For War To Love


In a very large city with filled with people bustling hither to and yonder, shopping, talking, selling, walking and all manner of things one does in the city, he did not stand out. Well, not as much as he would have if he was in say, a small town. Ruggedly handsome men are a dime a dozen in the city, but in a small town, he would not have been able to walk anywhere with out being noticed. Hence he could not have picked a better place to be dropped than a lively city. However, if it were up to him, he would never have been sent here in the first place.

“But Zeus! You must let him find it and experience this. Yes, I am well aware that it's totally against his nature, but just once in his life, he needs to know what it feels like,” explained an exasperated Eros. He had finally convinced Aphrodite to let the god find what true love is, but now Eros had to convince Zeus. Sure Eros had found the perfect girl for Ares, but Zeus would be the one who got the final say. Suffice it to say, showing Zeus that this was the right choice was not going well for the god of love. Rational thinking and logical arguments were not a strong point for Eros.

“Eros, it seems to me that it is impossible for Ares to fall in love. As you know his elements are the exact opposites of love and romance. Those are yours and Aphrodite's elements,” Zeus said for what seemed the umpteenth time that day. Understandably, all the gods had affairs with other goddesses, but that was Lust not Love.

Zeus had to chuckle at the fact Eros was being slightly irrational since it was a one and a million chance for this to be pulled off. But wasn't love often an irrational thing?

Zeus had indeed surveyed the woman that Eros thought was perfect for Ares. He did think that she could potentially led Ares to fall in love, but it was a long shot. It was hard to make Ares do anything that didn't relate to what he presided over.

“For the love of all that is good, just send him already,” complained Hermes, the one who would have to personally tell Ares to pack his bags for Humanville. Hermes just wanted the dreaded task to be over and done with, as he would like to come back alive. Everyone knew Ares had a temper that was the size of earth, and no one wanted to be on the receiving end of said temper. Hermes had no doubt that Ares would pitch a fit about being sent to the mortal realm with no plausible explanation.

“Hermes, it's not the easiest decision in the world to make. Think of the positive and negative effects. If things go well, then all that means is less war and violence among the humans, or at least less violent wars. If thinks go awry then the world would be plunged into World War Three and everything would be in total chaos, even here on Olympus. It would be years, eons before peace and order would be restored. Just think of the pros and cons!” cried the leader of the gods.

“If it should go well, and I think it would, then the war and violence would be reduced greatly. Everyone would be more peaceful and happy.” Eros stressed the positive effects, hoping that Zeus would finally agree to let Ares go to the mortal world. Eros also wouldn't give up until his plan had been accomplished. An unusual thing for him, but he honestly thought that it would be the best of both worlds.

And so it was that, Ares the War god was doomed to the mortal realm 'til love entered his warmongering world. But would war ever love?
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Hello Hello Hello!!!!

I'm re-posting my old, but newly sorta rewritten story.

Comments loved! Thanks for reading!