Not By A Long Shot

Fate Hates Us.

Dice Management Office, Vegas
"Hey Venice!" My very hot, yet very gay office buddy greets me (sad i know), whilst waving an envelope in my face.
"Hey Kenny, what's up?!" I say slowly getting curious
"Not much, just came by to relay a message from the boss." He says finally handing me the envelope and patiently waits for me to open it. I was getting nervous, what if he was firing me, I could NOT loose my job, I loved working here way to much.
As soon as I read the letter my jaw dropped.
"Sweetie, what's wrong."
"Honey, say something, you're starting to scare me!"
"I'm being assigned, to work as an on-tour manager..."
"So what's wrong with that?! I thought you wanted to work as on-tour manager?!"
"You didn't let me finish. I'm going to be PANIC AT THE DISCO's manager."
"Oh honey, I'm sorry we can tell David that you don't want the job."
"No, it's okay, I have to do this, I want to do this, besides this could be good for me."
He cocked an eyebrow at me and cautiously said
"If you say so.. I'm gonna miss you around the office, get your pretty little ass over here and give me a hug."
I move closer to him and give him a huge bear hug.
"I'm gonna miss you too." Which was so true, he was such a good friend.
"I have to go sweetie, I'll see you later at lunch okay."
"Alright I'll go call David, before he gives the job to someone else."
He nods, then walks in the other direction.
I pull out my phone and started browsing through my contacts.

All of a sudden life got so complicated, just when things were getting better.

Summerlin, Nevada
Round here we're carving out our names, round here we all look the same
"Dammit, where the hell is my damn phone?!" I scream at no one in particular as I frustratedly look around for my phone.
I finally spotted it sitting on the bedside drawer and I check the caller ID
Oh boy, what does he want?!
Don't get me wrong I love that boy to bits but he can be very irritating [strike]most of the time[/strike] sometimes.
"Yeah Ryan, it's me Brendon."
"Thanks for the info, Captain Obvious."
"Obvious is my middle name! Now that we've established that let's get down to business, the guys at the management said that Stan (our manager) is resigning. They said something about him getting married and wanting to get a head start on being a good husband/dad. So they said that they'd replace him with a chick named Cassidy Reynolds."
My heart stopped.
My jaw dropped.
I couldn't speak.
"Hey Ryan, don't you think it's funny that she has the exact same name as your ex-girlfriend."
"Yyy-yeah ff-funny.. hehe..hh.he" I managed to choke out.
"Yeah well, I thought so too, anyway i've got to go, see you."
"Yeah bye." I wait for the click to go off on the other end.
I just sat there staring at my phone for the longest time.
For the first time in how many years, I actually prayed.. no BEGGED God that it wasn't her.
I am a coward, I know.
I couldn't deal with the fact that she could still be mad at me after all these years then all of a sudden we'd be thrown together in a bus!
Suddenly thoughts of her trying to kill me in my bunk with a rusted knife invaded my mind.
Improbable but somewhat possible.

The wilder my imagination gets, the more violent my thoughts become.
♠ ♠ ♠
writer's block sucks.
comments are love. :D