Head Games

Took The Bait

Mia tossed and turned all night, mostly because she knew Dave hadn’t come home yet. She wondered where he was. Who he was with. What they were doing.

What made whoever she was better than her.

Mia turned over again, trying not to put herself down like this anymore. She was a good woman. A smart, nice, caring woman.

…So why was this all happening to her? What had she done to deserve this?

Nothing. She had done absolutely nothing.

Dave was the idiot. She just had to keep telling herself that.

The next morning, when Mia woke up after finally falling asleep a few hours earlier, she walked over to the guest room to knock on the door. But when she got there, she saw the door already open. She peeked inside and saw the bed made, which tore her up inside.

Dave never made the bed, which meant Dave never came home the night before.

Mia glanced at the clock, realizing she had to get ready for work, and forced herself to walk away from the guest room.

She was unfocused all day, and she would catch herself zoning out while picturing his perfectly made bed.

“Mia, are you alright?” Her boss Mark asked her.

Mia just nodded, wishing she could snap herself out of this funk.


“How was your uh, date last night?” Brent Seabrook asked Dave uncomfortably. Dave looked at him curiously, wondering why he sounded so uneasy.

“It was fine, thanks,” Dave chuckled, loading his duffel bag. Brent nodded and continued loading his own stuff as well. Practice had just let out, and the guys were all getting ready to leave.

“Are you…going to see her again?” Adam Burish asked in the same anxious tone as Brent.

“Maybe,” Dave shrugged.

“Well, what’s she like?” Patrick Sharp asked, seeming to almost cringe after the question.

“Dude, why do you guys sound so uncomfortable about this?” Dave asked, fighting a smile. “You all sound like my dad after my first date ever.”

“It’s just…weird, you know? You’ve been dating Mia for practically as long as I’ve known you. It’s…awkward asking you about you being with other girls,” Brent shrugged. Dave’s smirk faltered, and he continued packing his bag in silence. “I didn’t mean to bring it up, I just-”

“No, it’s fine,” Dave assured.

“Can I ask why you broke up with her? I mean Dave, seriously man. Mia is like, the perfect woman,” Adam said.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Dave remarked.

“Name one thing wrong with her,” Patrick challenged. Brent and Adam both stopped what they were doing and turned toward Dave, awaiting his answer.

“We just don’t click like we used to,” Dave shrugged.

“First of all, that has nothing to do with Mia’s perfectness. Second, that sounds like a personal problem to me,” Patrick stated.

“How so?” Dave argued.

“I hate to break it to you man, but Mia’s exactly the same as the day I met her. You’re the one who’s changed, so if it’s anyone’s fault you don’t ‘click like you used to’, it’s yours,” Patrick asserted. Dave glanced over at Brent and Adam for support, but they just shrugged at him.

“I get that you’re all about the ladies,” Adam started. “But I don’t think you realize you’ve already got the best one.”

No one said anything after that, they all just continued getting ready to leave.

“Are we still coming to your house for lunch?” Patrick Sharp asked Dave.

“Yeah, sure,” Dave replied, still partially thinking about what the guys said about Mia.

They got to Dave’s apartment a little while later, and Dave froze when he saw Mia walking around inside.

“Mia!” Adam exclaimed, pushing past Dave and engulfing Mia in a hug.

“Hey Adam,” she laughed, hugging him back. Patrick and Brent also greeted her with hugs, and Dave just nodded at her.

“What are you doing home?” Dave asked, knowing she was supposed to be at work.

“I wasn’t feeling well, and I think Mark noticed, so he sent me home. He gave me tomorrow off too,” she told him.

“Nice,” Adam remarked. “I’m glad you’re here though. You can fix us a much better tasting lunch than Davie over there.”

Mia smiled and told them to go into the living room while she made them something to eat.

“I’ll help you,” Brent offered. The other guys went into the living room, and Mia heard them immediately crank up the volume on the television.

“Oh, you don’t have to,” Mia denied.

“Nah, I want to,” he assured, walking into the kitchen with her.

“So, how was practice today?” Mia asked him, looking through the refrigerator.

“Eh, practice is practice,” Brent shrugged, smiling. Mia smiled back and pulled some stuff out of the fridge.

“So, Dave had a date last night, eh?” Brent brought up.

Mia glared pointedly at him, ignoring him as she started cooking with her back to him.

“Touchy subject?” Brent teased. When Mia didn’t answer, he nudged her with his shoulder. She paused what she was doing, but still didn’t look at him. Brent stepped closer to her and put his hand on her back lightly. “Mia?” He leaned forward to see her face, and he wanted to smack himself when he saw her cheeks glistening with tears. “Shit, Mia, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…I didn’t think that…ah, shit. I’m sorry.”

