Shadow of Yesterday

Damien Foxe, (pronounces fox) would be perfect for a cheesy 80s movie. A boy who has a hard time fitting in with the in crowd. (if any crowd at all) With his blond hair just above his eyes nobody ever really notice his cool gray eyes.

He's a friendly enough kid, with decent grades. He swears a decent amount but isn't a sailor. He's only ever had one girlfriend, and that was in the eight grade. He can't compete with the other guys, they actually have pecks and arm muscles. Damien? Not so much.

He is however a decent runner, well he should be, he's run from his heckling uncles enough times.

His family isn't the best, a dysfunctional family who mainly lives off of booze. He's the youngest of them all and the dog of the family.

Often times he runs away. But he can't go far, the cops usually bring him home. But when he does he sometimes goes to his best friend Adeline's house.

Adeline, Damien's best friend since the third grade is his savior. But she has friends in high school...he doesn't. Yet somehow, she always has time for him.

But when walking home one day turns dark Damien has to race home. But when the boys of the high school catch up and beat him until he's unconscious will he remember any of it? When he wakes up he can't find an explanation of why it wasn't so cold as it was an hour ago...or why his sight is a little fuzzy.

What's wrong? Damien?