Sequel: A Mistaken Kiss
Status: how do you guys like the new layout??(:

Arranged and pregnant. With two different people.


I awoke, barely able to breath. As I became more aware, i realized why. Something--or someONE--was lying completely on top of me. I pried my eyes open, and wasnt surprised to see Cody there. His arms were wrapped around my waist, head resting on the nook of my neck. I felt extremely hot. Probably because I had double the normal amount of sheets and this fatty on me.
"Get off" I grunted underneath him. Cody moaned in his sleep.
"Cody! I cant breath" I whined.
"Five more minutes" He murmured against my neck.
"CODY! GET OFF" I yelled.
"Shut up. I'm trying to sleep" He growled
"Yeah well I'm trying to breath. But that's not going to happen if your fat ass is on me" I yelled at him
"Its not fat. It's sexy" He mumbled. I could feel every word he formed seeing as he lips were right against my neck.
I groaned and tried to push him off. Cody heaved himself off of me. I sucked in a deep breath dramatically.
"I'm not that fat' he grumbled into the pillow
"Yes you are." I shot back. "If I had a penny for every pound you weighed, Bill Gates would seem like a hobo compared to me"
"If you had a penny for every pound I hate you'd have a dollar and forty-five cents....ish"
I snorted "You're that fat?"
"All muscle baby"
"Must not have alot cause that's not very high"
He flipped me off.
I sighed and got off the bed.
"Where are you going?" He asked, noticing the disappearance of my weight
"To take a shower? Wanna join?" I added the last part sarcastically, but Cody completely missed that. He quickly sat up, pulling off his shirt.
Dear God, he looked so serious!
"Yes!" He exclaimed
"Too bad" I muttered walking in. I didnt bother locking the door when I heard the snoring start up after a few cusses at me. Dang, he could fall asleep fast. I shook my head and turned the water on.
I walked out with a towel wrapped around me. Cody smirked as I came out. I flipped him off and walked out to get my clothes. Once changed, I grabbed a pile of my clothes from my old room and walked across only to dump them on Cody's floor.
I could hear the shower going. I sighed and went back for the rest. Once I had all my clothes here, I started to put them away. Of course, Cody's crap got in the way. I just threw it on the bed.
I was more important here!
The water turned off as I was about two-thirds of the way done. Hey, he takes short showers. It doesnt take me long to put things away when I want to. The door opened. I ignored him and continued to hang my jeans up in the hallway.
"Carter?" I heard Cody asked, his voice filled with anger
"That's my name. Dont wear it out" I muttered, putting two pairs of jeans on the rack.
"Why are my clothes on the bed and floor?" He hissed
I shrugged "Needed room for my stuff"
"Don't touch my stuff" He snarled.
"Eh. I'll TRY" I muttered. I stood up and turned around. My eyes widened at the sight of him. He was well........not dressed and was not wearing a towel.....and HUGE. I mean, for that asshole, it was pretty big. Who am I kidding? That was big for anyone!
He pulled boxers on, looking up at me.
"Big huh?" He smirked
I shook my head "I've seen bigger"
"But not on a white guy"
"Hell yes on a white guy"
"In your dreams"
I stuck my tongue out at him.
His face quickly changed to anger as he saw what I was wearing. I looked down, confused. I was wearing purple skinny jeans with a black My Chemical Romance was the shirt.
Ok, so I didnt like any of mine so I grabbed one of his.
Sue me.
Not really!
"Get out of my shirt" He growled
"Nope. I like it. Don't you?" I said, looked at myself in a mirror.
"Take it off"
"I'm not going to strip for you"
"Carter. Take my shirt off now"
I shook my head and skipped out of the room. I stopped once I got in the hall. I walked down to the kitchen, expecting to see Sydney or Darwin. It was empty.
I got out a frying pan and a few eggs. Might as well make some for Cody. I cracked them open and began to stir them up. I turned the radio on to the old rock station. Queen's We Will Rock You came on. I started banging my head to the beat, singing out loud
"We will We will Rock you!" I yelled.
"Ew. eggs" Cody said. I jumped at his voice, not hearing him come down.
"Gawd. Make some noise" I grumbled
"Yeah yeah. Make me some bacon"
"No. I only want eggs"
"I dont. Make me bacon"
"No. I'm not your personal slave"
"You're going to be my wife. Its good practice"
I snorted "You think I'm going to be THAT kind of wife?"
He nodded
"Think again"
He chuckled darkly "You are in for a surprise"
I knew he moved because when he said that, he said it from right behind me. I could feel his breath on my shoulder. I ignored him
"All you are to me is my servant and my sex buddy" He whispered, grabbing my ass
I jumped "Whoa whoa whoa. I'm NOT your sex buddy or your servant"
"But you will be"
I glared at him. After a few seconds, i turned my attention back to the eggs. They were done. I divided them in half and gave a plate to Cody.
"Your welcome"
"Your not thanked"
I grabbed a pepper shaker and dumped half the thing on it. I dont know why, but i really want alot of pepper for some reason........
"Do you want some eggs with that pepper?" He asked
I ignored him and dug in. This wasnt enough. I wanted something else.....I got up and searched the cabinets.
"What are you looking for?" Cody asked
"Ketchup and mustard"
"On eggs?!"
I nodded
"You're so weird. In the fridge"
I grabbed the bottle and started to pour it on my eggs. When I thought I was satisfied, I dug in again.
Ahhh, perfect. Cody just stared at me while I ate.
"what?" I snapped throw a moutful of mostly mustard and pepper
"How can you like that?"
I shrugged "I just do"
"Its soooo gros" He shuddered
Gross food. That reminds me. I dumped my plate in the sink and turned around
"I have to go to the drug store"
"Alergy medicine" I lied. It was the first thing that came to my mind.
He studied me "I didnt know you had allergies"
"You wouldnt. I never told you"
"Neither did you parents"
"They gave me a profile on you"
I crossed my arms "Let's just go"
He got up and walked me to the car. I got into the passenger seat as he got into the drivers. Now I was going to get all the different types of tests and a couple galloons of orange juice. If it works for Juno, it should work for me. Hopefully, there wont be a creepy guy saying,
"You're eggo is preggo" like in the movie.
I just have to hope I was reading them wrong
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thanks for reading. any good books? Check out my other story too. thanks! comment subscribe and read!