Dreams Do Last Longer Than A Night, Alex Gaskarth

All Time Low

Jack was a impationent boy, got bored very easily and it didn't help that he was randomly spazzy.
But what made it so easy to get along him, was if you were the same way.
And Zack, Rian and Alex just so happened to be.


Zack, Rian and Jack were slowly growing bored with watching crappy movies and Alex and his girlfriend fight in their hotel room.
So they made their way down the hall to visit the other bands, leaving Alex to fend on his own.
After Finding out the others were bored as well Jack, being the kid that he is, suggested they go to Six Flags.
It didn't take long for everyone to agree.
Zack, Rian, Jack and The Maine boys piled into two taxi's and they have yet to see each other sense.
The All Time Low boy's alternated picking the rides.
Jack chose kiddie rides, like the merry go round.
Zack choice water rides.
And Rian was the one who liked the roller coasters.
It now being Rian's turn to pick the ride, they were now in line for the Titan, it was a long line.
Jack was getting hungry, and when boy's are hungry that get cranky but when jack is hungry he gets stalker-y.
He was listening in one the three girls in front of him and at some point in time he desided to inderject his opoin.
The three girls turned around looking at Jack their eyes going wide.
Jack scanned the girls as did Zach and Rian.
Two of the girls had dark brown hair, hanging down messyly, so it looked as if it was supposed to be thats way.
The other girl had blonde hair that looked brushed and tamed.
They each had different style that seemed carefree Which made them seem like dedicated Listeners not obsessed fan girls.
They were wrong.
"Holy Shit!" The one in the middle said.
"You're Za--" Said the other brunett next to her
"And you're Ri--" Said the blonde
"And you're Jac--" The middle one said.
"Finally! Someone who reconizes us!" Jack said jumping up and down.
Rian chuckled at his friends reaction, while Zack hit his chest.
"Ow!" Jack said turning and pouting at Zack.
The girls giggled.
Rian contenuied to laugh at his friends until he decided to ask their names.
"Liz" The Blonde one said.
"Dolly" The one in the middle.
"And you?" Zach said putting a charming smirk on his face.
"Nice to meet you." Jack said going down the line, shaking each of their hands animatly.
"You too." Liz said a little freaked out, while Dolly smirked at her friend.
"So..." Jack said putting on a sudsive smirk, eyeing Liz. "From what I heard you seemed a little scared."
Rian sighed "Jack you're the onnly thing scaring the girl."
♠ ♠ ♠
I saw Cobra Starship 3 days ago. And it was so fucking amazing.
Have you ever been to a concert and then felt inspired? Well thats what I have felt for the last 3 days. So I've tried to make this chapter, perfect.
Comments and Subscriptions would be nice but again I don't want you to feel obligated to.
And I know no one read's this story any way but I have 2 new stories out.
1s an original story.
The other is fan fic.