Quest for Cydonia

Chapter 10

Matt struggled to pry open his dry eyes. The wind had finally stopped gusting against his body, and the bat had finally released his weakened shoulders, but all he could do was lie limply on the ground wherever he had been taken. He tried to move, but his body refused to cooperate.

“Don’t try to get up, Matt,” he heard Chris say. He could barely mutter a response, so he decided to take his friend’s advice and remained still. The faint clinking of chains met his ears and sent a shiver down his spine.

“D…Dom,” he choked out. Chris sighed.

“He’s still unconscious. Hit his head against the wall when they…dragged him in here,” he said hesitantly. Matt bit his lip nervously, hoping his friend would be okay. He kept his eyes closed for a moment and found it easier to speak when he did.

“Where are the kids?” he mumbled.

“I don’t know,” Chris answered.

“Excuse me…” said a new voice. Chris and Matt nearly stopped breathing when they heard the accent of the tone. “But…I think I know your voices.”

“Princess?” asked Chris in shock. Matt opened his eyes and sat up suddenly, but a wave of nausea attacked him and forced him to lie down again. “Is that you?”

“Sir Christopher? I knew I recognized you!” she exclaimed, though keeping her voice to a whisper.

“We’re here to s…save you,” Matt slurred. Chris rolled his eyes.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“I’m not hurt, but I don’t know how much longer that’s going to last,” she answered, sounding sad.

“Is something wrong, Princess?” Chris questioned, a little less abruptly this time. She considered telling him about Gerard’s parents and how he felt about them, but she heard footsteps before she could answer and quickly went silent.

“I’ve been sent to assure you of your horses’ safety,” said a relatively young voice. “I’m afraid the only thing I can tell you is that they are in much better care than you knights. And the princess, of course,” he added with a sour note. Chris’s eyes had adjusted to the low light, and he could just see the person make a swift bow in the girl’s direction. The man then turned his attention back to Chris.

“The two traitors have been taken into the castle for a personal meeting with the prince. You’ll speak to him soon enough.”

“That’s enough, Frank,” said another voice. “One of the horses needs your attention anyway.” Frank nodded in acknowledgment and swiftly ran outside. “Now, to deal with you three…well, for now it’s only one, I see.”

“What’s going to happen to us?” Chris asked plainly. The man gave a small laugh, shaking his head and letting his curly hair follow the motion.

“I’m not at liberty to say.” He turned and walked away, leaving Chris in a state of worry and confusion. The scream of a horse in pain met his ears just seconds later, but the only thing he could do was hope it wasn’t Berry.

“Mm… What happened?”

Chris turned his attention to the cell next to him. He squinted to see better in the murky darkness, but was just able to tell that Dom had finally woken up.

“We’ve been taken to the castle and now we’re in the dungeon,” he answered. “You probably shouldn’t try to get up yet, Dom.”

“Dom?” the princess asked. “Sir Dominic? Is that really you?”

“Princess!” he shouted. Chris saw him scramble to sit up, but he winced and held a hand against his forehead. “Ow…”

“You’re hurt,” the girl said with concern. The sound of keys clinking together coupled with footsteps broke into the conversation. One of the cell doors opened, and several guards walked inside.

“Hey! Let me go!” Matt shouted as they dragged him out of the cell. The soldiers quickly retrieved Chris and Dom as well. They were taken out of the dungeon. Chris wanted to close his eyes against the sudden glare of the bright sun, but instead he looked around for anything that might get them out of there. All he could see were clouds stretching out in all directions, and he knew in an instant that the place was inescapable.

The three knights were taken into the castle. The darkness of the main hall brought a cold, ominous feeling upon them, and the muted colors of black and deep purple did nothing to mediate it. Chris fought back a shiver as the guards brought them to the end of the huge corridor. Two ornate black chairs stood on a raised platform just a few feet away from him. If it hadn’t been for the pale face of the black-clothed man sitting in one of them, Chris would have sworn there was no one there at all.

“So, this is what Garith gives me as his best efforts to rescue his daughter,” the man said in a deep voice. “Luna’s three finest knights.”

“You’ll never win,” Matt said with determination. “We’ll make sure of that.”

“Shut up,” Chris muttered to him through gritted teeth. The man before them let out a small laugh.

“You’d do well to listen to him, Matthew. Christopher always has been the smartest of you three.”

“You know our names?” Dom asked, still sounding a little dizzy.

“Of course. I’d never forget them. Especially you, Dominic. Always the stupid one.”

“Hey!” Dom cried indignantly. His eyes suddenly went wide. “Wait…no…it can’t be.”

“I brought the three of you here simply to tell you where you’ll be going.” Gerard stood and stepped down from the throne to stand directly in front of Matt, looking him straight in the eyes.

“And just where might that be?” the leader of the three asked with narrowed eyes.

“The City of Delusion. Consider it your final resting place, knights.”

“Another myth of yours?” Matt snapped. One corner of Gerard’s mouth turned downwards in a show of annoyance, but that was the most he let happen.

“Sir,” Frank said urgently as he rushed in. “I’m afraid there is a problem with Giorgio.”

“What kind of problem?” Gerard asked as he suspiciously eyed the knights, then turned his attention back to Frank.

“I’m not sure yet, but it’s serious.”

Gerard narrowed his eyes in thought. “This isn’t over,” he said to the three knights before briskly following Frank towards the barn. Another set of footsteps entered the room.

“I can handle this from here, thank you,” said the kinder voice. The guards suddenly released the knights and bowed swiftly before exiting. “Follow me.”

Matt immediately turned the other way as if planning to escape, but Dom grabbed his arm and dragged him after the man who had just arrived and was now walking away from them. They passed under a tall arch and saw a faint glow at the end of the hallway. Faint waves of amethyst light bounced off the walls.

“Who are you and why did you just help us?” Matt asked accusingly. Chris hit him on the shoulder, giving him the cue to stop talking.

“My name is Bob. I’m the s- …current…Duke of Cydonia.” Bob stood in front of them, hands clasped behind his back. “And no, I’m not here to send you to whatever it is Gerard sentenced you to.”

“Why should we believe you?” Chris questioned. Bob stepped to one side, revealing a dome covered by a deep purple cloth, and looked at the floor.

“Because I want to stop him too. He kills people with dark magic to use their life energy as power…he killed my father…” Bob lowered his voice a step. “He even took the lives of his own parents, as far as I know.”

“How could anyone be so heartless?” Dom managed to whisper. Matt couldn’t speak, instead looking on the verge of tears.

“Gerard is not a man easily obstructed. He wants power, just as his father wanted him to have power.”

“But how does that involve kidnapping our princess?” Matt questioned.

“Cydonian law,” Bob answered. “Tradition says a prince or princess must marry before he or she can assume the throne.”

“He can’t do that!” Dom cried. Bob motioned for him to keep his voice down, glancing around warily.

“He will unless he is stopped.”

“Bob.” Mikey’s voice suddenly joined the group, causing them all to jump. “Why are you talking to the prisoners?”

“How did you find out I was?” Bob said in confusion. Mikey smirked.

“The walls have ears.” Bob looked like he was about to speak, but Mikey cut him off. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell my brother about your plan. In fact…I’m going to help you.”

‘I’ll help you,’ he thought silently, ‘until I take his place. Then the girl is mine.’