‹ Prequel: Ironic

Romance & Revenge

Behind These Hazel Eyes

“You died?” I asked slowly, turning to him. Just by his expression he hadn’t figured I’d catch that. “And you went to hell?”

“Deal gone good-ish?” he shrugged. “It should have been Sam but I bargained. I’m alive though and good as new, don’t you think so?”

“Don’t ever try to get yourself killed again,” I scolded him and reached over to slap him in the shoulder. “You jack-ass.”

“Okay, okay,” he laughed at me for getting onto him like I would Denae. “You care, you really do care.”

“Of course I care,” I rolled my eyes and turned the music down. “Sometimes I wonder if you really are mentally challenged.”

“Why thanks,” he smiled sarcastically. “Your so sweet honey bun.”

“I know Raisin-bread,” I smiled lovingly at him from my seat. “Don’t though, okay? In all seriousness, don’t.”

“Alright,” he nodded and watched as we passed a school bus. “When does Denae start school?”

“Next year,” I reached up to scratch my neck. “Kindergarten. She’s scared.”

“What all did I miss?” he almost asked shyly as he messed with his shirt sleeves. “I mean, tell me some stories.”

“Oh her first birthday, she laid her head in the cake and fell asleep. I have pictures,” I laughed at the memory. The next five hours we talked, I shared stories, Denae commented when she finally woke. By the time we arrived at the hotel we were staying in for the night, Denae was calling Dean her daddy and sticking to him like glue.

“She calls me Uncle Sammys,” Sam showed up at my side as I tried to collect all of her dolls from the backseat. “She really is something else, Remy.”

“She’s hooked to his side,” I told Sam with a smile cast over my shoulder towards them both, they were by the front office of the hotel talking to some guy. “I love seeing her happy, it makes me happy.”

“I did notice the personality traits she inherited from Dean,” Sam smirked as he grabbed an armful of toys from the backseat. “She’s such a little smart-ass.”

“And she’s only four,” I chuckled at Sam. He laughed with me and closed the car door for me and then followed when I started towards the hotel room Dean had walked to. “Um…are we all going to fit in here?”

“I’ll go get a second room for Indio and me,” Sam handed me the toys he held and headed towards the office. I struggled to keep the toys in my arms as I walked in and dumped them on the bed.

“Thanks for the help,” I raised one eyebrow and frowned at Dean. He was laying on the bed playing cards with Denae, not that she knew what she was doing. “Dee, ten minutes then shower and bed.”

“Aw mom,” they both whined. Indio laughed from the bed beside theirs and covered his mouth when I glared.

“You stop encouraging her to argue with me,” I pointed down to Dean and then looked at Denae. “Dee, go with Indy and take your shower.”

“Aw,” she repeated before crawling off the bed. As soon as her feet hit the floor, she started towards the bathroom grumbling with her head hung low. “Come on Uncle Indy.”

“You pissed her off,” Indio laughed harder than really necessary as he trailed into the bathroom on the heels of a very pissed off Denae Winchester.

“When don’t I?” I grumbled and looked back at Dean, he was grinning. “Why are you grinning like a dork?”

“You’re a great mom,” instead of acting offended, he laughed as he spoke. Those words somehow meant more to me than anything and I couldn’t keep the smile from growing on my face.

“Thanks,” I took a seat beside him, propping back with my hands under my head. “Now watch and listen, it’s hysterical.”

I knew he was going to ask what was hysterical so I shushed him and pointed at the bathroom door. Sam walked in as we sat in silence, staring at the bathroom door like it was about to move. “What are you—“Sam spoke and was cut of by Dean shushing him, so he took a seat on the other bed and mimicked us. It was honestly amusing to listen in on Indio and Denae as they argued about her getting out of the shower. It was also amusing to hear the water splashing and more arguing, but it was downright laughable seeing Indio walk out holding a toweled Denae, who looked almost dry while he was soaked from head to toe.

“She has an anger issue,” I smiled at Indio apologetically and watched as he set her down. She ran over to me when I added. “With any authority.”

“She’s definitely my child,” Dean beamed and picked her off the ground. He used some of the towel to dry her wavy hair as I stood to get her some pajamas. “Whoa!”

I turned around and stifled a giggle; Denae had stripped the towel and was running around the room screaming with joy. “Denae Mary Marie Winchester!” she stopped and turned to me. “You are a lady, in a roomful of men. Ladies do not run around screaming like a banshee in the nude, do they?”

“No momma,” she sighed and sulked her way over to me. I dressed her and laid her in bed with two of her favorite dolls. “Night momma, love you.”

“Goodnight, I love you baby,” I kissed her forehead and tucked her in. Indio and Sam took turns saying goodnight before they left for the room next door.

“Good night, na-na,” Dean kissed her cheek and smiled when she giggled at her new nickname.

“Sleep with me daddy?” she pouted and looked at Dean with her big blue eyes, he looked at me. His eyes were wide and scared, it was his first situation with the famous puppy dog eyes.

“She’s good with the guilt trip thing too,” I told him a little bit late as I lay down on the other bed and covered up with a smug smile. “Have fun trying to resist it.”

“Baby doll,” Dean sounded like he was in pain as he pleaded. “I want to sleep with mommy tonight. Can’t Miss Kitty sleep with you tonight?”

“I guess,” she pouted her lips again and started sniffling like she was about to cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh how cute, can't you just imagine it?
