This Ain't a Scene; It's an Arms Race


I decided to walk home and didn’t pick up the phone when my mom called. It was a long walk, it’s only a ten minute drive but it took at least half an hour to get home on foot.

“SCOUT EVELYN LEWIS!” I heard mom yell, “I had no idea where you were! You are never doing that again! Why weren’t you answering my calls?”

I sprinted up the stairs and into my room before she could see me, I probably looked like hell, and locked the door. I had a bathroom that connected to my room and the hallway, I quickly locked that door also, before stripping down and laying on the floor, breathing slowly and enjoying the feel of the cold floor against my skin.

“Evelyn!” my mom yelled.

My head started pounding and I leaned over to throw up in the toilet. Luckily she heard and
her frantic talking stopped. I pressed my forehead to the toilet seat and breathed deeply.

“Honey, are you okay?”

I threw up again.


I started the shower after lying on the floor for a while. Couldn’t have been more than an hour. I made it as cold as possible, trying to forget the warm feeling of body heat.

My teeth were chattering and I was shaking, but it felt oddly good. I put on an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants afterwards and pulled my bedspread around me.


I finally let mom into my room and she handed me the thermometer and a cup of ice, then put a trashcan beside my bed.

“When was the last time you ate?”

“Lunch.” I mumbled.

“What did you eat?”

“Potatoes.” I shrugged.

“Stay home from school tomorrow and make sure you stay hydrated. I’ll be back in later.” Mom said before closing the door. I curled up on my bed with my bedspread and closed my eyes, falling into a fast dreamless sleep. At least I didn’t have any nightmares.


I didn’t wake up until early in the morning. My mouth was dry and it hurt when I swallowed. I grabbed the cup of newly melted ice and drank some of it.

I pretended to be asleep when my mom came in


“Hey, Ev, Brendon and Brent are here.” Mom said opening the door to my room, “Are you feeling better?”

“No.” I mumbled keeping the side of my face pushed into my pillow.

“Then they can’t stay long.”

“Where were you!?” I heard Brendon’s voice say. I sat up quickly and looked at him. It’s just Brendon and Brent. I shrugged.

“You were feeling fine yesterday. Oh, and how did the meeting thing-a-majig go?”

“Fine. Uhm, I don’t feel really good, can you guys leave?” I asked pulling my knees up and clinging to them through the blanket.

“Come on! You can’t be that sick!” Brent said a little loud than necessary. Brendon walked over to the edge of my bed and reached his hand out. I slid further into the pillows quickly and tried to get away from his hand.

“Geez, are you on some kind of medicine?” Brendon asked laughing.

“I took some melatonin at like 3 am, so it’s probably that.” I lied quietly.

“Damn, I hate that stuff. Gives me nightmares and makes me see stuff.” Brent laughed.

“Hm.” I hummed.

“We’ll be back. Get better, quickly.” Brendon said.


“Honey! You haven’t thrown up for two days, you don’t have a fever, you’re going to school!”

My mom snapped, “Get up!” she said on last time before closing my door.

I angrily pulled on a pair of jeans and a hoodie, then I pulled on my converse and put my hair in a ponytail.


Mom dropped me at school and I stayed outside until first period was a little ways in, to avoid seeing anyone. I was making my way to my locker and started turning the code into the dial with shaky hands.

“Oh, my God, you’re alive!” a deep voice yelled running over and clinging to me.

“No, stop!” I screeched struggling to get out of their grip and hyperventilating.

“Whoa, hey, calm down.” The guy said letting go and backing up. My eyes were squeezed shut and I was breathing hard, before I opened my eyes and backed up until my back hit a wall. I finally glanced up at this guy and my vision was a little blurry. Brendon? I rubbed my eyes a little and noted that: No, this guy wasn’t Brendon. He looked familiar though. My heart dropped as I realized he was with that group of guys the other day.

I slid down the wall still breathing heavy and put my head in my knees.

“What did they do?” he asked quietly approaching and sliding down the wall next to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliffhanger? Another one!
I'm sorry...
actually I'm not. :p