Not By A Long Shot

Regardless of Regrets

After 2 Years
The boy as you might have already guessed was out trying to get famous. But choosing between "her" and music was definitely a tough choice to make, sometimes he thought he wanted her more than his dream, that he's had ever since he was a kid.
But he succeeded in making his dream a reality but decided to move on because he assumed she did.

The girl, well lets just say "the boy" was right about her having a bright future ahead of her, she finished college, with a broken heart. She keeps telling her friends that she's fine but inside she knows she's lying to herself, she never forgot him and never really cared much for anyone else. She got a job at an awesome management company called DICE, which handled a lot of bands, including the band of her ex..

To make matters worse. He has a new GIRLFRIEND.

On A Tour Bus In Chicago
"Yeah I miss you too baby."
"I know, but i'll call you everyday and I really do miss you, its just I want to spend some time home, kay?!"
"Alright, I love you, bye."

"Dude, our phone sex is none of your business, you know that right?"
"You do know that you just indirectly admitted to having phone sex with her, right?"
"Yes Brendon Boyd Urie I am aware, now please get off my case."
"Geez, chill by the way I came by to say that Pete tried calling you, but obviously your line was busy, so I suggest you ring him up, kay?"
"Yeah sure, thanks."
As soon as Brendon leaves I start punching numbers on my god-forsaken phone.
Why god-forsaken you might ask? Well because its been abused for the past 5 months, I mean daily incoming and outgoing phone calls from both Pete and my girlfriend SHOULD qualify as abuse of your phone.
So the conversation with Pete was basically about the upcoming tour that Fall Out Boy was headlining and apparently Panic was invited along and by invited I mean suggested by Pete. Don't get me wrong I love performing and stuff but it just gets so tiring everything's been such a whirlwind ever since we last left Vegas, and this was going to be the 1st time in years anyone was actually going to get to go home and just chill.
So I was excited, on the other hand I was scared to death of that girl I left behind, years ago I am scared shitless of how she would treat me, and how I would explain all this shit to her.
But then again I wasn't sure if she would still be there, she might have moved or something, but I am somehow wishing, hoping and praying that I would get to see her again, even if that sounds kinda wrong 'cuz I have a girlfriend, but I never stopped thinking about her, I love my girlfriend but that girl I left behind still has a place in my heart after all these years.
♠ ♠ ♠
The last chapter was kind of like a flashback from their teenage years.
This is now.. sort of.
My head is a mess, summer does this to me.
I heard @iamdiddy got a million followers on twitter.. cool XD
I am proud to say i'm one of them :)) wheeeee