This Ain't a Scene; It's an Arms Race


Scout Evelyn Lewis
Goes by Evelyn.
Related to Meriwether Lewis and her entire family is super proud of it.
Typical teenage girl.

Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz
Goes by Pete.
He's overconfident and gets in over his head a lot.
Typical teenage boy.


“Mom, I don’t understand why I can’t. I don’t care if people get bullied, I can handle it! I don’t want to go to private school my entire life. I won’t mix with the wrong crowd, nothing will happen.” I argued.

“When I was in school I couldn’t even go to the bathroom, because there were girls smoking in there that would beat you up!” Mom fought back.

“Then I won’t go to the bathroom! I’ll be fine, Mom!”


“Dad, I want to go to public school.” I sighed.


“Dad, why not?! I know people get bullied, Mom says the same thing, but I’ll stay safe, I won’t make enemies.”

“Let me tell you a story.” He started, “Just a week or two ago a boy was eating lunch at a table that he normally sat at when a group of kids came over and told him it was their table and he needed to move. He stayed there and they waited for him outside the lunchroom, dragged him behind the school and beat him until he was almost dead.”

“Dad! If someone comes up to my lunch table I’ll move! I swear, just please!” I begged.

“I’ll talk to your mom.” He said angrily.


“Please, guys! I’ll stay safe! I won’t do anything to stand out and, I won’t make any enemies! Please!” I begged.

“We’ll send you, but if anything at all out of the ordinary happens, you’re going back to Bishop Gorman.”

“Score! Yes! Finally!” I yelled punching my fist into the air.

“Thank you!” I yelled one last time.
♠ ♠ ♠
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a><div style="width:250px;font-size:10px;font-family:verdana;" align="center"><a href="" style="color:#000;" target="_blank">Quizzes</a> <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#000;padding-left:50px;">Girls Games</a></div>
Yes, that had nothing to do with the chapter, but I just took a quiz and that was my result. Anyway.
New Pete story.
I've ignored Pete Wentz for a while now and I think it's time to let him have his time on my mibba...
Did that make sense?
Comments, please. I want to know your ideas, opinions, thoughts, mostly just your feedback makes my day. No joke. One comment could make my entire day. Oh, and it'll make this get posted faster. :)