Sequel: A Mistaken Kiss
Status: how do you guys like the new layout??(:

Arranged and pregnant. With two different people.


“Cody you’re such an asshole” I whispered when we got to the park. Cody went ahead to where a couple of little girls were playing. I stood between Elm and Chase, shivering. Being a week in 90 degree weather for a week really does you in. It was fifty, yes, so sort of chilly, but to me if felt like 30.
I sat down on the swings watching him carefully. I crossed my arms underneath Chase’s sweatshirt he let me use. Cody knelt down to the little girl. From here we could hear everything he said. All he was supposed to say was, “Your pussy’s tight” and walk away.
But he also had to do it without seeming like a pedophile…I guess.
Cody bent down a picked up a toy that had gone astray. He walked over to a little blonde girl who was digging in a sand box.
“Hey is this yours?” He asked her, holding out the toy
She studied it for a second before nodding “Yeah thanks”
“No problem, your pussy’s tight” He smiled, standing up.
“What’s that?” She asked as he walked away. Cody ignored her and came back to us. He stood in front me, arms crossed over his chest.
“That was no fun” Elm whined. Chase grunted in agreement. I stood up, completely disgusted in them all, walking away. They laughed but nonetheless followed me back to the car. I crawled into the back seat, not caring that I didn’t get shotgun.
“So who’s next?” Chase asked”
They looked at me
“I vote Chase…” I muttered, knowing they didn’t listen.
“Truth or Dare, Carter?” Cody smirked
“Truth” I muttered
“No, dude, do dare!” Chase whined
I smirked “Ha ha no”
“Fine. So Carter, who turns you on more. Me or Chase?” Cody asked
“No, man, that’s a stupid question” Chase said “We already know the answer”
“It’s me, dumbasses” Elm smirked
“Dude no it’s not. You’re too ugly” Chase said
Just them Elm’s phone rang. He grabbed it out of his pocket and pressed it to his ear, listening. Cody and Chase continued their talk about what they were going to ask me.
Elm shut his phone and groaned
“What?” I asked
“Drop me off at my house. I have to go” he grumbled. They groaned and Cody took a turn down the road. Elm was silent as we dropped him off.
Once Elm was gone they got their idea. Cody and Chase smirked at each other, look back at me, and then back at each other nodding.
“What…” I asked hesitantly
“We know what we’re going to ask you” Cody smirked
“And it is…?”
“You’ll see” Chase grinned
I sighed, knowing something bad was about to come out of it.
They parked the car and literally pulled me out. Chase led us into the house and to my old room. Cody grinned, draping his arms around my shoulders.
“I would highly suggest you pick dare instead” He grinned. If Cody was suggesting that…I think I did want to take it. Especially with that stupid grin on his face.
Chase motioned for the bed and I sat on it. Scared.
“Ok. We’re going to ask again” Chase said, sitting on my left. I didn’t have to look over to know Cody was on my right.
“Truth or Dare” Sure enough, Cody was on my right.
“I’m still saying Truth” I muttered
“Tell us the most naughtiest thing you’ve ever done” Chase smirked.
I twisted my face in disgust “No way”
“Nope, nope. You have to do it” Cody grinned
“I’m not doing it” I growled, crossing my arms “You can’t make me”
Chase groaned “Fine then you have to pick dare”
“I don’t pick either”
“You have to” Chase said
I shook my head “Nope nope nope.”
Cody sighed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder “I guess we’ll just stay until you tell”
I shrugged “Cool”
Chase slipped his arm around my waist, stretching out on my old bed. Cody rested his head on my shoulder, obviously trying to annoy me. I kept my cool, not letting them know how disgusted I really was.
My stomach felt weird. It tossed and turned around. I put an arm over it, blushing slightly. I didn’t like that they were both touching me. It made me feel weird…
“Hey guys” I said nonchalantly
They looked at me, grinning stupidly. A little scary
“Don’t do that” I snapped “it’s annoying”
Cody laughed, playing with my hair. “Ah, Carter, we shall stop once you tell us”
“Never” I growled
“Is it really that bad?” Chase smirked at me.
I scoffed at them, refusing to answer.
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to tell Chase” Cody purred “You can just tell me”
“HEY!” Chase reached across me, slapping Cody’s head. Cody laughed, rubbing the back of his head. “Stupid jackass”
“CHASE!” I screamed as his hand slid across my chest. He moaned, causing me to slap him. Hard. The guys laughed while I cursed them out.
Why did they have to pick this stupid game to play?
My stomach lurched as Chase flipped his hair. What the hell??
I put a hand over my stomach, grimacing slightly.
“You ok?” Chase asked, frowning slightly
I nodded, lying “Yeah,”
“You sure?” he pushed, quirking an eyebrow
I glared at him “I’m fine.”
“Ok, ok” He said, holding up his hands “Whatever”
Cody cocked his head “What”
“STOP!” I shouted. My stomach lurched again and I sat up abruptly. The guys sat up next to me. And then I felt it. I put a hand to my mouth and quickly ran out of the room. I could hear them following, but I paid little attention. I pushed open the bathroom door and ran to the toilet.
Quickly, I pulled my hair out of the way as vomit poured out of my mouth. The nasty taste made me want t o vomit more, but I couldn’t.
I gripped the side of the toilet, ignoring my hair. I felt fingers run through it, pulling it back. I vomited once more, bringing up a little. A shudder ran through my body as I leaned against the lid of the toilet.
I retched a few times, bringing up nothing. Finally, after about ten minutes, I pulled back away from the toilet, my shallow breathes slowing down. I leaned back, surprised that there was something to lean against.
“Are you ok, Carter?” Cody whispered in my ear. I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me to him. I nodded faintly, not pulling away.
“Is she hot?” Chase asked, kneeling down next to me. He placed his hand on my forehead for a few seconds. “No, not really”
“I’m fine” I whispered, struggling to stand up. Cody grabbed my hand and pulled me up, not letting go
“You sure?” He asked
I nodded, annoyed “I’m fucking fine”
Chase laughed once “Carter you said that right before you puked up your past two meals”
I glared at him “Shut up”
“I think you should go to bed” Cody said
I nodded, walking out of the bathroom and to our room. Cody and Chase didn’t follow, and I was thankful for that. As I walked away, I began to feel better. I didn’t think I had a fever or anything, hell, I knew what it was.
But I nonetheless pretended for them.
No need to let them know now…right?