‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Prayin' For Daylight

“Denae Mary Marie,” Indio called out firmly, halting the four year old in her tracks, just before she jumped on another unknown child who was oblivious to her sneak attack. She slowly turned around and grinned cheekily at her uncle for being caught. “Get your behind over here right now before your mother catches you.”

“Okay,” she whined dragging herself over to the bench Indio sat at. He smiled down at her and ruffled her strawberry blond hair until it stuck out at the ends. “Uncle Indy!”

“Indio, leave Denae alone,” I walked up with all three ice cream cones and handed them each out as supposed to and took a seat beside Denae. “Is it yummy?”

“Very,” she told me with an excited smile on her pretty face before she attacked the brown ice cream, the chocolate smearing everywhere.

“Thanks,” I told Indio, grinning as I seen him wipe some ice cream off Denae’s face on his jeans without even sneering in disgust. “You’re going to make an awesome dad someday.”

“Someday,” he repeated with a nod. “Someday far off.”

“Yeah,” I nodded and took a bite from my cone, only to almost spit it out when I started laughing at Denae. She had ice cream everywhere but in her cone and mouth. “Oh lord, baby girl. Someone’s getting a shower when we get home.”

“Aw,” she grumbled and pouted looking away. “Whatever.”

“She’s just like him,” I stated to one on in particular though I knew Indio heard and agreed. I shook my head with a smile on my face and held my hand out to help her off the bench but she jumped off without any help. “Yeah, definitely like him.”

“Come on,” Indio chuckled and grabbed Denae by the arm; he used it as a leash so she wouldn’t run off. “So, that guy Heath? He’s getting pretty close, isn’t he?”

“He’s nice,” I murmured embarrassedly. “And no, not close.”

“I think—“I paused when he stopped and pulled out his cell phone. “Hey dad. Yeah? I’ll be there in a—bring them?”

“Want to go see papa?” I leaned down to Denae and smiled wiggling my eyebrows. “And Sarah’s peanut butter cookies?”

“Alright,” Indio closed his phone and nodded towards the parking lot. “Dad said come over now, he said it’s very important.”

“Is he okay?” I asked picking Denae up so we could leave quicker. Indio shrugged his shoulders and pulled his car keys out.

We arrived at my dad’s house maybe ten minutes later, Indio hurried inside while I got Denae from her seat. I trailed inside wiping off her face with a wet nap. “Indy?” she called out with a whine, she loved to tattle on me for wiping her face or anything she thinks I do wrong.

“Oh quit your whining—“ I turned the corner and every thought in my head left, running with terror since my temper could be scary at times. “Dean? Sam?”

“Remy,” Sam smiled and looked down at Denae. “What’s her name?”

“Denae Mary Marie Winchester,” I told Sam but I wasn’t looking at him, I was looking at Dean. “Would you like to take her in the kitchen and get her some of Sarah’s cookies?”

“I would love to,” Sam seemed genuinely excited as he held his hands out but she was hesitant towards going into stranger’s arms.

“This is your uncle Sammy, you can go with him,” I looked away from Dean so I could look at his replica. “I promise, Dee. It’s okay.”

“Okay,” she murmured and held her arms out for Sam to get her. As soon as she was gone I marched right up to Dean and slapped him as hard as I could across the face and then I kissed him.

“I wasn’t expecting that,” he commented after pulling away for air. “Well, half of it I was expecting. Not the kiss, that was a shocker—“

“She’s four years old and she has no idea who you are or Sam,” I told him with a frown. “You left me pregnant and scared on Christmas Day, I didn’t know what to do. Indio has been her only father figure; he was only sixteen years old. He was all I had.”

“I had to,” he said weakly. “You would have been killed, every night I would worry about falling asleep because I couldn’t protect you.”

“Try five years without her father,” I came close to shouting. I didn’t care about his excuses, I carried for our child. “She keeps asking if she even has a father. What am I supposed to say, Dean? He left us baby, because he thought it was good for us? No Dean, that’s not something you just tell a child.”

“I know in your eyes I did wrong, hell I do too but I don’t regret keeping you both away from everything that could kill you,” he told me firmly, his beautiful eyes never left mine. “I missed you so much, you have no idea how bad it hurt me to know I left you both—“

“Why are you here Dean? To rub it in my face that you’re no longer in my life or is there an actual reason?” I asked crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t have time for this, I have a date in—“

“Date?” Dean’s face turned appalled and taken back.

“Did you expect me to sit and pine after you forever?” I asked feeling just plain cruel at the moment. “Well no, Dean. I will not. Denae needs a father, he’s just as good.”

“I’m her father,” he shouted then, it was booming through the room. “No other man can be her father because I am!”

“You have one hell of a way to show just how much you care,” I laughed in his face and crossed the room. “Now tell me why you’re here, Dean. I have to go.”

“I wanted to see you!” he stormed across the room and stood in front of me. “I have missed you so much, I came back thinking—hell I don’t even know what I was thinking. Now I see you hate me more than I wanted, I see we have no chance.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its been forever, my internet is fucked up.

The lovelies.