‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Paper Gangsta

“Forget it, just help me unhook myself,” I argued scooting myself to the edge. He started unplugging things and apparently shouldn’t have because a big buzzer went off. “Ah man.”

“Come on,” he picked me up bridal style and hurried to the window. “I checked it out, we’re roof level.”

“Oh good boy,” I kissed his cheek in a hurry and opened the window; I hopped out and waited for Dean to follow. He jumped out and grabbed my hand as he started running towards the hospital roof edge. We stopped at the edge and both grimaced. “That’s a long drop, Dean.”

“This way,” he hurried to the other side where a latter was attached for maintenance. “Do you want—“

“Just go,” I pushed him towards the latter, I followed slowly. Blame fear of heights for my slowness.

“Hey Remy did you know your not wearing anything under that gown?” Dean took the time out of our escape to comment on my nudeness. I rolled my eyes and stared over my shoulder at him, he just shrugged it off. “Sorry, just figured I’d tell you incase you didn’t know.”

“Thank you baby, just climb please,” I commented feeling a bit embarrassed for flashing, even though he’d seen it all before.

Dean dropped to the ground and caught me at the bottom when he said let go. We hurried across the parking lot to his car; he started the engine and sped out of the parking space to the main road. “You have some clothes in the back; want to change before you tell me how exactly you ended up in the hospital?”

“Yeah,” I murmured crawling into the back; I put on a large T-shirt that’s actually Sam’s and some underwear with boxers over them before I crawled back into the front seat. I smiled at Dean weakly and waved down at myself before clearing my throat. “Do you really want to know? It’ll only make you mad.”

“Tell me,” he urged giving me a sideways glance that showed sternness.

“I woke up in a building with Tony, he kidnapped me and when he found out I was pregnant and you were the father, he told me he would take care of that basically. So I ran or tried to get out and barely managed to get the door opened. We fell into the sunlight, he burnt and I walked to the street and that’s when the pain doubled me over and I blacked out,” I summed it up and glanced out the window, knowing he was about to explode with obscenities aimed for Tony.

“He’s dead?” Dean questioned a bit too calmly for him.

“Yes,” I nodded and waited until it got quiet to reach over and slide my hand into his. “Are you okay?”

“I should be asking you that,” he sighed rubbing my hand with his thumb; I gave him a sympathetic smile and watched as he drove back to our hotel room in silence. “Do you want to go?”

“Sure,” I shrugged walking into the room. I started grabbing up all our stuff while he talked on the phone. “Dean?”

“What?” he covered the phone and glanced over at me, I stood by the door with my bag in hand.

“Where are we going?” I asked him and even to my ears I sounded as innocent as a child.

He looked at me silently for the longest time and then suddenly he snapped out of it. “Home.”

“Home?” I asked but didn’t get an answered; he was busy talking once again. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out to the car, waiting to leave for home wherever home happened to be.


Home happened to be where my family was, back in Savannah where Sam was recuperating and getting stronger. I was excited though I tried not to show it, I missed Indio. Ever since he went back home for school and I missed my dad and surprisingly missed Sarah just as much. I really missed Sam though I’m sure Dean missed him more. The day we arrived was a holiday so the town was barren and quiet, everyone was at home celebrating. Just how I liked it. Dad was fixing a fire, Sarah was baking gingerbread cookies and Sam was sitting on the couch watching Frosty the Snowman with Indio. They didn’t even hear us as we snuck in. “Jim can you come get the eggnog?” Sarah called from the kitchen. I smiled and walked causally around the couch and took a seat beside my baby brother. It took him all of five seconds before he shouted and flung himself into my arms.

“Merry Christmas,” I kissed his cheek and let go long enough to give Sam a hug. He smiled and kissed my forehead before he was brought into a hug by Dean. “Dad?”

“Remy?” my father called out in confusion and walked out of the kitchen. He was followed by an equally confused Sarah; they both broke out into huge smiles seeing me. “Remy!”

“Merry Christmas,” I gave them each a hug and kiss. The night went on with smiles and laughs, it was great and I loved it more than I thought I would have. I went to sleep happy and thought the next day would be even better, that everything would be perfect but I guess I was wrong.

I woke the next morning, Christmas Morning with a smile on my face. Until I saw the bed empty beside me and a paper in Dean’s place. I looked up and surveyed the room, thinking it was some kind of romantic Christmas game but it was far from it.


I hate that I have to do this to you on such a day you cherish. I love you more than life itself, that’s why I have to do this. I’m leaving before you wake, with Sam. You won’t know where I’m going and you never will. It’s for your safety and our child’s, without you both being with me you’ll have a chance to live and that’s what you need more than me. I will never find happiness again because you are the only person that has ever given it to me. Don’t think I left because I don’t love you, that is not it. I left because I do, to much to see you hurt because of me. If we have a son, I’d really love it if you’d tell him how cool I am and if we have a daughter, don’t ever let anyone like me around her. I love you both so much, remember that whenever you feel like hating me. If you do hate me, I’d actually prefer it, its easier in the long run.

I love you, always.

I stared at the letter, reading it over and over until I had every word memorized. I only got out of bed to go see if it was true, to see if Dean’s car was gone from the driveway and if Sam’s clothes were really missing from his room. There was nothing, as if they had never been there. I sat in front of the Christmas tree after a few minutes with the letter tight in my grip and my eyes shut, trying to keep the tears away but it didn’t help, I cried anyway. I cried until no more tears were left, I cried for me and my baby because I just didn’t lose the love of my life, I lost the father of my child. “Remy?” Indio was the first person downstairs. He didn’t ask what was wrong; he didn’t even speak any other words. He just scooped me up in his arms and rocked me until I was asleep, tearless, dreamless and loveless.
♠ ♠ ♠
That SOB!

Oh well...keep reading, it'll get interesting soon.

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The boys.