‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Open Happiness

“I guess because I’m scared,” he rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, the great Dean Winchester scared.”

“I won’t go through this again Dean,” I told him firmly. “Either you want me and Denae in your life or you don’t, there is no in between.”

“I don’t want you out of my life; I love you so much that its scary. I don’t want to put you in the line of fire, I’m scared I can’t protect you from getting burnt,” he told me, his voice rising a little bit with anger. “Denae is four; she’s so small and fragile. I don’t want her to get hurt, I love you both and I’m not strong enough to keep you safe.”

“I can help Dean, it shouldn’t be just you. It took two of us to bring her into this world, it will take two of us to keep her safe,” I explained sternly. “Don’t worry so much, its going to drag you to an early grave unnecessary.”

“I know,” he whispered.

“When you worry, talk to me. We have to trust each other Dean or it won’t work. I love you Dean but you don’t see it, you see yourself holding you back.”

“Don’t hit me,” he murmured looking up from behind those long lashes of his. “But can I kiss you?”

“Are you sober?” I asked.

“More than you know,” he frowned and sat up. “And I swear I rinsed my mouth out before getting back in the car.”

“Good boy,” I smiled and pressed my lips to his. His lips were so familiar to mine, it felt so right to have them fighting against mine again after so long. His skin was still hot to the touch and smooth as silk under my fingertips, the silk was made just for me to touch it felt like. His hands were magical, moving over every curve with direction, he knew his way well and yet he took his time finding the trails he made years before. Clothes were shed, without much difficulty in the back of my Chevy. Steam rose, swear poured and yet we didn’t stop for a breather. We needed one another too much too even think about pausing for air. I loved the way he cherished every sigh and moan that he caused by moving just right, I adored how he seemed so strong and yet didn’t flaunt it as he shifted me around with his right arm only, it made me love him even more from the fact he didn’t rush our time together. Loves most passionate embrace was a favorite for him but my favorite was before it even happened, when he stared down at me, leaning over me, brushing my hair back as he laid precious scorching kisses against my already burning skin. All together, it was a moment in time I’d never forget and hoped last forever. When it was over and we laid in each others arms, I smiled and basked in the feeling of him kissing my closed eyelids. “Thank you for coming back to me.”

“Thank you for letting me,” he whispered kissing my lips finally. “I’ve been to hell and back, it was horrible. More than I can describe but being without you, without my little girl. It was worse.”


“That took you forever,” Indio smirked and elbowed Sam before he finished making a dumbass out of himself. “Oh—I knew that.”

“Sure,” I laughed and nodded towards Denae’s sleeping figure. “Don’t wake her up; I’m going to go take a shower.”

“Dean’s in there—“Sam was the one to shut Indio up that time. “Oh—I definitely knew that.”

“Of course you did,” Sam rolled his eyes playfully and took a seat on the empty bed.

“Dean,” I snuck into the bathroom in hopes of scaring Dean but when I walked in, the shower was empty and running. “Dean? Where the hell are you at?”

“You’re naughty,” I squeaked as arms wrapped around me from behind. “Sneaking in while I’m showering, you are bad Remy Young, very bad.”

“I’m sorry,” I smiled and turned around, I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. “Forgive me?”

“This time,” he murmured and tightened his hold on me before he dragged me to the shower.

By the time we got out of the shower and was fully dressed, it was time to leave, actually hours past time to leave but it was fine. “Remy,” Indio paused at the door with duffle bag in hand. “Can we talk real quick?”

“Sure,” I handed Dean the towel I had been using to dry my hair and stepped outside with Indio. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just worried you’re going to get your heart broken again, are you sure this is the right thing to do?” Indio spoke gently so they wouldn’t overhear them from inside the hotel room. “I like Dean, I really do but I don’t want you hurt again.”

“I understand Indy, I do. Trust me on this, he won’t hurt me again,” I gave Indio a kiss on the cheek and hugged him before I walked back inside. “Okay time to go, Denae honey, come on.”

“Mom,” she whined and crawled off the bed, she had been sitting with Sam, talking about her favorite TV shows. I smiled when she walked over to me and held her arms out. “Pick me up, momma.”

“You slept too much didn’t you baby girl?” I asked with a small chuckle escaping. She merely gave me a mean look and laid her head on my shoulder. When she sleeps too much, she gets tired and grouchy, just like me. “Dean we need to stop and eat somewhere.”

“The next county has this really great restaurant, we can go there,” Dean pulled on his leather jacket and waved Sam out of the room. He shut the door and pointed to his car. “We’re driving that.”

“That’s fine with me,” I shrugged my shoulders and nodded towards my car parked beside his. “I need to get Denae’s booster seat out though.”

“I wanna ride with Uncle Sammys and Uncle Indy,” Denae pouted her bottom lip and gave me her famous puppy dog eyes. “Please momma?”

“Indio? Sam?” I turned around and looked at each one of them. They smiled and nodded their head in an its fine kind of way. “You both better drive carefully and watch her good. Indio, don’t let her listen to Avenged sevenfold, okay?”

“One time and I get yelled at for the rest of my life,” Indio sighed and walked to my car; he opened the door and pulled the seat up. “Come on babe, climb in.”

I sat Denae down and laughed when she ran towards the car. “I didn’t yell at you, Indio. I scolded you,” I chuckled and watched as Indio turned around and gave me a mean look. “Be careful Indy.”

“I promise I’ll drive carefully,” Indio rolled his eyes and nodded towards Sam. “Get in man; we’re going to get some grub.”

“I’m starving,” I told Dean, smirking as I did so. “I used up a lot of energy this morning.”

“Um…ew,” Indio grumbled from behind my back. I wanted to laugh but I couldn’t show I had heard him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had too.

My favorite picture.

Both Hotties.

You know you wanna comment after those pictures.