‹ Prequel: No Idea

Blue Magic

Chapter Two Make it Our Own

Nick quickly grabbed a needle from the table behind him and faced back to the thrashing Chris. I held my mouth trying to silence the sobs. “Okay Chris,” said Nick, “Just try and relax.” Chris squeezed his eyes shut and tried to calm his body down. Suddenly his whole body seemed to collapse. Nick looked at Chris is shock and spun around to me, “I-I think it killed him.” I stared at him in panic, “What did? You? Not the ‘blue magic’.” Nick nodded slowly and turned back to Chris. I rushed over to Nick, “Don’t just stand there then,” I grabbed his arm closest to me and squeezed, “do something!” Nick patted my arm, “L-let’s just see what—Chris gasped and bolted his body upright. We jumped back with a scream. Nick pride my hands away from his arm and walked cautiously over to Chris who had slowly laid himself back down with agony. “C-Chris?” asked Nick, carefully taking Chris’s pulse, “How ya feeling man?” Chris looked up at him vacantly, “Chris? No,” he took Nick’s hand off of his wrist, “Chris is not here, well on the outside, it is Chris…but on the inside, he has given into me and decided to take a little rest for a while.” “Non-Chris” got up from the table slowly and looked over at me. I had my arms crossed tightly across my chest, tears drying on my cheeks, my hair a curly mess, and confusion and panic in my eyes. He smiled, so far, Chris and…this guy, were very much alike. He walked over to me, “Who are you?” I peeked over towards Nick, his fingers that took Chris’s pulse were still raised as if he was still taking his pulse. Nick shook his head, “Your pulse,” he said, walking over to…not Chris, “it’s like electricity is running through your veins, your blood is pumping so fast!” Nick’s eyes, as he said this, were questioning, but his voice was fascinated. The non-Chris smiled nonchalantly, “You find this surprising Nicholas.” Nick rolled his eyes, “Don’t call me Nicholas okay? Seriously, it makes me sound like a little kid or something.” I smiled and giggled slightly, non-Chris turned towards me again, “You never answered my question love,” he took my arms and uncrossed them gently…wait…love? Did he just call me love? Yup, this was definitely not Chris. “I asked you what your name was.” He smiled down at me calm and gingerly, I couldn’t help but blush a little, “D-Dana-Joyce, but you can call me D.J…” I added quietly, “I guess,” I stuttered slightly, damn me and my nervous stuttering! He laughed, “What a cute name, it fits you well,” he kissed my hands and placed them by my side gently, “I’ve always thought that boy’s name’s for girl’s was cute. Like Joey or Marley or…” he looked down at me, “D.J.” I blushed crayon red as my eyes fell more and more towards the floor. I heard him chuckle, he moved my hair out of my face a little, “You shouldn’t hide your face love,” he tipped my head upward, “it’s very beautiful.” I heard Nick groan aggervatingly in the background, “Knock-it-off you guys! This whole lovey-dovey thing is making me sick!” He turned and started off into the den, “At a time like this, I’m starting to miss the old Chris.” I giggled and moved non-Chris’s hands from my face nicely, “I think you should stop now,” I gestured towards the den, “Nick’s gonna have a b.f. if you don’t.” He tipped his head to the side slightly, questioning, “B.F.?” I stared at him for a moment then laughed, “Ah, sorry! Ah-ha-ha-ha! A b.f. is a bitch-fit.” Non-Chris smiled and laughed. I smiled at him, his laugh was lighter than Chris’s and his smile was brighter and gentler too…I wouldn’t mind this non-Chris so much now. He smiled at me smiling at him, “W-what?” he blushed a little, “Aw!” I said and giggled, “You blushed! You’re so cute.” I gasped and covered my mouth quickly, “W-what did I just say?” He smiled and touched his forehead with mine, “I believe you said that I was cute.” We both blushed slightly. I finally turned away, “We really should go check on Nick now.” I started to walk away when he grabbed my arm and pulled me back firmly but with some gentleness, “Why,” he asked looking down at me softly, “I’m sure he won’t mind if we stay in here a little longer would he?” He held my eyes as he picked me up and moved us through the den (Nick was listening to his iPod and zoning out) and to the real Chris’s room. He still held me as he stood in the middle of the room, “I’m sure Nick doesn’t want to hear our lovey-dovey noises and such anyways. In fact I think he pretty much asked us to take our lovey-dovey business upstairs didn’t he?” He grinned as I laughed. I blushed then, it was quite and, surprisingly, it felt like it was just me and him in the whole place, “I-I guess he did say that, I guess.” He closed his eyes and rested his head on my mine, “Are you okay with this?” he opened his eyes and looked into mine, “You don’t have to go through with this ya know…although I would very much like for you to.” We laughed and then quieted down some, a little embarrassed yet comepletely okay with each other. It’s so strange really, this all feels like a dream. I truly hope—“D.J.!” Suddenly there was this falter in the background around me and a high pitched scream in my ears. I covered them and screamed, writhing in my fading background. I felt like I was falling slowly with this scream in my ears mixing with my own. I felt a painful, needle like stab in my right arm and suddenly…everything went still. I was no longer falling, instead, I was laying flat down on something. My head throbbing, my right arm numb, my eyes slowly opening as they tried to focus on my surroundings.