Sleepless Nights Don't Get Much Better

I don't want to lose you.

Moving back into the Cullen house-hold wasn't as hard as I thought. Carlisle and Esme had welcomed me back with open arms. My 'brothers' and 'sisters' were also delighted to have me back and of course Nessie was only too happy to have me back. It was Jacob Black that was the thorn in my side. I take it back I didn't miss him. Apparently my disappearance had alerted the Volturi and they were due to make an appearance. Or at lest that's what Alice seen.

"Are you really that stupid? Do you know what you have done? Your so self-centered." Jacob shouted. He was right up in my face.

"I'm not stupid. I can deal with them myself. Are you really that scared of a few more vampires mutt. As for self centered you really should look in a mirror Rover." I roared

"Really you could have fooled me. Do you know how much danger were all in?" His eyes were now black as coal.

"You know what mutt I don't even care. If there here to see me it's me there gonna see." I screamed

"I really hope they rip you limb from limb" He snapped.

I lost it. I pulled my fist back and slammed it into his jaw. A growl ripped through my throat and I'm pretty sure my eye's flashed red. The door was crashed open and in piled Emmett and Jasper.

"Take him to see Carlise. I think his jaws broke." I sighed pushing past both of them.

My shoes clicked against the wooden floors as I made my way into the kitchen. I flopped onto the couch in our living room. I sat and stared at the baseball game that was being played out on the shinny new plasma screen. The lancers and the pirates. It was an old game that I had already seen. I then had a flash of when I seen it.

"Emily come watch the game with me" Emmett whined

"I was just gonna..." I trailed looking at the floor inspecting the tongue and groove of each floor board

"Don't be silly. I wanna spend some time with my favorite sister" He laughed


"No Burt's come on" He cut me off and dragged me to the couch.

I was snapped out of my day dream by Rosalie waving her hand in front of my face and softly calling my name.

"Sweetie there here. They want to speak to you." Her head gestured to the kitchen.

I nodded my head.

"Rose, I'm sorry" I whispered.

I walked swiftly into the kitchen to see Jane, Alec and Demetri all standing leaning against the counter top.

"Alec" I screamed jumping into his tiny open arms only to be Sung around like a rag doll.

"Well hello Miss Cullen." He laughed

"Oh my gosh I was so scared that it wasn't going to be you lot. I thought they might have sent Heidi or Felix or someone else." I smiled

"Hold on so, the leech is friends with the enemy" Jacob snarled

"Shut it mutt. I will not hesitate to rip you to pieces" I roared

"Wow calm down amore." Alec smirked

"Jane how are you" I asked as I quickly hugged her.

"I'm fine Emmy. You?" Her child like voice sung.

"I'm still here aren't I" I laughed

"Down to business if you don't mind" Demetri grinned

"Of course caro"

"Aro want you to come with us back to Italy." His face light up as he spoke the words.

"I haven't done anything wrong" I told them confused.

Jacob snickered only for Emmett to hit him across the back of the head.

"We know. Aro thinks you have something special he wants to see if his hunch is correct." Jane smiled

"Wait. Hold up. Me? But if I had some other ability would I not know by now?" I knitted my eyebrow together

"Not necessarily there are cases. Rare cases where you develop your talent." Carlisle interjected

"Well I suppose I'm gonna have to go if Aro has requested me." I chuckled

"Aunt Em. Do you have to go" Nessie whined little tears cascading down her face

"Sarò di ritorno presto" I smiled softly wiping the small girls tears away.

She smiled as she heard this and nodded.

"Come on I'll help you pack." Rosalie sighed

"Thanks Rose"

Rosalie pulled my up the stairs and began to throw clothes in a bag.

"Emily, come back to us ok? I don't wanna let my new sister go just yet" She sighed her voice filled with sorrow.

"Rose I'm coming back. I promise. Cause I'm pretty sure there's no one in Italy that can shop like you or Alice. I certainly can't watch baseball with Emmett over there either" I laughed.

"I'm holding you to that." She chuckled

I smiled and grabbed a hold of the bag. I walked back down the stairs to see that everyone was now in the kitchen.

"Emily I am so sorry I should have seen this." Alice gasped

"Ali, listen to me I'm fine. I'll be back soon." I whispered hugging her.

Bella and Edward stepped up and hugged me to the point where I thought I would break.

"Don't give into them" Edward muttered darkly.

I rolled my eye's and moved on to Esme and Carlisle. I hugged them both tightly

"Be careful." Esme warned me.

"I will mom" I smiled

"Love you both Così molto" I whispered.

"Monkey man. You better keep me up to date on the baseball." I laughed while capturing him
in a bone crushing hug.

"Just come back to us Emmy." He sighed

"Jazz don't go all depresso on me just gimme a hug and I'm on my way" I sighed hugging him.

"Nessie, please don't cry your momma and dad are still here and so is Rose and Emmett,
Jacob, Alice and Jasper, Grandma and Grand paw." I reasoned

"None of them will let me play guitar hero and win." she sniffed

"Ness come here. If Uncle Emmett doesn't let you win I'll beat his ass when I come home" I smiled holding her close.