Brent pulled her in for a hug, and a few moments later he looked down at her and wiped the tears off her face.

“Mia, seriously, I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said sincerely.

“I know,” she murmured. “I don’t know why it still upsets me. I should just get over him, right? I mean, he’s obviously over me, so I shouldn’t get bothered by him dating other girls. Right?”

Neither of you are over each other,” Brent remarked.

“No, Dave is definitely-”

“Not over you,” Brent finished, smirking.

“H-he told you that?” Mia stammered.

“No, but it is completely obvious. Believe me,” he replied. Mia plopped down at the table, running a hand through her hair.

“I am so confused,” she muttered. Brent laughed, pulling a chair out and sitting next to her.

“So, it’s safe to say it bothered you when Dave went out last night, right?” Brent asserted. Mia looked over at him, trying to see where he was going with this.


“Be honest,” Brent ordered.

“Yes,” Mia conceded.

“Well, then, you need to start dating too. You know, get back at him, drive him crazy,” Brent suggested.

“Yeah, I’ll just whip a date out of my back pocket. No problem,” Mia said sarcastically, standing back up and continuing to cook. “Plus, I don’t really want to date right now, you know?” Brent got up and went to stand next to Mia. “Would it be totally pathetic to say the only guy I want to date is Dave?”

“A little,” Brent chuckled, causing Mia to groan. “I’ll date you,” he shrugged.

“Oh, wow, I’m floored by your enthusiasm,” Mia said, the same sarcastic tone as before evident in her statement.

“Well, who else are you going to get?” Brent pointed out.

“Again, Brent, you are too kind.”

“Do you want to or not?” He asked.

“Nah, I don’t think so,” Mia denied.

“Why not? What harm could fake dating me to get back at Dave do?”

Mia gave him a pointed look, but didn’t say anything as she finished preparing lunch.

“Miiiiia,” he sang, nudging her.

“Fine,” she agreed, nodding. “I’ll do it.” Brent texted Adam and Sharpie, letting him know the plan.

“Awesome. So, what are you doing tonight?” Brent asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Mia laughed, making everyone a plate. Even though she didn't answer, Brent continued talking. “Sounds great. I’ll pick you up at seven. Dress nice,” he said, smacking her butt before leaving the kitchen with a few plates.

Mia looked at him slack-jawed, but the corners in her mouth were turned up in a smile. She grabbed the remaining plates and took them into the living room. The boys all thanked her and excused herself, going into her room.

“Hey Dave?” Brent asked, mouth full of food.

“Hm?” Dave sounded, his mouth full as well.

“So, I was thinking. Mia needs to get out there, ya know?” Brent put out. Dave coughed, swallowing his food quickly.


“Well, it’s just, you’re out and about, dating and such, and she’s either at work or stuck here. I feel bad for her,” Brent said.

“Yeah, she’s probably all miserable and depressed,” Patrick remarked, earning an approving glance from Brent.

“Oh. Well, yeah. I guess it would be good for her to get out,” Dave nodded. “Not that she needs my permission,” he added, looking at Brent strangely, knowing he had a reason for this discussion.

“Well, we were all talking,” Adam intervened, causing Dave to look at him. “And I think I know the perfect guy for Mia.” Dave choked on his water, coughing a bit. “It’s not like you have a problem with it, right?”

“What? No. Of course not,” Dave said too quickly. The other three men shared a knowing look. “So, this guy, is he cool? I mean, I don’t want Mia to get hurt, you know? So, he’s a good guy?”

“Oh yeah. Definitely,” Adam nodded. Patrick and Brent made motions of disapproval behind Adam’s back, flailing wildly.

“Uh, actually, I was thinking she’d date someone I knew a little better, you know?” Dave said, trying to turn Adam down without insulting him.

“Like who?” Adam inquired.


Brent coughed inconspicuously, and Dave took the bait.

“Brent! Brent you should date Mia,” Dave suggested.

“What?” Brent sounded.

“Yeah. I mean, you’re a nice guy, and I know you’ll treat her right. I’m not saying you have to marry her or anything, but you can at least get her back on her feet,” Dave said, thinking he just came up with this brilliant idea.

“Great. It’s settled then,” Brent said, sending a wink to Adam and Patrick. They smiled back at him, knowing they had successfully caught Dave in the trap they had set.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is going to be updated slowly, because it's already going in a different direction than I had originally planned, and I want to reel it in now before it gets out of control.

Still, comments are appreciated!