‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge


“Oh damn, Remy,” he turned to me with his face all twisted with mixed emotions. “I don’t want her crying.”

“Dee come lay with us for awhile,” I patted the middle of the bed and watched as she squealed and climbed from her bed to get to mine. Dean followed behind her and smiled when he seen Denae curl up in my arms.

“She looks like an angel,” Dean lay down and propped up on his pillow. “So do you.”

“Flattery gets you nowhere,” I smirked and held my hand out; he grabbed hold of it and intertwined our fingers together. “Well maybe.”

“I hope so,” he admitted with a sigh. “Even just a little.”

“Go to sleep, Romeo. We’ll talk in the morning,” I smiled and closed my eyes. I didn’t hear him move but I did feel him lean over giving Denae a kiss on the forehead and then he kissed mine. He lingered for a minute and then climbed out of bed. I don’t know where he went; I just know I heard the door open and close and then complete silence.


“Good morning,” Sam greeted me as I walked out of our hotel room with Denae in my arms, she was still half asleep. She rubbed her eyes and laid her head on my shoulder. Sam smiled and walked over to rub her back gently. “Good morning Denae.”

“Morning Uncle Sammys,” she yawned and closed her eyes, that meant she was done with talking and if you tried again she would cry.

“Have you seen Dean?” I asked handing Denae off to Indio so Sam and I could walk and talk without her eavesdropping on us. “He left last night and didn’t come back.”

“No I haven’t,” Sam suddenly sounded worried. I stopped walking and turned to him.

“Do you know where he is Sam?” I asked feeling a bit anxious; even I knew Dean wouldn’t just disappear without telling Sam something, unless it was important.

“I have no clue,” Sam tried to explain his honesty but a sudden fear gripped me tightly. Sam seemed to have learned how to read minds because his face got real blank and he took my shoulders in his hands and gave them a squeeze. “He wouldn’t leave you after finding you and Denae, you know Dean better than that.”

“You don’t think so?” I whispered slowly turning to look Sam in the eyes. “I can’t take him leaving me after coming back to me again, I can’t do it Sam.”

“I know and I also know he wouldn’t do that to you again. He wanted you back to bad,” Sam explained letting his hands slide down my arms to grab my hands. He gave both hands a squeeze and smiled at me. “Trust Dean.”

“I’ll trust you,” I let go of Sam’s hands and pulled him down to me so I could give him a hug, one I so desperately needed at the moment. “Where do you think he could be?”

“Bar?” it took him a minute before he spoke and when he did, he seemed sure. “Let’s go.”

“Let’s not,” I grabbed Sam’s arm before he ran off. “You stay here with Denae and I’ll find him with Indio. Just in case he is drunk, he’ll drive Dean’s car.”

“Are you sure you don’t want me to come?” Sam asked hesitantly. “I mean, you’re in a place you have no idea where he could be.”

“Sam, just go back inside,” I pulled my keys out of my pocket and walked towards my car. Indio handed Denae to Sam and got in too. “Let Denae sleep some before we have to leave, okay Sam?”

“Okay,” he nodded and watched as I drove off in the direction of town where there had to be a bar that stayed open all night.

When I finally found an all night bar, I found the Impala outside in the parking lot and for some reason I dreaded going inside. I was actually disappointed he hadn’t been kidnapped, as bad as that sounds. I mean at least he would have had an excuse if he’d been kidnapped. I made myself get out of the car and go inside while Indio stayed in the car, I found Dean at the bar talking nonstop to the bartender like he was his best friend. I walked up behind him, he had no clue and I took a seat beside him silently. He was so far past drunk it was actually kind of funny. “So I said listen up you buck tooth hillbilly mother—“he stopped when he caught sight of me beside him, watching as he spoke. “Remy? What are you doing here?”

“It’s nine in the morning, Dean. We’re leaving in an hour for Kansas,” I told him simply with a frown on my face. “Do you think you can stop and come back with me?”

“What about my car?” he asked so innocently that I had to look away to keep my anger intact.

“Indio can drive it back; he’s in the car waiting for me. Do you think we could leave now?” I smiled at the tall bartender as I helped Dean off his stool. “Thanks for keeping him occupied.”

“No problem,” he answered and watched as I basically drug Dean out of the bar to my car.

“Get in,” I grunted and pushed Dean into the backseat with the help of Indio. I crawled in the back and fished out his keys from his pockets, smiling when he would comment on it tickling. “Just take the car back; me and Dean are going to have a long talk when I get him sobered up.”

“Good luck,” Indio wished me before he went off to Dean’s car. I watched Dean for awhile before I drove off to the nearest coffee shop and to the nearest drug store. Once he had all of his hang over/sober up meds, I took him to a secluded spot in the woods and crawled in the backseat and stared at him as he slept.

“Dean,” I called out and woke him from his drunken slumber. “Go puke, take some Tylenol, drunk some coffee and eat a few donuts so we can hurry and talk.”

And he did, all of that and then he lay back in the seat after crawling in and stared at me. “I’m sorry,” he told me softly. “I shouldn’t have.”

“No you shouldn’t but its okay,” I handed him a napkin and a donut. “We’ll talk it out.”

“Your way to good for me,” he whispered closing his eyes for a minute. “I guess we need to start talking now, huh?”

“Yeah, kind of,” I nodded and sat quietly on the end of the seat. “Why did you go and get drunk?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Dude!!! Jensen is hot as hell.

But you knew that, didn't you?

Yeah. I so knew it.

The Boys and the car.
