‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Highway To Hell

“Was there ever one?” I tried not to cry like a baby but I did anyway. “Dean, I love you more than anything but I can’t trust you. Every time I look at that little girls’ face, I see you and what you did to us.”

“We can start over; I can’t do this alone anymore. I’ve been through it all by myself and I can’t anymore, I need you,” he started to cry, which honestly shocked me to see. “I need you and I need her.”

“Don’t expect us to be in the same spot we left off in, your no where near forgiven,” I uncrossed my arms, absently wanting to hug away his loneliness and sadness.

“I don’t expect it,” he hesitantly stepped forward. “Can—can I just hug you?”

“Of course you can,” I sighed in defeat and held out my arms. He walked into them and laid his head against my shoulder. “I don’t hate you, Dean. I couldn’t no matter how bad I wanted to, I only felt betrayed.”

“I felt like shit for leaving you but I knew my life was no place for you or a child, I made the decision when I shouldn’t have,” he confided pulling away from our warm embrace to look into my eyes. “I realize it now…”

“At least you realize it,” I shrugged and nodded towards the kitchen. “Go see Denae, let me call Heath and tell him I’m going out of town.”

“Heath?” he grimaced and kept his comments to himself when he seen my eyes narrow in his direction. “I’ll go talk to Denae, what should I say?”

“Tell her the truth,” I nodded for him to do the right thing but then shook my head when a thought hit me. “Wait until I get in there before you start talking. Just tell her about cool things. She loves butterflies and mustangs.”

“Got it,” he grinned, nodded and slapped his hands together. He rubbed them together before taking a deep breath and then started walking forward into the kitchen.

I smiled at his nervousness and made my way outside. I called Heath’s number and sighed as it rang. Heath was a great guy, we’d went out on two dates and hung out a couple times at my house with Denae and Indio nearby, the only problem was he’s nothing close to Dean and sadly, that’s all I have ever wanted. “Hello?” his raspy low voice called out upon answering the phone.

“Heath? Hey it’s Remy, I’m so sorry but I have to cancel our date tonight,” I started off with a sigh. “I’m not going to lie to you, I think you deserve better than that. Denae’s father showed up and wants to get to know her so we’re going on a road trip.”

“That Dean guy? I thought you hated him for leaving you?” he wasn’t mad, he was puzzled. I could tell by his tone.

“I thought I did, I think I’m still mad but he had good reason and he wants to get to know his daughter now. I would never want to keep him from that,” I told him honestly. “And the truth is, I’ve never stopped loving him. No matter how hard I tried, it just never works. I’m so sorry Heath, you’re a great guy.”

“Don’t worry about it, I understand. I’d still like to be your friend. Danny loves Denae,” he told me, his son Danny was basically Denae’s best friend. “If that’s alright with you, we can still hang out with the kids.”

“That’d be great,” I smiled knowing I wasn’t losing what could be a great friend. “I’ll call you as soon as we get back. I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone. Dean loves traveling.”

“Take your time, it’s a vacation, enjoy it while you can,” he told me with a careless laugh. “Have fun, I hope it all works out. You deserve it.”

“Thank you,” I closed my phone and smiled down at it before I turned around to go back inside but Sam was at the door, blocking my way. “Oh! Oh Sammy, I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too,” he bit his lip and held his arms out. I walked into them and laid my head on his chest. “We didn’t want to leave you, Remy but it was best at the time.”

“I understand, I always have but I didn’t like it one bit, I guess I hated the fact that I didn’t have a say in it,” I explained pulling away from our comforting embrace. “I mean, I felt like, he chose death over life, we could have had a life together.”

“I know what you mean and in a way, he did chose death,” he shrugged his shoulders and then leaned against the door. “He chose it for himself instead of letting it chose you and Denae, who by the way is a spoiled little brat that I love to death.”

“She is,” I smiled affectionately. “Let’s not talk about the past anymore. Let’s just go inside and get Dean and Denae so we can leave.”

“Leave?” he questioned opening the front door for me.

“I have an apartment across town with Indio, we have to go there to get our things,” I paused and smiled at Sam, or more like smirked. “And my car.”


“You know you have me wrapped around your finger when I give up my car to ride with you in yours,” Dean grimly frowned and turned to watch me buckle Denae in her booster seat.

“Don’t worry,” I told him calmly putting my seat back in the right spot. “I’ve worked it all out with Sam and Indy, they’ll switch cars with us everyday so you can drive yours and I can still drive mine.”

“I’m not even going to ask why, I’ll just smile and nod,” he commented crawling into the backseat with Denae. I came close to asking if he’d lost his mind but seeing him playing with Denae and her baby dolls stopped me from opening my big mouth. I just smiled and sat in the driver’s seat, turned the engine on and put AC/DC into the CD changer, Denae got her musical taste from her father. “Turn it up Remy.”

“Yeah momma!” Denae bounced in her booster seat, a doll in each hand. “Turn it up!”

“Alright,” I smiled at them through the mirror and turned it up. I watched as Sam started the Impala up in front of my car and start out of the drive ahead of us. “Okay, we’re on our way.”

“Yay!” Denae shouted and then went back to playing dolls with Dean.

They played for awhile longer, until Denae fell asleep and Dean crawled back up front with me. “So,” I cleared my throat and took a left down the street. “What have you been up to since leaving?”

“Nothing really, just killing creatures, demons and such, pissing Sam off to no end, dying and going to hell, seriously wondering if I’m all there in the head. You know, the usual,” he told me casually with a shrug as he shifted himself comfortably in the seat. “What have you been up to?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Its been forever and I know, its just I have a little bit of writers block. I need to get better, i know this. Just be patient please.

This is Heath.

The men we love.