‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Just Like You

“Do you want puke in your car?” I snapped. That did it, he pulled over and I jumped from the car and kneeled in the grass. I heaved my guts out and more, Indio helped me out but Dean sat in the car, he had a thing about puke but blood was like ketchup to him. I stood up with a groan and walked towards the car; I fell into the seat and glared at Dean.

“What?” he asked innocently. I didn’t say anything; I just kept staring at him, for over two minutes and then turned to the road. “Remy?”

“Don’t talk, just drive,” I stiffly told him as I sunk in my seat and closed my eyes. I needed to sleep off my worry.

Weird cravings, sore breast, vomiting, frequent urination and missed periods? That equals one pregnant Remy.


“Why is she being so—so bipolar?” Dean complained to Indio, he didn’t realize I could hear him. “I didn’t do anything!”

“I’ll go talk to her,” Indio sighed and soon I heard footsteps coming towards the bathroom door. He walked in and frowned when he seen me sitting on the tiled floor with my back to the wall. “Remy…”

“It’s the girl’s bathroom Indy, you shouldn’t be in here,” I told him, wiping under my eyes as I did.

“Like I care,” he snorted and took a seat beside me. “This is disgusting so hurry and tell me what’s wrong before I get some disease.”

“I’m scared Indio,” I told him first. “I don’t know how to be a mom.”

“Wait—what?” he paused and held his hands up to stop me. “You’re having a baby?”

“I think so,” I bit my lip and glanced down to my hands. “I don’t even know if Dean wants kids, I mean—“

“You practically raised me and Dean loves kids,” he told me grabbing my hand. “Now we need to find out if you are, what symptoms are you having?”

“I’ve thrown up three mornings in a row, I’ve been having cravings for cheese sticks and you know I hate those things. My boobs are very sore, like really sore and I’ve been peeing nonstop,” I told him all I could think of. “Oh and I’ve missed my period.”

“Yeah,” he nodded his head slowly. “Sounds like you’re going to be a mom.”

“Do I tell Dean?” I asked softly. “Now I mean?”

“Yes,” he nodded his head and paused when the door opened and a teenage girl walked in. Indio glanced up at her and threw up two fingers, showing a peace sign. “What’s up?”

“Nothing much,” she mumbled and walked right back out the door. Indio and I laughed for a good minute before we calmed down.

“Go tell him.” He told me after the silence started getting comfortable. “Now Remy.”

“Okay,” I stood and walked out of the bathroom with Indio, Dean was waiting in the booth about ten feet from the door. “I’m sorry Dean.”

“Will you tell me what I did wrong?” he asked gently taking my hand, he pulled me down in his lap and I curled up against his chest.

“Its not you but I don’t know how you’ll take it,” I told him, trying my hardest to hold back the tears that wanted out so badly. “I think I’m pregnant.”

He was silent for a few minutes so I braved looking up at his face; he was blinking slowly and breathing so that was a good sign. “A baby,” he murmured turning his face to me. “Really?”

“I think so,” I nodded putting my hand on his jaw; I traced his bottom lip with my thumb and smiled up at him.

“Let’s find out,” he nodded frantically and picked me up as he slid from the booth. Ten minutes later Dean and I were stuffed into a handicap bathroom stall in the local Rite Aid with two pregnancy tests, each of us held one. Talk about Awkward, I had to pee on them in front of him; he didn’t seem phased though, not the least bit. “It’s showing a line or something. What’s that mean?”

“Let me see,” I moved closer and glanced at the stick in his hand, it showed the same mine held, I held the other one I had up and laughed. “I’m pregnant.”

“Holy shit,” he dropped the test and picked me up, kissing my face all over before he sat me down and kneeled down in front of me. He pressed his ear to my stomach and closed his eyes; his arms snaked around my waist and held me there. “I’m going to be a father, Remy. Me, a father.”

“I think you’ll be a great father,” I smiled and kissed the top of his head and then hugged it to my chest. “Think I’ll be a good mom?”

“No one could be better at it,” he told me and stood back up. I smiled and kissed his lips; he hugged me close and whispered into my ear. “I love you, I’ve never been so happy; I didn’t think it was even possible for me.”


“I just said no Remy!” Dean shouted crossing the hotel room; I stood there by the bed with my mouth dropped open. I’d never seen him so angry, he’d never yelled at me like that.

“Dean,” I could feel my eyes watering with fresh tears. “All I want is to help you, you can’t go there alone.”

“No Remy,” he stopped to shout at me one last time. “Stop asking.”

“Don’t yell at me,” the hurt was gone and the replacement was anger. “Why won’t you let me go? You’ll get hurt going alone you idiot!”

“You’ll go and get hurt,” he stated lowering his voice. “I won’t let that happen.”

“I can take care of myself, Dean,” I defended myself. Sure I’m three months pregnant but I’m not dead. “What is wrong with you?”

“I’m scared,” he looked down as almost ashamed to admit it.

“Of what?” I asked sarcastically. I wasn’t the only one with mood swings that could break a neck.

“I’m just scared, okay,” he snapped getting back to being defensive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yum, yum.

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