‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge


“I’m sorry,” he looked at me with those big green eyes and it made me feel bad but I didn’t let it show, he would be respectful. Everyone deserves respect, our mother taught us that. “Sorry dad.”

“Go to your room Indio,” Dad sighed and rubbed his head. He waited until Indio was gone to open his eyes and smile at me. "Thank you, you sounded just like your mother right then, did you know that?”

“Thanks dad,” I smiled and nodded towards the stairs. “We’re going to bed, if you need us come get us.”

“Goodnight,” he didn’t seem happy about it but he knew if he said anything to me I’d say I’m twenty two and for him to get over it.

“Night,” I smiled happily and went back over to Dean; I grabbed his hand again and made him follow me up the stairs, into my room and in my bed. We laid there staring at one another, both of us in our underwear and yet neither of us tried to start anything. We were perfectly content just laying in each others arms. I ran my fingertips over Dean’s left cheek and smiled when he closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, trying to loosen up so he’d be able to sleep. He pulled me fit against his body and I laid my head on his chest, his heartbeat was like a lullaby to me. I fell asleep to his heart, the same one that claimed me.


“You ready?” I asked Indio as he stuffed a notebook into an old backpack of his. I stood at the door with my shoulder against the frame, I was ready to leave as soon as Indio was, and all I needed to do was say bye to Sam.

“Almost,” he murmured with his back to me. “Go say bye to Sam and dad, I’ll be down in two minutes.”

“Alright,” I nodded and trailed down to the guest room where Sam was set up. I walked in and nodded in approval, it was set up nicely for a person with a broke back. “Sammy, good morning.”

“Morning Remy,” he smiled at me from the bed. Dean was propped up beside him with his arms behind his head and his legs crossed at the ankles.

“Dean what the hell are you doing?” I asked walking over to the bed. I sat on the edge beside Sam and laughed when Sam huffed and rolled his eyes showing he had no clue what Dean was doing.

“Just laying here waiting,” he spoke and then shrugged. “Hey did you know a dork is a whale’s penis?”

“I told you that,” I nodded and bent to give Sam a kiss on the forehead. “I love ya Sammy, call me whenever you want.”

“Okay,” he smiled. I walked around the bed and lightly slapped Dean’s leg. He grunted and stood up lazily. “See ya Dean.”

“See ya,” Dean smiled at Sam and leaned over to kiss his forehead. “Get better dude.”

“Did you know dude means an ingrown hair on an elephant’s ass?” I laughed until Dean decided to pull me from the room. Sam smiled and was able to wave once before we were out of the room.

“Breathe,” Dean smiled at my probably red face. He reached down and brushed away a stray hair from my face and then kissed the spot it brushed against. “You look beautiful.”

I would have blushed redder had my face not already been bright red. I smiled and looked down to keep from looking like a grinning fool but he put his hand under my chin and forced me to look up, he just stared at me though instead of speaking. I bit my lip as nervousness started to creep in, he’d been staring to long and it worried me. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both looked away from one another and spotted my father and Sarah, she was smiling and he however was not. “Come give me a hug, sweetheart,” dad smiled weakly and held his arms out. I walked away from Dean and gave Dad a hug and then gave Sarah one, since she held her arms out.

“I know we don’t get along,” she said holding me still in her arms. “But I love your father, I wouldn’t ever try to be your mother but I hope to be your friend. And don’t worry about Sam, he’ll be fine.”

“Thank you,” I gave her another hug and then went to stand beside Dean.

“Thank you for keeping Sam and making sure he gets better, I can’t actually thank you enough,” Dean told my dad and Sarah as he grasped my hand in his. He wasn’t an expert at thanking people or apologizing. “Just keep him safe.”

“Don’t worry Dean,” my dad may not have liked Dean taking me in harms way but he did respect him and like him otherwise. “He’s safe.”

“Indio,” I called out seeing him coming down the stairs with two big duffle bags. “Come say goodbye.”

He sighed and sat his bags down before he came over and gave our dad a shy hug. “I’m sorry for everything, I knew better,” he apologized and then shockingly hugged Sarah. “I’m sorry for not giving you a chance.”

“I understand Indio, I truly do,” Sarah smiled and waved us goodbye at the door.

“Bye Sam,” I shouted before I walked out of the house. We all got in the car and Dean drove us away in silence for about ten minutes and then I couldn’t take it anymore. “So where are we going now?”

“Arkansas,” Dean sighed and looked over at me. “It’s a strange one. A bunch of rabid dogs are biting people.”

“And what’s supernatural about that?” I questioned him with a confused look aimed in his direction.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he smiled and laughed at the thought. “Okay never mind—vampire dogs are what’s going around town.”

“That definitely is a new one,” I murmured shaking my head.

“Bobby says we need to look for whatever started it, he doesn’t think its vampire material but he wants us—“Dean explained until I interrupted him rudely.

“Pull over.” I told him firmly.

“Why?” he asked glancing over at me, he slowed the car as he studied me but he didn’t stop.
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