Sleepless Nights Don't Get Much Better

Will she? Won't she?

I drove around. I drove and drove until I felt that I had no choice but to go home. I pulled into the drive way and opened the garage door. I pulled the car forward and into the garage. I locked the car and went inside.

There I found Bella and Edward sitting watching t.v and the rest sitting at the table talking. Just when things couldn't get much worse. The smell of wet dog hit my nose. It smelt foul. It made me want to throw up.

" Who let the dog in? " I asked

" Be nice Emmy " Jasper asked as Emmett snickered and Rose grinned.

I had never had a problem with dogs as a human but as a vampire that was different. I had developed my brother and sisters hate for wolves. Especially Jacob Black. Seth Clear-water wasn't too bad, he was just a happy go lucky kid that you found it hard to not get on with. It was Jacob Black that angered me. Just then the devil himself might as well have walked through the door. Come to think of it. I might have been happy if the devil had walked through the door.

" Err I'm going to my room if anyone needs me " I mumbled as started up the stairs.

" Why didn't you miss me Leech " Jacob shouted followed by a laugh

" Oh go take a long walk of a short pier " I asked

Emmett's laugh rung through the house. Rose followed me up the stair and I knew that this meant I would get a 'talk'. Joy-fullness! I got into my room and pulled on my purple tank top and shorts. I pulled on my Nike's and put my phone in my pocket.

" Where are you going ? " Rose asked ha more like demanded

" Out " I stated simply

" I gathered that but where "

" I don't know Rose for a run I guess maybe hunt " I snapped

" take Jasper or Emmett or Edward "

" No I'm going on my own I want to be alone. "

" But who knows what you might do "

" Alice can keep track and Edward can hear my thoughts "

I ran downstairs and out side leaving Rose standing in my room alone. I ran through the forest until I felt my throat burn. I hunted and got full as you do. I let my thoughts drift off as I ran. I thought of Lix. Were did he come from? Was he new? Why did he make me so thirsty? Why did he make me nervous? What was happening to me?

I ran back to hear shouting and screaming.



" Alice and Emmett will you two calm down. Alice your visions are subject to a person decisions we don't know what will happen she might deiced no to feed on him and Emmett really we know she can look after her self but Alice is right if her hunger is that bad around him. Can we really say that she won't? " a calmer voice explained

I had enough. I can't believe that's what they thought. Emmett was always on my side. Alice had shocked me. She was my favorite sister and then she thinks this. Who ever that calmer voice was had really shocked me. It sounded like Jasper or Carlisle. They didn't believe that I was strong enough not to do something like that.

I walked in. Heads snapped up.

" Can't say I won't ? Huh? That's nice to come home to! I though I explained at lunch. But If that's what you really think then I'm gone! You won't have to worry about what I won't or will do."

With those words said I had stormed the stairs. My temper about to snap and I was packing my clothes and stuff into a case ready to leave. No-one could change my mind!

Emily's Outfit
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Peace & Love
Natalie Vengeance x