"Emily amore. Dobbiamo andare. " Alec whined

I nodded and picked up my bag and car keys.

"I love you all" I smiled as walked out the door following Alec, Jane and Demetri.

I guided them all into the garage and threw my duffel bag into the trunk. I watched them all stare at the red vehicle.

"Get in" I barked and rolled my eyes.

I started up my car and they all got in. It was going to be a long drive.


It took a long time, even with my driving but we got to Italy. We walked thorough the streets the moon smiled down on us as we walked to the clock tower.

"Alec whats gonna happen when we get in there" I asked my butterscotch eyes filled with worry.

"Well I suppose Aro, Marcus and Caius will want to speak with you. They then might want to figure out why you different." His red eyes bored into mine.

"What if there wrong? What if I'm not different." I whispered fear coating every word.

"Emily Scarlett Cullen you listen to me, there is something about you. I can see it and so can they. You just have to see it in yourself." He said sternly.

He took my hand and laced our fingers together. I looked up and nodded. We continued to walk through passages and tunnels until we got into a room where there stood several throne like chairs. Four of which were occupied.

"Aha Alec, Jane dear one, Demetri you have returned. I trust you have had no trouble." Aro smiled his feathery voice floating around the large room.

"Of course Aro. We brought Emily back just as you asked." Jane smiled

Her smiled would frighten most. For me it provided a strange sense of comfort and belonging.

"Ah yes Emily how are you?" Aro asked his red eyes glinting

"I am very well Aro thank you. How are you?" I inquired politely

"I am fine thank you for your concern, now tell me are you aware of the gift you possess?" His grin frightening me slightly.

Alec gave my hand and encouraging squeeze.

"No I wasn't aware I possessed one." I apologized

"Well child you do. Eleazar can you figure it out." Aro asked the familiar looking man.

"There is something there but her fear is hiding it." Eleazar states

"I'm not scared" I grumbled

Alec let out a loud laugh from beside me.

"It's okay dear just calm down." Aro soothed

I sighed heavily and pictured sitting in our house in forks. I was watching T.V with Emmett and Rose and arguing about who was going to with between the Toronto blue jays and the Mets.

"It's clear now. She can change things. The weather to be precise." Eleazar smiled obviously pleased.

"That is interesting. Tell me, what controls it" Aro asked shocked

"I don't know. I didn't even know I could do that." I grinned.

"There are many things it could be Aro. Now if you please I wish to get back to Carmen" He grinned as he spoke the woman's name. His golden eyes sparkled as though he had just stepped into the sun.

"Yes yes. Your service is appreciated" Aro nodded letting the tall man exit the room.

"Wow that's kinda cool." I smirked

"Indeed my dear. I have never heard of such a thing."

"So how does it work?" I pondered

"Well that is quite a question, why don't you and Alec go out know whilst its dark and try it out?" He mused the feather voice floating like music in the air.

I nodded and was pulled out of the room and trailed back outside where it was still pitch black the only light coming from the moon. I looked at the clear night sky. I didn't like it the air was filled with a warm sticky moisture. I liked the rain and the snow. Anything cold really when you thought about it. I sighed at looked up at the moon. I thought about home. Renesmee would be sleeping by now. Edward and Bella would be back at the little house. Esme would be either cleaning or making sure the wolves were fed. Alice and Jasper would be off somewhere talking. Rose and Emmett would be sucking face and Carlisle would be in his study undisturbed. I felt like crying I missed them so much.

"Okay so focus your emotions into changing something." Alec smiled

"Alec I don't know. I think it might be better if I just left and figured this out later." I sighed

"Come on Emmy just give it a go. You would be so much better off here in Volterra." He smirked

"No! I'm a Cullen. Forks is my home!" I screeched.

"Really, are you sure there bound to be doing okay with out you? I mean you've only been with them for two years." He was laughing, taunting me.

"ALEC! You can't be serious. I'm family!" I argued

"No your not. They saw a charity case and helped you out. Trust me they want you gone" He smiled

I only seen red at this point. That was not true. The shade of red got brighter and brighter until something cracked and flashed. I got angrier and angrier. They did so want me. I wasn't a charity case. The flashes of white light and cracks continued. Suddenly out of nowhere and thud of water came from the sky. The little droplets danced of the ground and bounced back off the ground like their own private dance. I growled at Alec.

"Emily calm down jeez. I was only messing." he soothed

The flashes of lighting and thunder continued to get louder and more frequent. The rain danced more aggressively on the ground.

"I swear Alec try that ever again and I will feed you to the pack." I snarled

"Emily come on calm down. This isn't funny anymore" he pleaded

The water clung to my dress and my hair. I was soaked. Foot steps were heard coming from the large opening that took you back down to see the Volturi. Felix, Jane, Aro, Marcus and Caius had now joined us.

"Oh my." Jane gasped her tiny child like features lit up in amusement.

