Status: On hiatus until I can get a handle on that bitch called life. Sorry :/

When I Said Sweet, I Meant Dirty

When my sister and my best friend came to me and told me that they’d entered our band into a contest online, I hadn’t asked any questions. They were the type of people that dreamt large; they wanted fame and fortune and they wanted it via music. I, on the other hand, was just fine with playing rockstar in our basement and at community shows. As far as I was concerned Nevermore was just a way to pass the time between work and books. Never in a million years would I have thought that I’d actually become even the slightest bit famous, let alone win some contest to go on tour with a big international band. So, imagine my surprise when my sister dropped the bomb that Nevermore would be going on a five month tour with Tokio Hotel.

Brennan James- Vocals/Bass Guitar.
Dakoda James- Lead Guitar.
Eli Braxton- Drums.
Austin Granger- Roadie.

Tokio Hotel:
Tom Kaulitz- Lead Guitar.
Bill Kaulitz- Vocals.
Georg Listing- Bass Guitar.
Gustav Schafer- Drums.

Title credit goes to the song Slutgarden by Marilyn Manson.

Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I do not own Tokio Hotel. If I did, I'd be off having hot german rockstar sex and not writing this, yeah? All other fictional characters are mine, as is the band Nevermore. They're figments of my imagination and if you steal them, my soul will cry and you will be murdered via falling piano. Kay thanks.
  1. I'll pretend that I want you...
    For what is on the inside...
  2. But when I get inside...
    I'll just want to get out...
  3. I'm your first and last deposit...
    Through sickness and in Hell...
  4. I'll never promise you a garden...
    You'll just water me down...
  5. I can't believe that you are for real...
    I don't care, as long as you're mine...
  6. When I said "we"...
    I know I meant "me"...
  7. And when I said "sweet"...
    I meant "dirty"...
  8. I'm unsafe, I'm unsafe, I won't repent...
    So, I memorize the words to the porno movies...
    Sorry about this...