‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Burnin' For You

“You’re the great Dean Winchester,” I walked over and poked him in the chest, thinking it’d be smart to tease him. “What can you possibly be scared of?”

“Losing you!” he whirled around and shouted throwing his arms out to the side, frustration taking over his attitude. “Losing the baby, I can’t lose you both. You’re all I have in this world and I won’t let you get hurt or die because of me.”

“Oh Dean,” I whispered pulling him into my arms; I made him sit down with me in his lap. “Why didn’t you just tell me that from the beginning?”

“I don’t know,” he shrugged and pulled me closer, he laid his head on my chest and sighed. “Sam needs to hurry up with physical therapy. I need someone to make fun of so I can feel better.”

“You’re so mean,” I grinned and kissed his forehead. “Please don’t go alone.”

“I have to,” he murmured kissing my lips. “But I’ll be careful, I promise.”

“I love you,” I whispered kissing his forehead one more time. I stood up and crossed my arms, watching as he grabbed his jacket and left. I stood there for the longest time just staring at the door, when I finally gave up watching a big immobile object; I walked over to the bed and lay down. I don’t ever remember falling asleep but I remember when I woke, feeling like something wasn’t quite right. My eyes popped open instantly and I was on my feet in seconds, my instincts were correct. Something wasn’t right, alright. I wasn’t in Dean and my hotel room, I was in a dark and cold room and it smelled like salt and rotten something. “What is it was me, that things like to abduct me when I’m sleeping?”

“You just look to peaceful to wake up,” the familiar voice sent chills up my spine and not in a good way. “It really is good to see you again, Remy.”

“Can’t really say the same for you, Tony,” I smiled grimly at the gorgeous vampire standing in front of me once again. “Why can’t you just leave me alone? Stalking isn’t necessarily flattery, if you didn’t already know.”

“I hear another heart beat,” Tony paused staring at my stomach with wide eyes. “You’re pregnant with Dean’s child?”

“No, Brad Pitts,” I rolled my eyes. “Duh, of course its Dean’s.”

“That really hurts me Remy. I wanted you for myself, to bare my children, not his—“his once beautiful face twisted to something of anger and I will admit that it scared me a bit. I didn’t show it though; I just stared at him blankly. “We’ll just have to change that, won’t we dear?”

“No,” that’s when I showed my fear; I put my arms protectively around my waist and shook my head. “You won’t touch my baby, Tony. It’s my baby, mine.”

“Let’s not make this difficult,” Tony stepped forward; I took a step back and kept shaking my head. “Now Remy.”

“No!” I screamed at him as my eyes flickered around the room in search for some kind of weapon. That’s when I seen a door, I looked back at Tony and glared before running towards it.

“Remy,” he laughed like it was a game and ran after me, quickly catching me. I grabbed the doorknob and jerked it open, seeing that it was dawn and the sun was rising towards us. I tried hard to push myself and Tony into the light, I kicked and pulled against him and it barely worked. By the grace of God he slipped up and touched the sunlight, it burnt him so he loosened his grip and fell forward on top of me when I jerked upwards. I landed hard on the ground, I covered my head with one arm and the other shielded my belly. The sound of Tony’s screaming as he burned was horrible and traumatic to my ears. When it finally ended I stood and walked down the alleyway. Right as I walked out on the sidewalk the pain struck me like lightening, it stabbed an excruciating pain through my stomach and I never thought it’d let up. It took me to all fours, no breath left in me after being knocked down.

“Miss,” a man in a suit kneeled down beside me and grabbed my shoulder, I looked up at him and apparently I looked like death because he turned around towards the crowd gathering and shouted. “Call 911, hurry!”

“My baby,” I whispered to him before the pain got too much and I fainted, again.


“Did they call him?” I asked the nurse once again, she was probably tired of me asking.

“I don’t know, Miss Abercrombie,” she repeated my fake name I gave them before walking out of the room in a huff. I rolled my eyes and glanced down at my stomach, I rubbed the tiny bump and smiled when I thought back to when the doctor told me the baby was fine and I was just way stressed out.

“Just move out of my way,” my heart beat sped when I heard that familiar voice that sent chills up my spine, in the best way ever. Dean burst in the room and breathed a sigh of relief when he seen me smiling at him like a dang fool. “Thank God your okay.”

“The baby is okay,” I smiled at Dean and held out my arms for him to walk into. He stood there staring at me though. “Dean come here.”

“What are we going to do when the baby is born, Remy? I can’t keep putting you two in harms way,” he told me, basically reciting the same speech he used months ago.

“We are not going over this again, Dean,” I glowered at him instead of smiling or huffing. “I want to be here with you, this baby wants to be with its father. We aren’t leaving so get over it, I make decisions for myself to and this is what I decide. You.”

“There’s no changing your mind, is there?” Dean questioned hesitantly as he slowly made his way to my bedside.

“None whatsoever,” I shook my head and grabbed his hand; he wasn’t getting way from me. “Now can you please come kiss me, I’ve had a rough day.”

“Alright,” he smiled weakly and leaned down to press his lips against mine. He ran his hand though my hair and leaned his forehead against mine; he looked into my eyes and smiled happily at me. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I ran my hand over the side of his face gently, smiling when his unshaven face tickled my palm. “Now can we go?”

“Did they say you were okay?” Dean questioned looking up at the monitor above my head.

“The nurse said I was basically here for observation,” he nodded as I spoke. He went to leave my side but I was fast enough to grab him.

“I’m going to get a wheelchair,” he pointed over his shoulder and proceeded to tell me calmly.
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Most of these updates are for Melissa Way because she's the only one who has commented.