Sleepless Nights Don't Get Much Better

I give up!

I threw my bag into the trunk and locked the door to the hotel room. I threw the key into the glove compartment and started the car. I plugged in the pink Ipod into the stereo and started on my journey. Clair De Lune was swiftly filling my car. I drove through the rain watch as everyone drove past me. I was getting closer to the school, closer to seeing them. I hadn't been in school in three days. I was avoiding them. I kept the Cullen pendant clasped around my neck. I pulled up beside a familiar Volvo. I sighed and got out swiftly. I pulled my bag from my trunk and locked the car.

My flats made no sound against the floor as I forced myself to put one foot in front of another. I threw my bag inside my locker and dragged my heavy body toward English. I took my place at the back. I sett my books down and extracted my pen. Students started to file into their seats as the bell rung each of them taking a familiar seat. One not so familiar boy taking a not so familiar seat. I recognized his sent. it was a scent so sweet it was hard to resist.

I clenched my fist and a small frame took her place beside me. Eye's filled with concern and frustration watched as I started to take notes on Shakespeare's - Merchant Of Venice. I kept my head down and wrote the note out. I needed something to keep me focused. Something to stop me lunging at that sent. Something to keep me sane. The bell rung signaling I had been put through enough torture.

I rose fluidly and tried to leave as quickly as I could. I gathered up my things but a small hand wrapped itself around my wrist. I looked up to see Alice's black eyes. Her eye's shone with frustration and worry.

"Emmy come home!" she pleaded

"Home... where's that at Alice? Huh? You guy's don't trust me! How could I go back there knowing your watching what I do? " I snarled

"I'm sorry OK I realize I was wrong about jumping to conclusions but come on"

"But that's it you assumed you never thought about how I would deal with it you just assumed" I sighed slightly less angry

"I'm sorry" She whispered

"Alice when did you eat last?" I asked low enough for only her to hear

" A couple of day's before you left "

" Seven day's ago! Alice go home now and eat or something" What she was doing was dangerous

"Not until you say your coming home" She tested

" Alice " I groaned in frustration

"Emily " She mocked

"I give up. I really do. Fine but you. Home now. Eat something" I sighed pointing at her

She smiled happily skipping out the door and toward her car. I shook my head and made my way through another school day. Art was my saving grace. No other Cullen's. Just me. I could sit and paint and draw and just let go. I sat myself at the small desk that could sit two but no one wanted to sit beside Cullen and I liked it that way. I pulled out the large A2 page and started adding color to the rather gruesome scene that I had drawn. In fact it was a scene Nessie had shown me a few weeks ago. I deiced it was pretty cool so I would draw it.

I couldn't wait to get out of that hotel and just go back and see Esme and Carlise. I missed Emmett's company and his sarcastic nature that had me in stitches. I missed Nessie the way she could show you the most amazing things. I missed Alice and her perkiness. I even missed Jacob Black. I just wanted to back home.

I had Biology last and we were due to do blood tests to find out what blood group we were. I had to skip this so I would go straight to the hotel pack up my stuff and go home.

Home. It's a funny word. I've never felt like our house was home. It always felt like a house. Now I realize just how much it was home. I wanted to get back as soon as possible.
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Okay this is kind of a filler!
Yeah I know you kept us waiting for this!
Comment and let me know what you think please!

Emily's Outfit

Peace X