Sequel: A Mistaken Kiss
Status: how do you guys like the new layout??(:

Arranged and pregnant. With two different people.


I woke up with a mega huge headache. I knew by the feeling of the sheets, I was NOT in my bed. Mine were rough, and scratchy, just like i like it. These were....silky. Definitely not what I enjoy. I groaned and sat up.
Yup. Not my room either. My was covered in posters. This had bare walls. Speaking of the sheets again, why do they feel so...personal?
Oh yeah. I'm naked.
I glanced down at my side. Sure enough, a man slept next to me. His face was turned so I couldn't see it. Frick! So this is how I lose my virginity?! To some random bum?! Frick Frick Frick!!!
Quietly, I slipped out of bed. I pulled on my shorts and had my bra on when I realized something. My shirt had disappeared. Frick! I cussed under my breath and grabbed his sweatshirt. I slipped it on and ran out the door.
Back at my house, I felt around the back for the notch in the house. As soon as my fingers hit the dent, I flipped my foot in. I knew this route so well, I could do it in my sleep. Long ago, I made dents in the house, perfect for escaping from. My parents never even noticed. I opened my window and crawled into my room. I glanced at the clock.
They shouldn't wake up for six more minutes. I quickly undressed and pulled on PJ's. My head was still pounding like crazy so I kept the light off. I slipped under the covers just as the door opened.
Mom leaned her head in to check that I hadn't ran away again.
Yes, I did once. But that's for a story for a rainy day. Not now.
She shut the door silently and I breathed out a sign of relief.
The door opened again. I quickly shut my eyes. Once it closed, I opened them. I could hear their footsteps as they did their daily routine. I knew exactly what was going on downstairs. I waited until 8:30 when I knew they wouldn't be home before starting to get ready.
I ran into the bathroom and took a couple pills. I didn't know if they'd work for alcohol-related headaches but it was worth a shot. I showered quickly and then changed. As I walked down the stairs, I was shocked to find both my parents sitting on the couch.
"Hullo?" I half-yawned half spoke. I went to get some cereal.
"Honey, your father and I have to talk to you"
"Well, we are going out to lunch to meet some very special people"
"Who are they?"
"You'll find out" Dad shot in.
"Now, your mother picked out a dress for you and I expect you to wear it and behave. Oh and Jeremy's coming too"
I shrugged. Its not like we ha vent done this before. But why in a dress SHE chose?
"But I bought this black one yesterday at the mall and I was hoping-"
"No. You're wearing this one" He held it up. It was pink. I wont even go into further detail. Pink is NOT my thing.
"Fine then I get the wear my wrist bands with it"
"You will do no such thing young lady!"
"Then I get to wear my dress!"
"Come on! I dint look like a ho or anything in it! Please?" I put on my puppy face
Dad fell for it "Fine. But not too much make-up"
"Thanks!" I smiled and walked back upstairs with my cereal. In my room I turned on the TV and ate. The Colbert Report came on and I turned the volume up. I loved that show. It was just hilarious.
Half way through my cereal, I started to feel queasy. I put my bowl on my nightstand and clutched at my stomach. Whoa.
And then I was over the toilet barfing.
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OK this is my first story so sorry if it sucks!