Sleepless Nights Don't Get Much Better

Promise me you'll never feel afraid

Weeks of sun had kept us in the house not that we could do much, the forecast had predicated a few weeks of sun, so of course I couldn’t turn up and make the clouds appear, suspicious much? So we stayed home, of course the student body thought we were camping. How stupid were they? Carlisle still went to work and Nessie ran about down at the reservation.

“We’re back and we have company.” Jacob shouted as he cam through the door Nessie behind him. What I didn’t notice of course was the boy behind them.

It was the same boy who made my throat burn, that made me stammer and feel confused. He stood there beside Jacob and he looked like a stick. He was so thin and he wasn’t tanned like the pack, no he was a normal colour sorta’ pale, not as pale as we were but pale.

“Alex these are the Cullen’s, Emily is the one who looks like she’s attending a funeral , Esme in the kitchen, the butch one is Emmett and the small one is Alice.” He smiled looking pleased with him self.

I looked to Alice and seen that she had her ‘face’ on. I rubbed my temples and ignored the burning.

“Ali, what did you see?” I asked quietly so only me and her could hear

“Him, he’s going to join the family.” she grinned

“Hey, I know you, your in my English and advanced Italian class.” Alex smiled

“Oh, yea, you’re Lix the kid I ran into in the hall before lunch.” I grinned trying not to seem uncomfortable.

“We’ll I have art to do, so I’m gonna go up to my room, but it was nice seeing you again.” I waved and ran at what seemed slow motion, up the stairs and into my room.

I sighed and shut the door. I slid open the glass door and pulled my easel and canvas outside. I pulled the table outside and focused on making the different shades of purple blend and match.

My door was pulled open but I focused on painting the picture that lay on the small table. I concentrated on painting the woman’s pained expression and ignored my visitor.

“Excuse me, I know you said you had art to do, but have I done something to offend you?” Alex asked in a small voice

Oh great now I had hurt the kids feelings.

“No, it’s not you, it’s just very complicated, I don’t mean to hurt your feeling I’m just not good with people is all.” I sighed feeling very guilty

“I get it.” He laughed

“No that’s just it Alex you don’t get it!” I said feeling very agitated

“Well explain then” He smirked sitting down on my purple matt.

“I can’t it’s complicated.” I growled suddenly getting very angry with this kid.
“It can’t be more complicated than, Jake turning into a huge dog to save the res.” He laughed and then slapped his hand across his mouth

“You know?” I gasped

“Know what? I don’t know anything.” He muttered nervously.

“You know about the ‘cold ones’ and why Jake is like that don’t you.” I asked my eyes lighting up with delight.

“But, how… I mean…” He started

“Alex follow me.” I grinned pulling him up and down the hall to find Jasper.

I passed the family in the living room and turned to Alice.

“Ali, have you seen, Jazz about?” I asked

“Your going to tell him, he’s in the clearing.” She squealed in excitement.

“You know pulling you along is slowing me down, Get on.” I commanded

He hopped on my back and I took off, full speed ahead into the forest to find Jasper. I passed deer and different creatures none of them even smelling like Jasper had been close. That was until I seen him.

“Jazz!” I screamed and jumped into his arms for a hug

“Your getting as bad as Edward.” He joked

“Jazz, this is Alex Black…he’s the one.” I grinned

“No!” He gasped truly shocked

“Yes.” I laughed

“Wow, my little sister all grown up. Well then This can only mean your gonna’ tell him!” He smiled

I nodded and gestured for Jazz and Alex to sit down.

“Okay, Alex..” I started

“It’s Lix m’lady.” He cut me off

“Okay Lix, well you know the legend of the ‘cold ones’ so … damn this is hard hold on I’ll start again, okay you know the way that Jake only becomes a wolf when the ‘cold ones’ are around?” I asked and he nodded in understanding.

“Okay then, every Vampire has a singer, a blood singer that is, and well Edward has Bella, Emmett has Rose, Ali has Jazz and Carlisle has Esme, I’m the only one who hasn’t found my blood singer.” I explained

His eyes grew wide and I looked at Jasper in panic. He nodded and I took a shaky, unneeded breath.

“Well, Lix… I guess what I’m trying to say is that, it’s you, I’ve know since that day I knocked you over in school. You’re my blood singer, la tua cantante” I smiled

“What? Emm sorry you have me confused, I know what you guys are Jake spilled the beans ages ago, but I can be this la tua cantante you speak of. I just I…” He stuttered

“Lix I can’t make a mistake like that, do you know how many times in class I’ve wanted to rip you to pieces and drink your blood? I really don’t think you do. You have no clue, none at all. I really don’t think you even come close to understanding!” I screamed

I was letting my emotions get the best of me. The clouds started to cover the sun and it started to mizzle.

“I just, well I suppose it’s better than being a dog.” He laughed

I looked to Jazz and we cracked up laughing.

“You mean it?” I asked my eyes wide with something strange not excitement or hope. This feeling made me feel like I was flying, I was on top of the world and no one was bringing me down.

“So Jake has me filled in, when do I join the family.” He grinned

My lips curved into a smile and I crushed him the biggest hug ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there you go lix, you got me to update ^_^
Comments are like muffins I eat im all up

Peace & Love
Natalie Vengeance