Dripping Blood Keeps Us Together

Yearning; Longing. Love; Hate. Fear; Bravery. Hope. That was her name. Hope Renee Orbs. Father a king, stepmother a snotty being, and half brothers causing misery. What a life? Being born half Vampire wasn't all life cracked up to be. When you're someone like Hope, you're no one. Half Vampires are rags. Dirty, souless beings who roam the earth as prey and predator. It's what they all think. All the pure bloods, anyway. As Hope lives her life as a basic maid in her own home, she discovers that being who she is, will probably be the best thing anyone could wish to be. Becoming something you're not is far worse than any nightmare to dream. That just because you're not the same as everyone, you will die lonely. That finding love, is not just for the weak.