Sequel: A Mistaken Kiss
Status: how do you guys like the new layout??(:

Arranged and pregnant. With two different people.


Cody laid on the bed, watching me as I changed into PJs. It was two days before our wedding, and I’d never been more scared.
Tomorrow was my bachelorette party. Along with Cody’s bachelor party. Trixie was planning everything for me while Chase was planning everything for Cody. Both of us were scared shitless.
I pulled my shirt over my head, making a face in the mirror at my baby bump.
“What’s with the face?” Cody said, looking at me through the mirror. I shrugged, pulling my hair back.
“I look freakin’ hideous”
“No you don’t babe”
“I can’t wait to get this thing out of me”
“I can”
“Why? I’m just going to keep getting bigger and bigger”
“Yes, but once you have your baby, all there’ll be is crying”
I smiled slightly at the thought of my baby. “Waking up at 3 a.m. to go change a diaper. That’s the life, huh?”
Cody rolled his eyes “Can’t fucking wait”
I turned around, walking over to the edge of the bed. Cody’s eyes followed me, moving his head to face my way.
“Tomorrow’s your bachelor party” I said, rolling up against his side. Cody wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“Oh yes” He sounded thrilled about it.
“Any idea what you’re doing?”
“Knowing Chase, we’re going to a strip club and he’s going to make me pay”
“Great friend..”
“Elm’ll be there too. And Mark”
“Who’s Mark?”
“You haven’t met Mark?” Cody sounded genuinely surprised.
“Nope, just Elm and Chase”
“Mark’s one of my groomsmen
“You asshole!” I said, punching his shoulder
“Why the hell haven’t I met him?”
“I don’t know! I thought you had!”
“You’re an asshole, Cody” I muttered, turning away. He rolled my way, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“But I’m your asshole” He whispered in my ear.
I made a face “Uhm, ew.”
I felt Cody lightly push his pelvic towards me.
“Speaking of asses…” He said
“New topic? Sure!” I yelled rolling over to face him. I didn’t realize just how close we were until my forehead slammed against his chin.
“HOLY SHIT CARTER” He yelled, and the same time I screamed “MOTHER FUCK”
“That hurt!” He whined, rubbing his jaw.
“You’re telling me!” I cradled my head in my hands “I think you left a dent!”
“Ugh, you’ve got such a hard head”
“Wow I feel loved”
“Well I can’t help the face that my chin is in serious pain here”
“Hello? MY head is in worse pain!”
“My chin’s a little more important. You don’t use your head”
“Bitch, I’m glad your chin hurts”
“Will you kiss it and make it better?”
“Oh hell no”
Cody gave me a puppy-dog eyes. I rolled my eyes, leaning up and kissing his chin where my head had hit him.
“Aw, I love you babe” Cody said, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me to him.
“You better, douchebag” I grumbled, squirming in his arms “My head still fucking hurts”
Cody kissed the top of my head, his lips lingering longer than necessary.
“Ok! Kiss worked! Get your lips off me!” I said, pulling my head away.
He pulled away after making a big smooching-noise. I made a face, still trapped in his arms. Cody pulled us down on the bed, resting his head in the crook of my neck.
“I’m tired, Carts” he yawned.
“Then get off me and go to sleep”
“I need something to hold”
I patted the pillow he was laying on
“Too small”
“Are you calling me fat?”
“Don’t twist my words, woman!”
I giggled “No but seriously, get the fuck off me, dude”
“One condition”
“No condition”
“Then I guess I’m holding onto you forever”
“Tell me I’m super hot and super sexy”
“Fine you’re super hot and super sexy”
He grinned, kissing my cheek and letting me go “I knew it”
I smirked, holding up crossed fingers “Fingers crossed! Doesn’t mean anything!”
He rolled his eyes “Immature”
“Rude, much?”
“Don’t whatever me”
“GoodNIGHT Carter”
“Night Cody”
♠ ♠ ♠
Story's coming to an end(:
You'll all find out who's the baby daddy soon!
But if i get reported one more time because of some shit,
I'm NOT. going to add another chapter.
so KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF. OK? I'm sick of getting reported. It hurts my feelings and its just rude.
Love the rest of you<3
and i promise the next chapter will be interesting(: