leaning up to kiss his ear. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he smiled and turned to press his lips against mine for a second. He turned back to the road and sighed. “It’s going to drive me insane without Sam being here.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The Sequel is here!

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Your Usual.