I had by this point realized that I had caused the thunder storm. I didn't know how to stop it. I wanted control back. I didn't have control of this and I didn't like it.

"Emily you have to stop this now." Felix barked.

"I don't know how. I want to stop and go home." I cried.

"Emily just think of something wonderful. Something amusing." Jane mused.

I closed my eyes and searched deep. Nothing came to me. I fought on. I wanted to go home. I had promised so many people I would come back. Something then hit me like I had run into a brick wall. It was that kid I had ran into at school before I left. Luther, Liam, Lexus? No Lix. I remembered his scent the way it smelt so good. They way it burned the back of my throat.

"Emily get in side quick." Marcus ordered.

I opened my eyes to see it was no longer dark. It was morning and the sun was rising. There was no longer a storm.

"My dear that was fantastic. How did you do that." Aro gasped his milky red eyes gleaming as we walked back to the room.

"I really don't know. Alec just made me mad and then there was thunder and lightening and rain. I couldn't stop it and it really scared me." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aro, if you don't mind." I started

"Yes dear one" he pressed.

"I would like to get changed and go home. I miss my family" I smiled at the thought of them

"Are you sure because if you want you have a place here with the guard" He offered

"That is truly most kind but I wish to return home" I grinned.

"As you wish. Jane take her to her bag and then see her out to her car." Aro frowned

"I am truly sorry Aro but I feel I belong there more than anywhere else." I offered in compensation.

"It is fine child just remember visit us." He shook his head in understanding.

I nodded offering hugs to Marcus, Caius and Aro. I let my sight settle on Alec.

"I'm gonna miss you. You really should visit Forks, that is if your not too busy" I laughed and hugged him

"Just take care Em,don't forget me" His voice was mangled full of sorrow and pain.

"Alec please don't do this here. I've already told you how I feel" I muttered unable to look at him.

Jane pulled me toward a room. I followed her looking at the stone floor as I walked. I picked up the black bag and pulled on the clean clothes. I stuffed the old ones in to the black bag. I pulled on my Ray-Ban shades and pushed my phone into my jeans pocket. I swapped my bracelets around and sighed looking Jane in the eye.

"Bye little one, take care of yourself and that brother of yours" I pulled out my blue journal and ripped out a page writing a few word on the page. I handed it to Jane.

She nodded and hugged me.

"I'm not that little. I'll try but you know Alec when he gets an idea in his head." She chuckled

I had finally gotten back to my car my boots the only sound coming from either of us. I slid into the drivers seat and waved. As I pulled out of the city I turned on the C.D player to find my Micheal Jackson C.D was in and was playing you are not alone.

After driving for nearly two days I pulled out the phone and made a call to our home line. I put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" Jasper asked

"Jazz, hi you have no clue how good it is to hear your voice put me on speaker." I squealed

"Guys it's Emily." he called

There were thuds and foot steps and I heard glass smash.

"Hi, so guess what." I got to the point

"Your not staying over there are you?" Nessie squeaked

"Even better Ness, I'm coming home." I screamed

"No way this fast what happened?" Emmett asked stunned

"Well I found out what my ability was and begged to go home" I grinned

"So what can you do?" Carlisle inquired

"Guys they way I'm driving I'm gonna be home in like 1 or 2 hours. I wanna show you." I giggled.

"Aunt Emily's coming home momma" Nessie screeched

"Hurry up we can wait but I don't think Ness can" Esme Chuckled

"I'll do my best. See you guys soon." My voice layered with pain.

There was a chorus of byes and I miss yous before the line went dead.

I pushed the accelerator in farther bringing my speed up to 120mph. I drove for what seemed like ages but when you have eternity was exactly is ages? I pulled into the drive and noticed the sun was shinning brightly in the sky. Oh Joy! Not. I lifted my bag and opened the door stepping inside I was hit with the smell of dog, vanilla and dust. I think there may have been a hint of f coconut in there too.

"I'm home" I yelled

Thud from upstairs were heard and suddenly I was bombarded with hugs.

"I was so worried I couldn't see you. I had no clue what happened." Alice panicked.

"I'm fine I wanna show you guys this." I pulled them all out side to the clearing.

I thought of what Alec said to me in Italy and suddenly even though I knew it wasn't true it made me mad and suddenly the crack of thunder and the flash of lighting had joined us. The rain soon followed. I was now able to keep the storm going but calmed my self down.

"Wow and the Volturi didn't want to keep you?" Rosalie laughed

"Course they did. Hello it's me but I wanted to go home to where I belong" I smiled

"Okay Morbius inside." Esme joked ushering everyone inside.

"You know I'm glad to be home." I smiled and flopped onto the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Italian translation.

Amore - Love

Caro - Dear

Sarò di ritorno presto- I'll be back soon

Così molto- so much

Amore. Dobbiamo andare - Love we need to leave now.

Comments are loved. This is not the end!
In 2 days I am another year older. Joy!
Carlisle if your reading this I am more than willing to become a Cullen!
I don't want to age!

Peace & Love
Natalie V xXx