Dreams Do Last Longer Than A Night, Alex Gaskarth


I was always in love with someone on who never knew I was on the face of the planet
Jack's reaction caught me eye first.
His eyes were wide.
His mouth had formed into a smirk.
His feet were picking themselves off the ground, then touching it only breefly, in a bouncing manner.
His arms were flaling about, almost about to hit Liz and Rian.

Zack and Rian's reaction caught my eye after I couldn't watch Jack any longer.
Their faces were blank.
Their eyes the only source of expression, which told me they were having a mental conversation.
Zack's mouth opened to form words, but nothing came out.
Rian's did the same.

I was begining to grow impationent.
My eyes looked between the boys as if I was watching a tennis.
My face in a pleading expression, begging on of them to speak.

"We want you to stay away from Alex." Zack said finally speaking.

I tried to force the words I wanted to be heard out of my throat, but nothing came out.
"W--h--at-t?" I stuttered.
"We want you to stay away from--" Before Rian could say the love of my life's name, I started wavy my hands in his face.
"I heard you." I took a deep breath getting the courage to ask what was coming next. "W--H--yy?"
"Yeah." Jack protested. "Why?"
"Because..." Zack said looking for a reason.
"We like you, Dolly. Your cool and won't let Jack anywhere near your friend."
"Hey!" Jack interupted
"Alex would hurt you, and you wouldn't want to hang out with us any more." Zack said, catching on to what Rian was saying.

My eyes were wide.
The blood in my face had left.
My expression was blank.
My mind had stopped working.
I took steps back, the steps starting slow and small getting larger and faster.

"Fuck, she's gonna run." Jade said and thats when I turned around, running in that direction.