Sleepless Nights Don't Get Much Better

Looking for my lifeline.

I felt all eye's on us as we walked through the halls. I walked on down to my locket beside Alice's and deposited my bag. I got out my art supplies and shut my locker. I turned around to find some kid staring at me. I took out my digital camera and took a picture. I threw the kid the camera.

"Here that should last you longer " I snickered as I walked away to art.

I sat on my stool and started to finish my graded piece. I was just done shading the roses and pointe shoes. When it seemed like a whole day and the bell rang. The day seemed to drag on and on until just before lunch.

I didn't see this kid walking toward me. And so me being the kind of anti social person I am I walked into him. He fell to the ground and there wasn't much on this kid. Me I sort of stumbled back gracefully.

" Fudge I'm really really sorry I didn't see you " I muttered

This kid got me nervous. I'm a freaking VAMPIRE I don't do nervous. He looked up he has the most amazing green eye's. My throat started to burn. Really bad

Edward if you can hear my bloody thought get your ass over here now or send Rose or Alice or Someone and NOW please

I added the please for good measure. I knew that my non-veggie instincts would take over if I didn't get away and soon.

" It's okay I didn't see you. My fault really should have been watching were I was going" He smiled

" I'm Emily Cullen " I told him

" Alex Black or Lix" He stuck his hand out My throat started to burn more and more. I felt as though I was stuck

" Emmett over here " I shouted waving at my brother.

" Emily there you are we got worried when you didn't turn up for lunch" Emmett smiled

" Well lix it's been nice I'll see you around " I smiled

I walked off with Emmett. I walked into the cafeteria and took my place beside Bella. I groaned and put my head on the table.

" Emily what happened you. You took ages " Alice's voice was filled with concern and worry.

" I bumped into this guy and well let's say it didn't go well."

Gasps of shock came from 3 of the people at the table.

" You didn't " Rosalie questioned

" No I bloody didn't Rose I like to think I'm a little bit more controlled than that. How could you think that of me ? " I sneered

I got up from the table and grabbed my bag and art folder. I stormed from the cafeteria and out to my car.

Edward if your listing to my thoughts I'm not apologizing. Alice will probably see what I'm about to do and to be frank I don't give a damn I'm going home

I stuck the keys in the ignition and drove off. My own sisters and brothers thought I would do something like that. I had never taken human blood. Never. I wasn't about to start either.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lix I put you in my story =D
<3 you babe-rs.

Comments please !

Peace & Love