Sequel: A Mistaken Kiss
Status: how do you guys like the new layout??(:

Arranged and pregnant. With two different people.


“Nnn” I groaned, opening my eyes. My body felt stiff.
“Good morning to you too” a groggy voice said to me. I didn’t have to open my eyes to know who spoke. The voice was too familiar to me by now.
“Shut up”
I looked around to what was happening, finally taking in everything. Cody was propped up against the back of the bed, his arm wrapped around me, pulling me to him. I was curled up against him, my hand resting on his bare chest.
I pulled away, sitting up in bed. Cody smirked at me, pulling me back against him.
“That was a great way to wake up” he teased.
I shoved him “Dude”
“Shut up” I giggled
“What was that” He laughed, poking at my sides “Was that a giggle I heard from Carter?”
I fell over laughing, trying to push his hands away “No! It wasn’t a giggle”
“Oh I believe it was!”
“No! It wasn’t” I barely got out. Cody was practically on top of me, tickling my sides.
I grabbed his hands, pulling them away. Cody smirked down at me, not trying to pull against me. I was panting slightly, a faint smile on my lips.
“You’re a douchebag” I grinned
“You know you love it”
His stomach growled, interrupting my smartass comeback.
“Someone hungry?” I smirked, placing my hands on his stomach. He bent down, kissing my lips.
“For food?” I laughed as he nibbled on my ear lobe.
“Or something else…” Cody wrapped his arms around my waist, arch my body into him. I laughed, pushing him away.
“I’ll make some pancakes” I said, rolling away. He whined, laying in bed while I left the room, walking down the stairs. I realized halfway down the hallway that I was only in a t-shirt and panties, but I didn’t care to go back and put on shorts.
I already had a few pancakes done by the time Cody walked down the stairs. His hair looked wet from a shower. I smiled up at him.
“Got a few pancakes down” I said, pointing with the spatula at the plate next to me. He nodded, walking past me to get them, pinching my ass.
I squealed, jumping back into him. Cody wrapped his arms around me, holding me there.
“What the hell man!” I said, “That’s not cool”
“Couldn’t resist”
“Yeah I bet you couldn’t” I muttered under my breath
He grabbed the plate, kissing my cheek. “Thanks, babe”
I finished up with the pancakes, taking a seat across from him at the table. Cody had already gone through pretty much all of them, leaving three left for me.
I rolled my eyes, putting them on my plate “Typical”
“So what are we going to do today?” he asked, drinking my milk.
I stole it back from him, managing not to slosh it all out. “I don’t know”
“Tomorrow, we make the final plans for the wedding.” He said.
“Final?” I asked
“Well…the wedding’s next Sunday”
I choked on the pancake in my mouth “Are…are you serious?”
He nodded, cautious of my reaction “We finalize everything, then if there’s time, Mom wants to take you dress shopping”
I groaned, banging my head on the table “This is going to suck”
“We have about a week left of being single”
“We’re still not technically single”
“Yeah, but you know what I mean.”
“So, have you thought about what you’re doing for your bachelorette party?”
I blinked “Shit, I still have to do that”
Cody laughed “How could you forget?”
“I’ll grab Trixie and hit up a male strip club”
“Funny, cause I’m going to a female strip club”
“No shocker there”
“You can join us if you want. I’d love to watch”
I made a face “Ew”
Cody smirked “That would be totally hot. I’d kill to see you up there dancing. Hell, if I didn’t think you’d chop off my balls, I’d install a stripped pole in our room”
“Dude, I’m pregnant. It’d just be gross”
“Hate to say it, babe, but I think your pregnancy is turning me on”
“Very much so”
“So I’m just gonna be Blagh when I have my baby?”
“You’re going to be a mom. Not the most…attractive lady when you’ve always got baby barf on you”
“And you’re going to be a dad”
Cody groaned “Don’t remind me”
“Whatever” I said, getting up and walked past him to put my plate away. Cody grabbed me around the waist just as I dumped it in the seat, pulling me back to him. He sat me on his lap, resting his chin on my shoulder.
“Let’s go do something” He whispered in my ear.
“Like what?” I asked.
“Something fun” he said, his fingers going under my panties along my hips.
“Uhhhhmmm…” I said, pulling his hands out of my pants.
Cody whimpered “please?”
“You’re no fun!”
“Ohhh. Sucks for you”
“I wish you’d suck me”
“Bitch. Off my lap” He teased.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, so i'm going with my idea.(:
And i'm asking just one time from all of you,
if you read my story
at all, even if you think it sucks
just write ONE comment saying "i read this"
and if you, give me some critism. i won't take it harshly i promise!
unless its FUCK YOU BITCH
then i might(:
but i won't say anything mean back.