Dreams Do Last Longer Than A Night, Alex Gaskarth

All Time Low

The band subtract Jack sat in their dressing room-for the night- preparing for when they gallop onto stage after We The Kings skips off.

Rian sits on the black leather couch
Rian was blasting his ipod.
Rian was banging his drumsticks against the air to the popping of the drum.

Zack sat on the cushion next to Rian.
Zack picked at his bass.
Zack danced in his sit, really he was guarding his bass from Rian's murderous blows.

Alex stood in front of the mirror on the other side of the room.
Alex moved slices of his hair around his head, fixing his hair.
Alex's light pink lips formed the words to random lyrics from their songs.

They just weren't the same with out Jack, who was standing by the entrance to the stage with Cassadee Pope, who was sipping on an energy drink, while he waited for Johnny to come back.
Jack explained his plan to Cassadde.

"Oh so that's why your standing here talking to me verses not spazzing out with your friends, right now?" Cassadee said finally grasping the reason for Jack's presence. He wanted to share his evil genius thoughts.

Jacks head shots up and down.
"Ya' think it will work?" He askes, waiting for an input.

"Let's see." Cassadee says as she gazed past Jack and at the large body of the house security, Johnny.

Jake spun around on the balls of his feet.
Jake's gaze searching past Johnny and at the three girls, who stood in awe.

"You did this?" Jade asked, still not believing she was being watched Cassadee Pope.

"Yeah, Who else would? I mean I like you girls more than Rian and Zack do." Jake said as he threw his arm around Liz.

"I highly doubt that." Dolly says, her eyes swimming with a challenge buried beneath them.

"Wanna bet?" Jack asked.
Jack didn't let any of them answer.
Jack gripped Liz and Dolly's hands, forcing Jade to follow them as Jack pulled them down the hall.
Jack swung his long lanky arms, swinging Liz and Dolly into All Time Low's Dressing room-for that night.

"Who's this?" Alex asked, his eyes locking with Dolly's.
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Give Me Just One Week Of Danger At A Time